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��� � <br /> �?J�1� ��,��J�J��JJ' _�����J� ����J <br /> _ _ _ :_ _ :� e� _�_ - _ � _ _. . _ _ _ . <br /> g2�4�—STnTH JOIIRNAL COMPANY LINCOLN,NEB. � .. . .. .. . y` � .__ _ __ _ � _ - <br /> . : . . .. . . . ' ' ._. ._. ,.- . .:'_ �.' - -.=.. .___ —._ _.__ _ :.. _ . . <br /> . .. . ,.. .. . . _ ._.�.� ___=-.._._.._..:�._�_..:"——`_ "._— v�.—.'"'__.._ — � �—�-� <br /> FPO.,l� I here,by eerti,f� that, thi4 instrument was entered on Numeri,cal <br /> ------------- Inclex and filed for record this.----------3--------------------daJ of---------"'e�?terilb8r <br /> R�s�,--Evans,--'�2 d ow----� - -- -- ------�------ <br /> - ----- - ----- ----- ---TO- - --- --- ----- --------- <br /> �aCCaqtp ./1. D. 19.1$--- -�, at_- --------------------o'clock-----P------.M. <br /> �eea. � �-��a-� ���,�_y�_ <br /> �� �- - <br /> --------------------------------------�--------------------- --------------------- --�--------- <br /> Re�sister of eeds, <br /> __.�_Q;t�r�__���icI,�1_J��z�---�c--�'Vu,lt_e r_V4t._G_aI lu�---- <br /> BJ----�--�-----------------------------------------�------------------------------------ <br /> Deputz�. ' <br />'I ----- -- <br /> -- ----------- - ------------- --------- --------- <br /> �no� aY� �.en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br /> That _I,____R__osa_Tvdns1 wi3o_�v2___CdeQisee under the �Iill of my _la�e __�r�ther_,.__.Samuel__Moll,___rq�___nasne <br /> :��-�n�--'�he_r�in-�iv�n--�s "-��s��__.Eyans) - ---- ------- -- -- -------- <br /> --------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> o th,e Countz o J�3 _______.Grantor.__.._______.,irc eonsideration <br /> }� J f------------ �?�r -----and State of-- - ------ ------ - ---I OW�,------------ -- -- -------- - --� <br /> o}'ta�e sum o}-----x_en_thnusan�i--f o_ur_--hundxed---�.Q�10-Q---------------- _DOI,L.�RS, <br /> in hand paid,do__, herebz� GRd4✓Y'T,B�IRG.�4IN, SEI,L,.�ND CONVEY'unto._Joh�_.Mc�PI_�._�z�.,_�nd___�alt_e_x_""�___G�l�.ug�____. <br /> ----------- ------------------------�eucn- t o-huv e-an un�.iv_ided--half.---�nt_�_xPst-1----------_ ------------------ <br /> of the Countr� of_-__-___-_----------II2,11 f -_-Ne_bZ'ask�,------_- .., Qrarctee--�-----, the followin� . <br /> - --- - -- ------._and State o ..------- -- ------- <br /> r1,e.scribed premises, situated in the County of.._________.__._____Hd.11___,_______________,___________________arcd State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> T:�e �o�ath..nalf Q�'-t-h�--�_o_�t-h--�v�s�- �u�.r�er ���- II�--S��')---A�-�ec�io�--��-hir-ty-�fou�c___�.3�--�----��----_�_czwxtsh�p <br /> E_�s_v en----(-11_�_..�Iort h,---s��---�3.�.n�e---E1e_y�n---f-11_)----tVe_�t---o-f---�he_--�th.__�.?,�_�i,--.----�.on�ainin�--8 Q---�a.c_r�s..----a�_c_�r�iing._. <br /> t a--t he--G oY�rnme nt__s urvey�---t he re-of-- ----- --------- -------------- ---------- ----------- --------- -- --------------------------- -- -- ---------- <br /> ----- ------ ------ ------------------ --- �-------------- --- ----------- <br /> -------------- -- ----- ----- - �'�`9`. 0 0 I.R.� �p S, ; <br /> ;t..��.Ca.n.ce11_e_d�---------------)-------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----- --------------------------- - ------ ----- --------� ---------------------------------- ----------------------- --------- ---------------------------- -=-------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�e�ther u�ith all t1�e tenements, h,ereditaments, and appurtenances thereacnto belon�ina, an,d all th,e Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Irtterest,, <br /> Dozoer, Cu,rtes�, Claim a�zd Demand whatsoever of the sar,d Grantor___-, cznt�'e�at,�a+ere��l�r�,�of, in or to the, same,or anz� part thereof. <br /> �o �?abe anD to �oID the above-described premises, with the appurtenanees, unto the said Grant,ee___S____and to_.�he�T___________ <br /> h,eir.s and assi�ns forez�er. �nd____I_._.______herebz� coaenant________with the said Gran,tee__-_._that______________�__,___�_._..__..____hold._________said pre,mises <br /> h� s���� cznd perfect title; th,at._._..___.�______.______.____ha__Y�__sood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to setl and convez� the same; that thez� are <br /> free ancl clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever___eXCP�?t___cs.__moTt��;�.�G____Of___�15_Q_Q.QQ__.1X_1___f�_V__o�___Uf___Hfi�'r�____B._A�.r <br /> free•--recorde�--1n__Book--42f--�-��� 4-��� =��7ch.---�'�_th--�.r�t�rP_�t-�t-���--z�e�----���----�'�x_Qm_._���'��-��-].91a-�----�� <br /> �,rwnt�es- h�-�a-�n--�s��� �nd__��;r��-�� �� a�-���rt- of.--s_�id- �o�sid�x�t--i-Qn--------------------------------�------------------------ <br /> ✓lnd____________._______...___I______ warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all <br /> pe,rsons whomsoever._6XC8;�,t c`iS t 0 Su,ld [CiOI''��a�e______._.__.__ . <br /> i Dated the_ ----31--------- ------------------da o -./1. D. 19---1$---- <br /> ?J f - --Au�USt - -- - ---- <br /> I W'ITNESS ------------Ro_�a__�va�i�------------------_._--------------------------- <br /> -------�-------------------------t�-r--�-d---���-�-�---------------------------------- <br /> -------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- <br /> I ------------------------------------------------------<---------------------------------------------------- <br />�� --------- - -- ----�1.�'_._P_An�uit�-------------------------------- <br /> �----------------------------'------- ----------------------------------- <br /> ST.�4TE OF � _� <br /> ss. <br /> -----------`-Td� --er--------------.._ Count ,� On th,is----------------------31---------da�J �f-------------------------------�-�-'--------,---�----✓1. D. 19.1$-------- be ore me <br /> P ?� , f , <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarz� Public________.___._._______________________.._within and for said County, personall� came_..,_�___________.____.______.___._......................._._.... <br /> -�-------------------_�a��a.__Ev_�n�.,---�-v�id_Qw.------------------------------------------------------------�-=-----�- --------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personall� known to be the identical person_______wlaose name._________________1S_.____..__._...__..___czf�'ixed to the <br /> above instrument as �rantor___._._.,�______________-�enembdy►ackraowled�ed the same to be___.__.hB.r________. <br /> voluntarz� act an.d deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> (S �'+.� A L} IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subseribed my name and affixed my ofjicial seal at <br /> __GQl�zLX.. 153.___;��15�__.C�t1X1��7 _________________.____on the date last above written. <br /> t------ d--i--------------- <br /> -------------------------------------------�Q�_Ea_Pen�uit-�----------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ✓YI� eommission expires------�7u1�?_---4-l1921-'----------------------------------------------------------------------�- <br /> -------------- <br />