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� � x <br />� ����IJ��) J��LJJViJ��� ��� �����J � <br />_ -.. 8�:�4`�-±TATF JOIIRNAL.COMPANV LINCOLN�NFiB, .. . .. . . ... . .:�- , _ ... -. .. .:�. _ , ,:.... _ _ ��.: -.:.�- :_' .-. �. . - .: _.. .. . ._ -=.' -- .- <br /> FRO✓17 I herebr� certi,fj t,h,�t, thi.s in4trum,ent, �.uas entered on Numeri-cal <br /> - . Ind.ex rx,r�r� filed for record this-----------�-�.�----------------daJ of--------------�Tt1X1_t'------.------- <br /> ---------�i,A._$edrnana--wi_do��ler - --------------- <br /> �larrantp ,�. D. Isis-------, at-- -------�-:�-o----------------_,.o��ao�k--------�•--�• <br /> ------ - --------- - __ -------------- - - -- - - � <br /> To <br /> �eea. ' � <br /> .---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- <br /> Resister of eds, <br />', --------------Au�;u�t---�?���x-�--�c--A].b_e_xt--W�hr--- <br />� 8�-----------------------------------------------------------�--��------------...--------- <br /> Deput�. <br /> �no�ro aYY �en �p ��je�e �re�ent,�: <br />' That-------I_,_H-A,Re- -dr;a�,n,_-a- ��ri_do�ver- - - --- - - ------- -- ---- ---- - ---- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ---- -- -- -------- -- -- --- --------------` --- - ---- - <br /> o the (''ount o Ha,Il---------------and State o ----------------------------------------NebrB,ska�-------._.._._._--------Grantor--- in eonsideration <br /> f - ?� f----------- f - ----- ------ ,-------, <br /> o}the sum o}'_---�_i.Xt_e_en--Hundre-a--�7o�1QQ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------- -------------------------------------�---DOI,L.�RS, <br /> in hand paid,do._____.______..___hereby GR.,4NT,B�RG.�4IN,SEI,I,,.✓�ND CONVEY'unto__._.ALiglls_�_P_e_t_Er3__sS�:_A1b_e_r�__�YBYir_________________________ <br /> of the County of.----------------------H�11--------------------------and State of.-----------------�+IB_hTa.Sk�.-------------•-. , Grantee------_., the followin� <br /> de.scribed premises, si,tuated in tTze Coaen,ty of,._________.._.._________�.11__._________._._______________.._.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Ea$t nn�___hundre3___feet____(E._100ft_._.)__of._Lot__.nurrlber___T_�vo___�2_)___of___the___C_ount�,�.._Sub_-3_�.v_i.sior�,__��rt.__of______. <br /> _t_he_�_S_ou_t_h._Half___of__Secti_on_ Fiv�____�5_�_,___To�v�shi�___I�ine_____�9)__T1'orth,__Range__1Vine____�9_�__�le_st___of__t_h�_..Sixth <br /> -P_.�;s.--------------- -- -- -- - -------------- - ------ --- _---------- ----- ---------- ------------ ---- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ___,..,�.,��.<_a_.. <br /> ---------- ------------------------------ --- ---- ----- ---- --- --------- �---�ul-�--�-O---I--R ---------- -------- ---------- <br /> -------------------=--------------------------------� <br /> Stamp <br /> ------------------------- - - ---------- - - - ---- ------------------- -�_an��1�,e c� -- -- -----------------------------------�------------------------------------------ <br /> --- - --------- - ---------- ---- ----------- ------- - - ------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Toset,her r��i,t,h all the te»ements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonain�, and all the, Estate, Risht, Title, Interest,, <br /> �o���er, Curt,n,sy, Claim and Demand whatsoeUer of tlze sar,d Grantor____, � ,of, i,n or to the same,or an9 part thereof. <br />'' �Q �abC ariD t0 �O�D t,he above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__________.and to______th�j.s______. <br />�,' heir.c a,nd czssi�ns forever. .�nd.______.�_________h,ereb� covenant_.___.__.with the said Grantee__._______that________�_____ _......hold__________:said nremises <br />' hr� �ood and perfect title; th,at._____._�___._________________ha_VG___sood ri�sht and lawful aut,hority to sell and convez� the same; that they are <br /> free a,nd clear of all liens and incumbranees whatsoever__SX���_�_lrig___d_,_bc'�.13.ri�.�__H�_C_LirB_S�__�y___f_ls'_S_t___IAQr'�g3g�___�21__'�h@_ <br /> s u�---o f--On�--T_hQUS_and---DQ_llar�----yvhi_�h-t-h�--g��.n'��-e--'--s---a�;r�e;--�-o--a�.�.ume---an-d--p-ay�-----�_aid---mor�ga.�e---b-�-ing-- <br /> �.n----�aY or---Q-�--'the--�Iebsaska---Ce_n�ral__�uil�Ling--&--Z�an---As_s_4�_ia�_i_on--Q�--Zin�c�ln.----SZ�bsaska._----------------�--------- <br /> I �4�id. _____________I.____________________.________.____covenant__._____to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of ald <br /> I' persons r��homsoeUer -- - -- --- ----- ------------------- -- ---- - ---------------------------- <br /> Dated the------------------- --1�-- ---- --da�J �f- -- --- -- SLtriC- ----- �1. D. 19 -1$-----� , <br /> W7T.N'ESS ---------------------�RA,�_R�d]�,ri-------------------------------------� <br />' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />� ----------------------------C_.rJI._R�_�i_m__�i�------------ ------- <br />� _. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------��------ <br /> A ------------------ ---- --g��,_��uman---------------------------------- <br /> ST.fl TE OF NEBR.gSK�, <br /> ss. <br /> ---- -------�.�.1------ _ Countz�, On this------------1�----------------------da� �f-------------------------Sllri4.----------------------✓1. D. 19_18---------, before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarz� Public_.._.._--------------_--__.------------._within arad for said Count�, Aersonallz� came._.------------_-__-------------------.----------------_---------.:: <br /> ------------------------------------------------------H.9.R�d�nany--a-wisi�i�er_----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personallr� known to be the identi,cal person______zvhose name.______________18..............__.__.._afj�xed to the <br /> above instrument as �rrantor_________,and_____________h�__....._.._....severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be_____h�S______.._. <br /> (SEAI�� voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afJ"ixed my offccial seal at <br /> Dcnigha,n_r___Ne_hr_aska,___.in___s�.id___�_o_un�y_r_______on the date last above�written. <br /> ----- ------------------------------------�ha.s_..�d�_��-dman-----------_ <br /> Notary Publie. � <br /> ��ly commission expires-------------------------=----�eCesllb�-�---1a-----------------------------'----=---------�---Z923---------� <br />�.:. _ _._ --.------, <br />