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- <br /> ��� <br /> +� <br /> �—J�J��' ��,.��j���/�� _��`/J� `�G,.�JoJ <br /> _ .__: -- ._ _::_--- -_- _.__ <br /> 82442,-4TATF JOURNAI_COMPANY LINCOLN.�NHB.� . �..��� —4 �i= � �- ��..�= ..�__.� ~.—�-'�.....0 �. <br /> FRO✓19 I herebr� certi,fz� that, thi.s instrrcment was entere,d on Numeri,cal <br /> .70hYi GrBy---------------------------- In�ex a»d led, or record t,his.----__.---11.--------------da o J _ _ <br /> --- --- ------- -- ----- <br /> f� � --- � f--------------�----------------- <br /> ----- --- - - -- -- ----- - - -- -- - - <br /> t�arrantp .�. D. rsis...------� at-------------2._2Q--- --------------o��ao�k------p�__.��r. <br /> $�¢ea '— �� <br /> TO -���? .__ -u-�_�.� <br /> "'""'""""'_"_"__'_"'_"_ """""""""'_'__'_G_","""'"s""" """''_'_' <br /> Re�i,ster o,�Deeds, <br /> --------------�argare t--Gray-.--h3.�a--�i_fe------------- <br /> 8�-------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------- <br /> Deput�. <br /> �no�ro arY �.en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br /> That.-Z� .T��].Yl--GTB,y� - -- - -- - -- ---------- --- ----- --- ---------- <br /> _------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the Count� of-__-------�riB_OIA,-____---_-cznd State of----_--------_-__----__--_NB.hT88ka.r--_-___. ..--_Grantor.----_------,in consideration <br /> of the sum of-----UA�--&-I�IQ�1_00__�Qllar_&--loQE--and---afft_c�i�orl---------------------- -- - -----------------------------------------s::�,�►�- <br />'� irz hand paid,do.---------------.hereb� GR.,4NT,B.,4RG./�IN,SELL,.gND CONVEY'unto-------�.SB�S'-Qt----GY'SY r--�--����°-r------- - ------------------ <br /> of tlze C,ount� of.-------------------L�ri�_0_ZY'1-�--------------------------_ccnd State, of-----------------------Nsbraska------------------------., Grantee----------, the followin� <br /> cl,escribed premises, si,tuated in the Courzty of_._________________________�&�.�.____..__._._____:_______.__.__ared State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> L_o__t__nwmt��.r___r��n�----(-9-�--in__bl Q�k---number---numbQ_r_._t_hir��-nins---f-39_�---Pac_l�z__&__Barr_!-8--,2nd---Addi�ian--t-o----- <br /> th�.__C_i.ty_---o#'_�rand--Zs�land,----Ne_hr_aska.,---as---e_urYSy�d,---gla.tte-d--and_re_cc�r-de-d.--------------------------__-------------------------------- <br /> - ----------- <br /> ----- -- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : <br /> i <br /> To�ethe,r z��i,th all the t,ene,ments, heredit,aments, a,nd appurt,en,arcces thereunto belon�ind, and all, the Estate, Ri�ht, Titte, �nterest, <br /> Dower, C,urtesy, Claim and Dn,mand whatsoer�er of the said Crantor.____, ,of, in or to the same,or an9 part thereof. <br /> �u �abe anD to �olD the aboUe-described premises, with the appurtenanees, unto the said Grantee_________.and to.__.her____.___._____ <br /> h.eirs and assi�sn,s forez�er. .�4nd.__I__ ________Taereby covenant_____.__with th,e said Grantee_______.._that.______________�__________.______hold_.______said premises <br /> hz� �'ood and perfect t,itle; t,h,at____.__._I______.__________haQC____�ood risht arLd lawful aut,hority t,o sell and convey the same; that ther� are <br /> free a,nd clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------------------------------------------------------°------------------------------- <br /> ------- ----- <br /> ,gnd_________._____________-______-1______________________._______________eovenant__._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all <br /> person,s whomsoever• -- --- --- ----- _- - --- -- - --- -- - ------ ----------- - -----------------------------------------_------------------------------------ -------------------------- <br /> Dat,ed the---------------- - 11'�-h---------- -da�J �}�---- -- --- -��X ---- -- .g. D. 19_18------- <br /> W'ITNESS --------------------------------------------,TQhxl----�*-�$Y---------------------------------- <br /> ------------John__Al��n-------------- -----------------------------------------------------------... <br /> - --- <br /> ST.flTE OF NEBR.,4SK'.g, � <br /> �ss. <br /> --------- --.--�iAll- Countz�, On this----------------llth_.-------------da�J �f ---Jtily_---------------------------✓1. D. 19.1.8----�--.._, before me, <br /> the und,ersisned, a Notari� Public._________________________.____._._____._zvithin and for said County, persorcallz� came..__.__„T�hYi___�"xTB�...........___________._..__.__._. <br /> ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------ - -------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to m,e personally known to be the identical person________whose name.____________________ig_______...__...._a�j"ixed to the <br /> ���� above instrument as(�rantor________,and. �iQ__.___.__._severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be.________��,�_____.__ <br /> voluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I✓V W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afJixed my of�"'icial seal at <br /> ______.__Grand___Island,____in___said__Count�_,_______________on the date �ast above written. <br /> ---------------------------------------------------� <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ✓l1y eommission expires-----------JBn.�-a-------------------------------------------------------------------------------19.2!�------•- <br /> , <br />