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��� � � <br /> ��1LI�� ��L��JJ�J�_�� ���� ���JJO` ' <br /> . � ,B���Ia-S�ATE JOURNAI COMPANY LINCOLN.NEB. . .. .. ... . .._ ' . ....., . `'., _ ,:._ ..,. . , " .�. .-,...-_ --.�- . _. . ____.-,._.____�__ .,_.._�..___._._.. .r"- ____..r__ _,_._.__-._ <br /> FRO�h� I herehz� eerti,fj t,hat this instrzcment was entered on JV'umerical � <br /> William R. Gllch�'lst 8c wife zrr,d,ex ��nd file,d for record this.-------2-Q-----------------day of------------A.]�lg_118�--.-----. <br /> ------- --- ------ --------- ---- -- ------ --------------- <br /> �larrantp ✓1. D. 19.-18-- ---, at. -1_--------------------�-------------o'clock--------P.__.M. <br /> - ---- ------ ------ - ------ --------------- . <br /> �eea �i�-� �� <br /> T� -`�------------�tQ��� <br /> --------------------- --------`-Q=� - ---------------------- <br /> Resist of Deeds, <br /> - ------T_?��_Q�o r-�--�ti'o e l� ---------------------- <br /> B�J-------------------------------------------------------------------------��-------------..._..---- <br /> Deput�. <br /> �no�ro aYY �1.en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br /> That._1Y�_,--Y�i_lli�.m R= -Gi.lchr.i�� �.n� Haze1 P-•�k�lri-st:---hi.s__x!ife-,-------------------------------------------------------�----------------------- . <br /> o the Count o Ha.11---------------and State o ._----------------N6bTa3ka.----------- _-----------=------------------------.._Grarctor.--�-----.,in eo�csideration <br /> f � f----- - ------ f - - -------- <br /> o}the sum o}�-5e�v_ent_e_er.---Yiundre_d--fif'��'---�i��l�-�-----�----�---^-----------�---`------�----"---'------ ---- ._.__-----------------------------------------DoI�L.�RS, <br /> i,n yzand paid,do-----------_-_..__.hereby GR.l�NT,B�qRG.�4I N', SE.I,L,°qND COJV'VEY'unto-__-2'.he OdOZ'e-_�081Z------_-_-_---_---------__---_------_------------_---_---- <br /> of the Count� of _---,�ra.-11--.----- and State o}.--------------Nebras�Ca------------------------------, Grantee---------, the followin� <br /> de.scribed remises, sita�ated irz the Count o _________.._,_________�1_�._._ _._______and State o Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> A ?� }--- - --- }� <br /> T x,,�--��,s���_oux_--��-�---f s_�t---o�__�,o�--�-iX----(fi-�-,---a].1__of_Zo t--;�-�_Y�n.--�-�-�----�,n d_..t�a,e--gre�-�-�-x�.Y---�h�r_ty__-nin�---- <br /> (_�9_)___f�_�t____of__�,ot_,EiE,�t____(_$�__.i�___��,ock__S�x____�6�___of__�harles_Wasm�r's____�_dditi,ora___t o___the__C.�.ty_____of___Gr_�.�d <br /> _�slc.nd-�---Nebrask�.,_t�ie _rvhole z�'-�-�-n�--�,---r�_�_t_�z?�.ul��---�iece---of--g_T_q.l�nd--hs�vin�---�,----Souther_�____front-�;�----- <br /> of__,95___feet__on__Di_v_ision__Str_e__et___an_d___a___det�th__of___13_�.__feet. <br /> --- ------ ------ ---------- -- ----- ---- --------- -------- -------------------- --------------- <br /> -- - ----- <br /> _._._.___..__.,_,._...F.,.. <br /> ,2.00 I. R. Stampa <br /> --------- --------- ---------- --------------- ------- ---��r�ee-�:le��----�-��:��--------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- ---- ------------- <br /> T�s�tT�er uri,tTz all the terzements, hereditaments, and appurt,e,nances th,ereunto belonsin�, arcd al,l the Estate, Risht, Title, Int,erest,, <br /> Dower, CLr,rtn��, Claim and Demand wh,atsoever of the said Granto�___.;et��'eJ�ctiae�'vf tk�r�t,of, in or to the same,or a»y part theTeof. <br /> �o �abe attD tu �oI� th,e above-de,seribed premises, zvith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee______and to____,______Yl._��_________ <br /> h,eirs aya,d assi,sns forever, .flnd_.____Q!!e_____hereby covenant_._.___.with the said Grant,ee._________that______�le__________________.____.hold.______said premises <br /> h� saod and perfect t,itle; Lhat____.__6Y�_____________hap�.____5ood ri�ht and lawful. authority t,o sell and convey the same; that they are <br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever___EXCe�t___Unpa.lci___pav121�;__tt�Xes_,___to__wY1�Ch_'�$.��____�_Q�?4�y_£�t1�.� <br /> ls---m�d�--sub,�_e�t-- ------- <br /> ----- -- ----- ----------- ---------- -------- --------- ------- --------- - ------------------------ -- --- - --------------------------------------------------------------�----- <br /> .gnd_.__________..____-___..__�te________________________________________covercant.__.____to warrant and defen,d tlae said premi-ses a�ainst the laavful elaims of all <br /> persons whomsoever--6X�B-�-t--&.S_ t O �a.ZSi �u-Y-l�---tu.XBB� --- - -------�------------------- ------------------ --------------------------------- � <br />�I <br /> - -- ----- ---- - --------- --- - ---- - -------------- -- --- - --- --- - --- -------- - ------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> Dated the_-------------------- �,7t-�3.-- --------.da� of- '- -A-1�igLl�'�.a -' - ---- .fl. D. 19_1$------- <br /> - W'ITNFSS litilliam R. Gilchrist <br /> �---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. <br /> I� ------�----------------Karl---�.__.s__r.yde-r--------------------------------- -- -----Haz.e-1__-P.--Gilchrist,- <br /> ----- ------------C larry C..Eie lder-- -----�------------- -- <br /> / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> 0 - --- ---------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------ <br /> ST�RTE OI : � , ) <br /> }ss. <br /> ------�-------I►una----------- -_ countz�> > On this------------1_"�tr,� of_-----------.�I�.l�&�'�---------------------------.1. D. 19..18-------�, before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notar� Public______..._..___.________.____.._____.withirc and for said Countz�, personallt� came...._.__._.____________________________._._.............__..._...__.. <br /> ---W�:1-1-a.-�ra--R-�--__G_i_lc hri-s-t---a,n�i---��az.e-1--P_R.._.�il�hr.i-s-x--.---hi s---v�if e,------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ---------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------- <br /> to me personczllz� known to be the identical persorc__S____whose name.__�,__SS��____________________________czffixed to the <br /> above instrument as �rantor_°r___...,and________t�1�.y...............severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be.____.�_h��r_.___. <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> (r �, � L� I✓V W'ITNESS WHF.REOF, I have hereurzto subscribed my name and af)ixed my o�"'ieial seal at <br /> _��1'��Yl�_,___�,Xl,.__��1�5�___C_QtdXl_'�y__�____________________ .____on the date last above written. <br /> --------------------------C lar ry_---��----Fi e ld e r------------------------------ <br /> Notary �ublie. <br /> ✓Ylz� eommissi,on expires_-----D_e.CQmb�x---•�'x'd---1.91-g-•-----------------------------------------------��-------------- <br />