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��� r <br /> ��J�J� ����JJ�_��� JI����/J� �'�MJ� <br /> � <br /> �. ,__ -- --- -_ . _ _ <br /> 62442—�rnrF IOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN.NEB. _.._. __' '_' _ _-- — _— —^— — <br /> FRO��l9 I hereb,y certi,fz� t,hat this instrum,ent, was entered on Numeri-cal <br /> Inde,x �n,d fcled for record this.-----.._11-------------da� of----��pt�ir;.k2�-S-,------. I, <br /> ---2�e_lliP--L'---�i0�e• L`_'1_dOV�------- ------------ <br /> - - ----- - ---- - --- --.__ - - ----------- <br /> �4arrantp .�. D. r�.8:--- , �t- ----11�-5� -----------------------o'clock------�-----,M• <br /> �eea. � - � <br /> TO <br /> ��_{n <br /> -------------�����----------�--------------- ----------------------------- <br /> Re�' er of Deeds, <br /> -----------------�G.-r--r-i�-�-�-•-Horr��n---- ---------- --- <br /> B�J--------------------------------------------------------------�-------�-------------------------� <br /> Deput�. <br /> �no� aYY �en �p ��je�e `�re�en��: <br /> That.----I,--PSe l_lie-�'� ho�e�--�vici�v�a- - --- - ---- --- -- -- - --- ------- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- <br /> --------- ------- -------- ------- ----- ------ ---- __-- - - - ----- ---- --------------------�---- -------------------- �--- <br /> o the Gount o Y��,,�,�.________ _________and State o ' � � <br /> f ' �J f- ------�- f--- ---------- - -- - ------ -----e.bru,S,-�-------------------.Grantor.-------------an consaderation <br /> o}the sumo}'-- -T_�zree- hunc�red ���1G�0- --'----- - - - - - - ----------------�-----------------------.DOLL.�RS, <br /> ------------------ --------------------------------------- - -- - --� ----- <br /> �. <br /> in hand pa,id,do. hereb� GR✓1NT,.B.�4RG.gIN, SEI,L,.FIND CONVEY'unto.__._____ Currie___C.____Fi__Omc�21_________.________________________________..____________ <br /> of the Courat� of--- --- - --�3dl-1,----- - - -- -- a.nd State of.---- -- -- <br /> --- ----------�e b_;c;,S kc�,----------., (�rantee-------•, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in th,e Countz� of..___________________________________�ia_ll_____________,_____._______and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> --- -- ------ --- ---- ----�- ---- ---- --- ---- --=-- ------- ----------- --- ---------- - �-----------------------.._.-------------------------------------------- <br /> T-Yie----��st_e�'-��.---h�;.lf_-�-F2-)---Q�'---�Qt___w�i,�;:nt----(-£3-)----z-n---�_1Q_�k__F_a_#'te�-n----(-�5-�---�f---C��.x_le_s._""�._�xrie_r!�---Ad�.i.t_i_o.n.-------. <br /> �_�_t_k��-�-i.t;� --Q-:£- Gr_�.r�d---I_s_lan�i.--i�e:r�r_wska.� -a�- s�y?���,---P1�.t t��d. an�3---r_e_�;_Qr��3r--�-he- s��Bing---a-------- <br /> _���_�_ang_ulu�---;��_i_ec-e----of---�;x_o_u.n-d---ndvi-n�--a.---c�nutYie x-l�----f.x_Qn��$----�f_--�-E�__.f e_e'�----�n.--.Kn�r.i�----�'�x e e-t----wn�i--u--------- <br /> de�;t n.-o f--13_2__fe et.------------------ <br /> ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- - <br /> ,• I.R" ,-?��.mp;� <br /> ----------- <br /> --- --- ---- - -- --- C'�,n c e I�e d.------- - ------- -------- -------- <br /> ------- -------- . <br /> - ------------ ----------- --------�-- --------- ------- ----------'------- - -------- ------- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> T�s�thn,r zvith, all t,h,e tenements, lzereditaments, and appurtena.nces th,ereunto belon�in�, and a,l.l, the Estate, Risht, Title, Irctere,st., <br /> Dou�er, Czt,rt,es�, Claim an�� Demand rvlzatsoer�er of the said Grantar___._.,�d-o��at�er��f—t�h,e�of, irt or to the same,or an� part thereof. <br /> �a �abe an� to �oi� the ahove-describe,d premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Crant.ee________and to______.___..__her_____ <br /> lr.eir.s arzd assisrzs forever. ./�nd._______I_______hereby cor�enant_________zvith the said Grantee_________that______________1______. ..hold_______.said ptemises <br /> bz� �SOOd and perfect title; t,hat._.___.____..I______.______ha:__Ye.�ood ri�ht and lawful auth,ority to sell and convez� the same; that they are <br /> free and elear of all liens and ineumbrances whatsoever------ -- �----- ------------------ --- - - ---- ----------------- - --- -------------------- -- <br /> .fln,d ___I_____________________________________.______________covenant__.__.__to warrant and defercd the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all <br /> person,s u�homsoever- - - -- --- -- ---------- - - -- - ------------- - -- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- <br /> I ---__ - --- -- ---- -- ' --- - ----- ---- - -- -- - - ------- ------------------------------------•------------------------------- - -` <br /> 5 tn June - - - - -- -- -_.-4. D. 19-1�--- <br />, Dated thc__-- ---------------------- -dcc?1 °f---- -- - <br /> �; <br /> W'ITNESS <br /> - ---Ne 11 i e---B-----HO�-e------------------�--------------- <br /> . ---------- ---------.T_ohn A11�.n----------�---------------------------- <br /> ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------- <br /> / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ST.gTE OF .N'EBR.gSK'�1, <br />' ss. <br />' ------ --------�i,l-7. ---- ------._ Countz�, On this_-- -----------�-�-h- --------------day of_---------------------�T_LinE---------------------�. D. 19--18-------, before me, <br /> t,he urzdersisned, a Notarz� Public-----__-_--_-__-_-----_---------_-----within and for said County, personallr� came..-_--------_-_-....---_--------------_.-----•--__----------_--.. <br /> ---------------------------I���_l�.l-�--�'----�_Q�e-s---�----1'_�(1.5�_Q�'t,►-------------------�-------------------------------_._-------------------°--------------------- <br /> -- ---------- ------------------------------------ --------------- --------- ------------------------------------------•--------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personallz� known to be the iderztical person________whose name._______��_______.....................afj�xed to the <br /> above instrument as �rantor______.,and.________..She._._________:�erreree�l�y�-acknowled�ed the same to be.__...___he_Z'..-_._.. <br /> z:oluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> (S F F� I,� IN W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mz� name and afj"ixed m� of�'icial seal at <br /> __�T�,.x�c�__Islc�.nd,__,_in___�ui�___G_c_un��r,___ .__.on the date last above written. <br /> -------------- -----------------------------�-Qhr�.---A�.lr�z�-------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> Jan. 5-1924. =--------------�------------- <br /> ✓Yly eommission expires---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />