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<br /> ' j B. All future advances from L.ender to Grantor or other future obligations of Grantor to Lender under any promissory . -
<br /> � 1 aote,contract,guaranty,or ather evide�ce of debt existing now or executed afcer this Deed of Trust whether or not . , � ��".i.:.
<br /> tlus Dced of Tnist is sp�ifrs�lly referred to in the evidence of debt. R , _
<br /> , C. All obligations Grantor owes to Lender, �vhich now exist or may later arise, to the extent not prolribited by law, � � . t�
<br /> ' ,, includiag, but not limitefl w, liabilities far overdtafts relating to any deposit a.ccount agreement beta+een Gran�wr ! ,
<br /> and I.ender. . , .� -_�
<br /> D_ pll additionai sums advanced and expenses incurred by I.ender for iruuring,preserving or otherwise protecting the � -
<br /> �r``
<br /> � Property and iu value and any other sums advanced and expenses incurred by Lend�r under the cerms of this Deed � ,
<br /> of Tn�st,p1uE intetest at the highest rate in effect,from time to time.as provided in the Evidence of Debt. , ��
<br /> E. Gtantor's performance under the terms of any instn�ment evidencing a debt by Grantor to Lxnder and aay I?eed of � � -
<br /> � Trnst securing.�araatying.or otherwise retating co tbe debt. � . _
<br /> If more than oae person signs this DPed of Ttust as Grantor, each Grantor a�thac this Deed of Trust will secure all '
<br /> finure advances and fuaure obligations described above that are given to or incurred by any one or more Gtantor. or any , • •
<br /> ' one or man Granta�and others. This Deed of Ttust will not secure any other debt if Lender fails,v�ith respect to such � � .
<br /> � { other debt,to meke any requimd disclasure ab�ut thi9 Deed of Trust or if Lender fails to give any required nouce of the ; —
<br /> � right of�escission. .. • .
<br /> • 5. PAYII�NTS.Grancor agrees to xnake all payments on the Secured Debt when due and in accordance with the te:ms of the ., �- ��_�
<br /> ' Evideace of Debt or tlus Deed of Trust. ,� �'
<br /> . � '_',_
<br /> 6. WARRANTY OF Td17.E.Graator covenants that Graz►wr is iawfully seized of the estate cnnveyed by tlus Deed of Tnut ' . - : .:��.
<br /> ,� and has the right to icre�+ocably grant,convey and sell to Tnute�,in tnist.with power of sale,the Property and war�ants � ,,
<br /> thas the Property is unencumbered.except for eecwnbrances o f reco r d. � . Y"�' �
<br /> >j , ►.���'�:__...--
<br /> 7. CI.AIlVIS AGAIIVSI'TTCLE.Grantor wiA pay al!taxes.assessmenu.liens,encumbraaces, lease payinenu.ground renu. : . -_-�,�.,—
<br /> � utilities.and other charges relating to the Property when due. Lender may require Grantor to provide to Lender copies of ti'�"'`�'''� ' � '
<br /> all noaces that such amounts aze due and the receipts evidencing Grantor's Payment. Granror will defend title to the ,;;c��'".
<br /> property against any claims that aould impair the lien of this Deed of Trust. Grantor agees to assign w Lender, as ,,..��,�.'
<br /> � � reqnested by Lender,any rights,claims or defenses which Giantor may have against parties who supply labor or muer�als ��_:
<br /> an .
<br /> � ° to im�rove or maintain the Property. - . �. S.
<br /> nt that creaied a � —-
<br />' 8. PRIOIt STCiJI3ITll ENTERES°rS.With regard w any other mortgage,deed of tivst or se�uriry agreeme .�•,, —
<br /> prior security interest or encumbranc�e on the Property and that may have priority over this Deed of Tmst,Grantor agrees: >;�• < <
<br /> A. To make all paymsnts when due and to perform or comply with all covenants. - . ' -
<br /> B. To prom�tly deliver to Lender aay notices tLat Grantor receives from the holder. _..I� �:'
<br /> C. Not to make or emut an modiflcarion or extension of, and not to request or ascept any future advances r,;.ader any `° -
<br /> P Y �.,...,,�; i
<br /> note or agreement secured by,the oiher raortgage,deed of tn�st or security agreement�mless Lender��sents in �;-. t�i
<br /> �' �.� .
<br /> e
<br /> . . . ��g- � .,,s• • �
<br /> " 4 i:•
<br /> L. _'.� .
<br /> 9. IID�'lE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE•1-ender may,at its option,declaze the entire balance of the Secured�ebt to ba � �;,���
<br /> i�diately du�and payable upon the creation of any li�.encumbrance+uansfer•or sale,or conuact for any Q`�hese on �:«.::,
<br /> r • �,.�_
<br />. �e pioperty. However, if�e Property includes Grz:,.t�r's residence, this sectioa shall be subject to th� :r_..�'r..ictions , � ... -
<br /> u ses of this paragraph,the[ec� "L=`:o�Q� ,J;:�.. �':' � �
<br /> • imposed by federal law(12 C.F.R. 591 et seq.),as app cable. For the purpo r- "�n "" 1 f „�
<br /> " also includes any interest to aU or any part of the Property.'17�is coveaant ahall run with the Progerty and shali remain in ��.��-.:'a�� `
<br /> effect until the Secured Debt is paid in fiill aud this Deed of Trust is released. ``��;°�: .�_
<br />.. ✓�YS'i'.
<br /> � 10.�tANSFER OF AN IIVTER�EST IN TllE GRAN'd�'t�,1f Crantor is an entity other than a natural persau Csuch av a °�t,�*° -���
<br /> , wrporation or other organization).Lender may deman�d�ediate payment if(1)a beneficial interrst in Gr�^..:,3 sold or �';'`�_.__
<br /> transfernd;(2)there is a change in either We idendty or number of inembets of a parmership;er(3)there is a change ia .. �;_,�.����_
<br /> owaership of more than 25 percent of the voting stock of a corporation.However,Lender may nat demand payment ia the . .«���;ydt ,,.�_
<br /> above situauons if it is prohibited by law as of the date of this Deed of Tmst. - .�
<br /> . � �'
<br /> tIl.�NTTTY WA,RRAIV'I'Q;S AND REPItE4ENTATd��S. If Grantor is an entity ather than a natural pecsQ� C�ch as a '�` �
<br /> � corporation or other orgaaization). Grantar makes to�xnder the following warrandes and representations a�ir_��shall be -� . : ` "11�la.. �
<br /> •• continuing as long as the Secuied Debt remains outstanding: • -
<br /> A. Grantor is an entity which is duly organized and validly existing in the Cnantor's state of iacorporadon (or . �
<br /> orgaaization).Grantor is in good standing in all states in which Grantor transacts business.Grantor hzs the power � • _
<br /> . and authority to owu the Property and to car.3 on its business as now being conducted and, as apgiacable, is , •�
<br /> qualified to do sr in each state in w6ich Grantor operates. , � . � •� • _
<br />' � B. The executon, delivery snd performance of this Deed of Tmst by Grantor and the oblig2r.on ev�z�ced by the � . .
<br /> Evidence of Debt are within the power of Graator. have 6een duly authorized, have received ali necessary _ �.r-���
<br /> govemmental npproval.and will not vlolate any ptovision of law,or order of court or govemmental agenay. . . �' ''
<br /> • C. Other thaa disclosed in wriHng Grantor has not changed iu nazne wiWin the last ten years and has uot used any _ � , �
<br /> other uade or fictitious name.VI►ithout Lender's prior written consent,Grantor does not and will not use any other __.
<br /> name and will preserve its existing name,trade names and franchises undl the Evidence of Debt is saGsfied. �` `
<br /> 12.PROPERTY CONDI7'IO,�I, ALTERA'i'[ONS A1VD INSPECTION.Grantor will keep the Propert}+ in good condition : , �,
<br />• and malce all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Grantor will give Lender prompt uotice of any loss or damage to the _
<br /> � Froperty.Grantor will keep the Property free of noxious weeds and grasses.Grantar will not initiate,join in or consent to
<br /> any change in any private restrictive covenant, zoning ordinance or other public or private resuiction limiting or defining �
<br /> the uses which tnay be made of the Property or any part of the Property.without L.ender's prior written consent.Grantor
<br /> � , will notify l.ender of all demands,proceedings,claims,and actions against Grantor or any other owner made under l�w or .
<br /> , regulation cegarding use.ownership and occupancy of the Property. Grantor will cflmply with all legal requirements aad _
<br /> restrictions,whether public or private, with respact to the use of the Property. Grantor also agre�s chat the nature of the --
<br /> ' occupancy and use will not change without Lender's prior wntten consent. i . —`
<br /> I
<br /> No portion of the Property will be removed, demnlished or materially altered without Lender's prior written consent ; . , �-
<br /> � except that Grantor has the right to remove irems of personal property comprising a part of the Property that become���orn f , � _
<br /> � Page 2 0l 6 �
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