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D. 19._�.$------� at----------- �1---------- ----o��ao�k---------„t�.._,M. <br /> �eea. � � � � � � �� � <br /> TO �� r!r t��f ���� .y�.� <br /> --------------------- ------- - --�------ ---------- - ---------------- <br /> Re�ister o Deeds, <br /> --------------Henry- J.U�en---- ------- --------------- - <br /> B✓--------�-----------------------��------------------�--�---------------�-------------------------- <br /> , Deputy. <br /> �noi� ar� �.en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br /> That--��.--B�n�j_a�a�n--�.�c.udd-e-�--az�d. F�.or.a___A,.S�udd�-r.- hi�--�►3f�-t------------------------------------------ <br /> ---------------------------------------------- <br /> ------ ------ -------- -------- ----�--- ----- ----- -- -- - ----- ---- � --- - -�--- -------- -------- ---------- -------------------------�--------------------------------------------- <br /> of the Coun,ty of--__-_---__-�,11- cznd State of___-----_-------]�TBbx'a.Ska. --_-------------Grantor.@---------.,in eonsideration <br /> . - ----- r__---------------------- <br /> o}the sum o}'------Tv[Q--I3undr_ed---SEV�nt�_-�3�E---(-�275�.8-0-�----&--0-0--lIID--------------------------- <br /> -- - -- - -----------------------------------------..__.DOI,L✓1RS, <br /> in hand paid,do__.. ._.liereU� GR.FI.NT,B�RG,FIIJV', �'EI,L,.gND CO✓V'VEY'unto----H�11�--�._jT��-�---------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the Count9 of.------------,-----------Hc�,Zl_F----------------------------- -and State of.---------------------------�TB_1J_T�Ska,------------------., C-�rantee---------, the fol,lowing <br /> clescribed premises, sit,u,a,te,d in the County of._________._______.____..__���.,__ .______.__._.______arcd State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot---Thirty_-t�ro----�3_2�-,---of--Scudde�--'s--SeG o_��i__,�dda,_t_�.on---t o--t-i�e--V_�t_��,ag�---Q-�-�?o�a�.�b�n_,.---�e_br_aska..----a�-------- <br /> survey ed-�--�lat�e d-•---an3---re c ordeci-'--------------------�---------------------------__ -------------------------------- - ------------------ -�----- <br /> --- ---- ---- --- - - --- --- --- ---- - --- ---------- -------- - -�---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ , <br /> w. <br /> 9; <br /> Tose,ther r�si-t,h �ll, t,h,e tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances th,ereunto belon�sins, and all th,e Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest., � <br /> Dower; Cz�rtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Granto�.__., ,of, in or to th,e same,or any part thereof. ; <br /> �o �abe ana to �o[a t,he abor�e-described premises, with t,he appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to_.___.}3�H____________._. <br /> 1�,ei-r,s an,c� ussisns forever. .,4nd.___WB________hereb� eovenant_______ivith th;e said Grantee_.________that____�__________._��_.________._.._.hold___.____:said pre,mises <br /> bz� �nocl and perfect t,it,le; that__.__._�F�____________.__hcE�G___._sood ri�ht and lawful auth,ority t,o sell and eonvey the same; that thez� are <br /> free �;nd clear of a-ll liens and i,ncumbrances whatsoez�er-------- --------- ----------------------- - --------------- ---------------------------------- ---------- <br /> ,ilnd._______________________________�6_______________::_________________.___covenant:____.___to warrant an,d defercd the said premises asainst the lawful claims of all <br /> pe,rsons zvhomsoever ---- -- ---- -- -- ------ ------ -- -- -------------- -------- -------------•----- ----------------------------------------------- <br />'' Date,d t,he___--- -------18th--------------da�J of-�----- - -- �.37 - ----- - --./1. D. 1.91'�' ----- <br /> W'ITNESS ------------------------�n�j�.min_.T�.I�c_udd�r--------------------- <br /> ------------------------------John_,Gal l.ach�-�-------------- ----------------------I['lora--A�_3�udsier__._---------------------------- <br /> - --- --- -------------------�---------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------- -------�--.�iarry �igg�rB---------------- --- <br /> - ST�TE OF NEBR✓1SX'v4, <br /> ss. <br /> -------Ht��_�.-------- Countz�, On this_--------1$-�h-------------------daJ �f---------------------�Y----------------------------.1. D. 19--17-------, before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notar� Public____._:_.._...___________.__._______..within and for said Cou,rzty, persorzallz� eame..__________________________.____._.____._____ ___._._.. <br /> ---Be n_��mir�--F._S�udder---and...Fl_�r_a__.A�Se.ud�.�r-.---�ii�---wif_e�---------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personall� known to be the identical person_H____.zvhose name_S____.____._____��'ixed to the <br /> {��+} aboz�e instracment as(�'rantorB______,and__._.._.__.'�Y1�3t'______..._.severallr� aeknowled�ed the same to be._'��.1.='_._..... <br /> volun tarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I.N W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mz� name and af�'ixed my of�icial seal at <br /> ----------_-_-___________________�S�___H&�S�___�S2L1�1'� __ on the date last above written. <br /> ------------------------------ �s----- <br /> - -----�----------------A.D._�?��g��---------------- <br /> Notarz� Public. <br /> .Mz� commi,ssion expires----------------------q��_..1Q------------------------------------------------�---------------------19-�-------- <br />