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w ��� <br /> ������ ���'�J��� ������ �1�� <br /> � _. _ __ —� -_ _ �_ _e _i _- __ — __ - — __. _ -- —_ ._ - - _ __ __- __ <br /> _ _. ..�-. �_:, .__:=.��.��-�AI6 JOLRALA.L,�CDMPAD.IY LINC�LN.NEB_._. ... .__ . _ .. .. __ _ _ __ __ _ _ <br /> FRD.M I lzereby certif� that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> , Index ancl fEled for reeord this...............�._�______.__._____day of,_________�_e�.'�.eml�Er.. <br /> -h_lic_�...A.----�Q�p�r-.---tif�-i-dIIw-------------------------------� <br /> ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ <br /> �larrantp .�. D. i91 , at.-----------11-%5-�-----------------------------o'cZock--A---------�. <br /> TO �eeD. p <br /> -------------------------------�rz"�-�___�------------'�`_�y <br /> - ------�--- ------ ----� <br /> - - ---- <br /> Re�ister o Deeds, <br /> -------------------------------------��.r r i e---�=-----H Q�t�n-------------------- <br /> 8�--------�--------------------------------------------------------------------------�---.._._..---� <br /> Deputz�. <br /> ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------� <br /> �no� aYY �en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br /> That-----I-.--.�.].-z-��- �...__C.o_o.par.- a--�rid_ow-:----------------------- ----- -- -------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------- <br />'� �---------------�--------- ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the Courcty of--------H�1-1-----------------------------and State of-----------------.------------I�Te oruska.----------------------------.---------------Grantor.------------.,in consideration <br /> --- --- <br /> o the sum o Une Doll�,r,-��nd-_.�.oYe__.�s�--�,f_�e_c�_i.Qn-�--------- - - - - ------ -- ---------------------------------------�-=�` <br /> ,., f f------------------------------ ----------------------- — <br /> in hand paid,do.__.____._._._.__.herebr� GR.qNT,B.qRG�IN,SEI,L,.gND C,ONVEY'unto..._Tpy__.�.Light_er_,__..Cra.rrl-e--�.---HO-�xI---------------------- <br /> -------------------------------------- - - --- -------------------------- <br /> --- ------- - ---------------- ------------- <br /> II o the Countr o Ht:�.11.._----, arcd State o _-_-------___-_-P7e k�r�ska -- -----------__------_-_-., (�rantee---------•, the followin� <br /> f � f---- ------ f <br /> ____. . <br /> described premises, situated in the G`ountr� of ____ ___Hc�.l l___ _ ____ _________ f <br /> ______and State o Nebraska, to-wat: <br /> _ <br /> _Th�__�e s_�_e�ly--F ar-��Z---�4-Q-)----��-e-t--��--L o t---?�?i,ne----�-9-)--?-z�---j�l o ck---Fif t e e-n---t-15--�----o_f_--�ha.r-1.e-s---�'as�er!--�--l�dc�i-�-- <br /> .tion -to---the---Cit�---Qf--Gr_ans�--.I.�.lan-�,----x1Ql�r_�..s_k�._,--�ein�'> �--r°c-t_�_r��;_ul�r---?=�-1�-�-a-- �f �-ro�nd----'-�.a.ving- �--------�- <br />' _S o�a t�1.P r-1,3t---�'s_�_nta�;�----o-�"--��---f-e-e-t-----an_Kae_ni�---�-t-ree�_--un-d---�;.----�e;,.th---nf--1�-2--feP-t-,;----�nd---ad 3-oin-�ng----t�e----------- <br /> _E_�st�-�'��---;.:.�lf_._of---I,�-t-�-in_,.s�icL_�1Q�k*---�o��v_QZVne�1-=u}---t�he----�r_�n-te-e--L�-�x-e-1-n.------- ------------------------------------- <br /> ,,;, ---------------- -------- - ----------------- -- ------- ------------------------------- ------------------�._--------------- <br /> _ ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ <br /> � <br /> --- ----------- -- ------- ------------------- - - �- ------- ---------------- -------- <br /> , <br /> ----•--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------ - ---------�-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the. Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, , <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor..___,�d-rrf�ea��is�f-t,�xez�,of,i�z or to the same,or any part thereof. <br /> �o �abe ana to �olD the above-described premises, with the appurtenc�nces, unto the said Grant,ee.______._and to___��_T________________ <br /> heirs and assi�sns forever. .qnd___�_____.___.hereby covenant______.._.with the said Grantee.___....__that________________I________________..__hold.._._..._.said premi4es <br /> h� �ood and perfeet title; t,hat_._..____,__..___I.__________1aaVe____�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convez� the same; that they are <br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbranees whatsoeaer --- ,' <br /> �gy�_____._____________.____.______._I______________._ covenant..__._..__to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the Zazvful elaims of all <br /> personswhomsoever-------� ------------- ---- ---------------_..._...-------------------------- - ----- �-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the_------------��r.d------------------------------da� of--------------- ---g�u�� ------ ------.1. D. 19-1$------ <br /> ,,, <br /> W'I3'NF.SS ` �l i c e_.__A._..C o_op e-r--------------------�---------� <br /> T °-------------- --------------------°°-------------------°---°---------------------------------- <br /> -----------------------------�_c?lZr._.�il�,�._n.------------------------------------------------ <br /> ST.-4TE OF NEBR.gSK'.1, <br /> ss. <br /> __Hull----------------------- County, On this.-------------2��..n4�------------------da�J �f-----��USt-----------------------------------.g. D. 19_.18-------, before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notar� Public.______.__._._._________.._____._._.__.within and for said Countz�, personallz� came.__.._____ _..._..._-------.-.-._------------------ <br /> ---- --F lic_e:-F-•----�-o�c��r->--a--�i�i_ow r--------- ------ ------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personallz� knozvn to be the identical person______zvhose name.__________ls______________.__.-_____afJixed to the <br /> aboue instrumer�t as �rantor________.,and.._....__sh@___ ___________.�aer�,�-acknowled�ed the same to be_____heT_.____.__.. <br /> voluntary aet and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> (� F P_ L� IN W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subseribed my name and af�ixed my ofj"icial seal at <br /> . Gsand.._Isl�.n�l 1.r1,--Sa,�.�.---C-�Li21t- -- ---------------on the date last above written. <br /> r---- �.-------- <br /> ------------------------------,7ohn,---��_?_.�n-- -------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> .NIz� eommission expires----------.Tu,X).�-�--"1K2_4-•----------------------------------------------------------------------�------------- <br />