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� ��_� <br /> J D ���j � � � ���/ ,W�J��'�� ���� �����Oj <br /> � � � <br /> __��=- ---� =- ----- -:__ -_ --- _ --- - - -- -- -- --- - - ----- - <br /> - -----_ __ _ . _ - -- - <br /> STA7��10UiENAL C6NIPANP.L1NC6LN IV86�: "_--.- _.__-� _'.__� _ _____ __._.-_.�--�-------==:_-...-'-�_----."_--- --_.-- . _ __ ;_-`--=_- - - -- -- --- <br /> -_--��=._-_'---- --- ...._�.�.�i_---` -.-:.-�'._ . . ... . . . . __ . _ _ ... : .._- .. . ._._. .. .._-° <br /> FRO.M I herebz� certifz� that this instrum.ent was entere,d on Numerical <br /> Index and fcled for record thi,s._.______..� of_.._�����1D.bPY'._.____. <br /> -------J_Q�n__t�±._._.�?eYUp_s_t_�r_._�iin�l---�ri_f.e-------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ � � <br /> -- �larrantp �. D. 19_-�$------, at ------_2_-------------------------------o'clock-------P_----✓11. <br /> TO $�ea. �/;���_�'`/�,�_�-1-,�; <br />�, --------------------- - - ----- -_ - - - --- -• -----------------------� <br /> Re�ist�ef Deeds, <br /> -----------------------��;,r�:---A�rn�-�-�-e-x----------------------------------- <br /> 8�-------------------------------------------------------�---------�-------------------------- <br /> Deput�. <br /> �n4�ro aYY �.en �p �C�je�e �re�ent�: <br /> ThatX�, TOh21 �1,1?er��-�t�x- �n-d--I�ar.i_Q.n� -Ds.m�-�-�e-r-.---hu�_b�ns�--�.nci_..�vif_e------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- <br /> of the County of_Los--Ei���_�.e�-----------and State of-------- -----------C�a.-7�f_Q_x21�.�--------------------------------Grantor.---�_-----.,in eonsideration <br /> of the sum of- .Qri�--AC11.1�.T_I$Q�10_0_- - - - - - - - -------�-_ ---- - --- ------------ -------------------------��--DO .qR <br /> _ _ , <br /> ---------------------'----------=----------------------------------- � <br /> i,n hartd paid,do---__--__--_._.h,erebi� C�R.�INT,B�RG.IIN, SEI,L,.,4ND CONVEY'unto---_-__I�l�rk---Dempst-e-r--__-- __--_-_------__-_---------------- <br /> Ne praska__________________.___, the ollowin <br /> of the Count� �}�- ----------------- --Hc�.11-------------------- -------_and State of.-- - ----- - -------------� C�rantee---------� f � <br /> described pnemises, situated in the County of______________.__.______H�i.11_________._.._________._.__________.__and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> ----Lot----E_l�_v�n---�_�.1..}_,-_�1Q�k---T-v�►Q--���---in--�ux�.���---�idd�.t_i�on-t-o--Don?��h�n.---2��b��s-k��--------�------------- <br /> ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -=--s-_-�.--�- -------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> -------- <br /> . ( .50 I.R. St�np <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------- --- ---------------------------------------- ----�ar�ee3�3�ed�----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> �.�.____w_� .�--� <br /> ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ --- -- -� ------- -------- - <br /> To�ether wit,h adl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurt,enances thereunto belongin�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br /> Dower, Cz�rtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said GrantorS__.,-�an�l-a��at.kere�t�ne�a' �',in or to the same,or any part thereof. <br /> �o �abe an� to �ol� the above-deseribed premises, zvith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________.arcd to._._h3..8__,___.______._. <br />, h.eirs and assi�ns forever. .Ind___W�____.._.hereby covenant._______with the said Grantee____.___that_____.______.____�P�_._____.._.____hold.._.__._.said premises <br /> b� sood �znd perfect title; tTiat__._._.__.....y�tg_.____,_______lza�?:e__._�ood right and lawful authority to sell and conve�the same; that they are <br /> free and elear of al,l liens arcd incumbrance,s zvhatsoeaer ---------- ------------ ------ --- ---�-- ----- <br />, --------------------------�---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> .lnd.____.________'___�YB __._____________..__ warrant and defend the said premises asaixtst the lawful cl,aims nf all <br /> personsr��homsoever----------- ------- --- - - - ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•----------- <br /> ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------•---•-----•------- <br /> ------------ --- <br /> ' Dat,ed the_--------------------•------6------------------------daT� °f--------------Mc3.y- - ------ - -- - ._.g. D. 19-1$_---- <br /> W7TNESS �-------------�T-'---V�,___DeTA.p.s t.��'--------------------------�---------------------� <br /> ----------------Mr s_.:�s�r_].a.�..D�.�inF s t��--------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------T'--��-�---HPrri_ck------------------------------------ <br /> ----------------------------------i''-'----�----HP r r i c k-------------------------------- <br /> ---- - ---- --------- ----- ----------- --------------.. <br /> ST�TE OF��I�'ORTTI�A <br /> ss. <br /> ---------�►a�---��t��7��s---__Count�, On this_------2�--------------- - �J t---------------------�dy------------------------------.�. D. 19--1a-------, be ore me, <br /> ------------da o _ f <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_____._.....__.________..__.________within and for said County, personally came.__________________________......___......-._.----•---------------• <br /> -----------------J olZZl--W.--p�mp�-�-�-r--and--�.��x i_an----I�ern���-e-r,------hus_ban�.---and__wif�----.\.----------------------- <br /> ------------ ------------------------------ -------------------------- ---- <br /> ----------------------- --------------------------------------------.. <br /> e. <br /> to me personall� known to be t,he identieal personS______zvhose name__S__F�T@________.__._.___...._afrixed to the, <br />' above irzstrument as �rantor_�__.__,and_._____t_hey______________severally ackrzozvled�ed the same to be____t_�.4'.�.x'_.__. <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> (5 F A I.� IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto .subscribed my name and afJixed my of)icial seal at <br /> Pasadena_,___in__s�i�d___c ount�r�__________________________.____,__.__on the d,ate last above written. <br /> ----------------------A..---K,.----He_a.�----------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> p ,My commission expires._._�e�t_ _15th,____1921. �______________ <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />