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�. ��� <br /> ��'���� �,����J� °�� ���� ��� <br /> - ._ _- _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ <br /> ._ _ �_ __ �-_ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ ___ __ <br /> . . ,___ STATE�QLLRNAI.COMPAMY LINGQI.N Pl$� . _ <br /> _"___-__ ' ""-_��_. .. ' '__.-.. . __-:- _ . . .. .�r - .. . .. . _. ._._ .. ____ ___ . ._. ..__ <br /> FRO.Yl I herebz� certifj t,hat this instrument was en.tered on Numerieal <br /> Index an,d filed for reeord this._..___.._.._�.$__________________day of .1111�___.._.._..__.__. <br /> ----------------------------DQS ot h�a__SQlls---�ingl�----------- <br /> .g D. 19-1$--------, at---------------�.-�.-3-Q------------------------o'clock.--------.A..M. <br /> ---------- -------- -------- - ------------------�-- ----- -------- �larrantp ' <br /> �eea. ��� > <br /> TO ------------------�-��--'`�_.=r_ttiP-=----- --,.r_��__r>. _. <br /> - ------------------- <br /> Re�sister f Deeds, <br /> ----------------GeBrge---8aeder---------------- ------- <br /> ------- - <br /> ----- B�J------------ --------------------- --------------------�-epu��---� <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•--� <br /> �no�a �YY �.e�t �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br /> That._Dorothea_golla--(_s ingle-}- - ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- - -- ----------- ---- ----- ------------------------------- <br /> of the County of-----------H811-----------------and State of----�-----.._........__-----�C_1_�s.------------------------------------------------Grantor.------------,in consideration <br /> ofthe sum of----------------$�44�_L�t����4-�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - --- - --------------------------------------DOI.L.qRS, <br /> i.n hand paid,do--_-._-.-_-------hereby GR.�4NT,B.lIRG.�4IN,SEI,L,.gND CONVEY'unto---------_GE_OY'ge---�QQ.SI��-_ _-----_-_---------_---------------. <br /> ----------------- ------- ---- - -- - --- - ------- ------- ------- -- ----------------- ----- - -------------- i <br /> of the Count� of. I�811------ ----- - ---- -- - and State of..- -- - - ---�TQ-b�.----- -- --------------� Grantee----------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Countz� of..___.________._.___________.�8,11___._..___.__._______ __.__and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> ---�ot---�o._a��ven---�-7_�---in---Bl_ock---Nzunbes--ele�-e�n--Gll}---i�-�►semer$--asidit.fon---x Q---Gr$nsi__Ie_land_:--�t�braska.---. <br /> --------------------------- -- - ------- -- ------ ---------- ------------------------ -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- j <br /> ;` ---- -------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> i <br /> --------------------- ---- ---------- ---- -- <br /> --------------- --- - -- -- ------------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------- <br /> I <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- - - - --------- -- -- <br /> To�sether with all the tenements, hereditamercts, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ins, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br /> Dorver, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said L�rantor.____, and of either of them,of, in or to the same,or any part thereof. <br /> Z�a �abe anD to �otD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said C�rantee_______and to____�l�.H_______________ , <br /> heir4 and assisns forever. .�4izd_.�__._____._hereb� covenant____.._.with the said Grarztee_______.that___._.________I.____________________ho�d.._.____.said premises ' <br /> h� �ood and perfect title; that_._.__._._I. _____ha_oe.._�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and oonver� the same; that they are <br /> fTee and clear of all liens and incumbranees whatsoever--------------------------------------.---------------------------------------- ----------_.-------- - I�I <br /> .,qy��._______ 1____________________._________________________covenant._..______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful cl,aims of atZ <br /> personszvhomsoeuer---------------- - - - . ..---------------�----- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------•--------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dat,ed the-------t_��_Xd--------------------------d��J �f------------------- ��Ch- -- ----- ----✓1. D. 19.Q6-------- <br /> W7TNESS -----�5lSQt.h�B---KS�118------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------------� <br /> ------------ ------------------- ------------------------------------------------ <br /> ------------------------------------ - -J._E.I?ill--------------------------------------- . <br /> ST.1 TE OF NEBR.1 SK.g, <br /> ss. <br /> -------H�.� ----------._ Count�, On this_-------------,'�rC�--- ------------da�J �f-------------I��'a�1----------------- ----------�. D. 19.Q�--------, before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notar� Public._Qp�j,_gg�OYte-C�.-------within and for said Cou,ntz�, personally came.______._.__.__.__.__..__._.............._...._.---.--.-.----.-----. <br /> - Doroth�a--$o11�3----------.. ------ ------- ------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personall� known to be the identical person______.whose name_________._18__...._.______.__.__af�'ixed to the <br /> (;�$�,I,� above instrument as �rantor_______,and_._________._._______________.severally aekrcowled�ed the same to be___�QS._..__.___. <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein exptessed. <br /> IN W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofj'acial seal at <br /> _Grand---Ialand-------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------on the date last above wri,tten. <br /> ------------------------------------------------J.�,..�?�-11---------------------------- <br /> ' Notarz� Public. <br /> Myeommissior� expires------------------------------July---l6t-h-------------;--------------------------------------19.--�7----- <br />� <br /> R <br />