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D. 19._1�----, at.--�'-5�------------- -----------------o'eloek..__P. ,iy1, <br /> --------- -------- <br /> -- ------------------------- - - --------------------------- arrantp � <br /> To� �eea. - . � <br /> ------------------------ ------------------------------------�------------f------------------ <br /> Re iste o Deeds, <br /> ----------------------R i ch ar d---G,_._Runchey.----------------- <br /> B✓----------------------------------------=--------------------�----------�------------------------- <br /> Deputz�. � <br /> �no�n �YY �en �p �'C�je�e ��e�ent�: <br /> That---- We_�-�!�.11i�m- �_�e_�..a�'f_._ariu- ��r_i.e__Siela�'f'> -n15--w,i�'�->- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------ ----- ---------- ----- ---- ------ ---- - ------------- --------- ---------- ----- ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of tlae G'ou�zty of-------------H3.11-- -- --- ---ccnd State of------------------NGbri�Ska,-,- ---Grantor-5------,in eonsideration <br /> --------------------------------------- <br /> of th,e .sum o}-----Three__h'�x�ared-f i_�ty-._QQ�_1Q0----'----------------------------------------------------- --- -- ----------------------------------------------.DOI,L�4RS, <br /> in hand paid,do----------------.laereb,y GR✓INT,13.,4RG✓1IN, SELL,.gND CO.N'VEY'unto---------------Rj_Chr'3.1"'_d--Cs.---R't,i21CY14'31------------------,--------------------- <br /> ------------- ------ ------- ------- - ------- - - -- - - _ - --- - -- _----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> of the Coun,t� of.------------------H,all----------------------------and State of.---------------------�t�hra�ka----------------------., Grantee---------, the followin� <br /> elescribec� ,nremises, si-tazated in the County of.___________________Ha3.17.____________________.___._._____._...___and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> -----L_Qt-�-i�;ht----(-�-1 -i� ���ek-N�.r�e---(-Q�--of_.Sch_�rr���-'-s--Aaaiti4-n--#:-o----tn-e--City_----of---Gr_ans�---S�1_ar�s�_.-------------------- <br /> ----NE'�raska-=----as---sur_v__ey_ec�-,-_-Platted--and_ recorde_d.-____-----_------ <br /> --------- ------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- <br /> ----- ---------- --------- - - ---- --- - --- - --------- --------------------- ------ ----------- ------- --- - -------------- ---- ---- ------�------------------- <br />' -------------- ----------- ----- ----- - --------- --------- ---- -------- ------- -- -------- -------------------- ---------- ------ ------------------------------------------- <br /> -------- -------------------------------------- -- -------- --------------------- ---------------- ------ --------------------- --------------------------------------------- <br />' ---- - ----- ------ --- - --- ---- - ---- --------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> � <br /> ------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------ ------------------- ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />� T��ether ���it,h all the tenemerzts, hereditunierits, and appurter�ances thereurLto belor��in�, and atl the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br /> Dowe,r, Cu,rtesr�, Claim and Demand z��hatsoever of t,he sar,d Grantor�__., of,in or to the same,or a,n� part thereof. <br />'' �p �a(1� �n� tQ �0[a th,e above-described premises, with the, appurtenances, unt,o the said Gran,tee_______.and to_._________his_____,_. <br />�� h,eirs an.d assisns forever. .F�nd.__�-�._______hereb� covenant___.:__.with the said C�rantee________that____________�e__.._.________.hold._______said pr�mises <br /> bz� �ood and perfect ti,tGe; tliat..__._______W2_______haV�..__sood risht and lawful artithority t,o sell and convey the same; that t,her� are <br /> free and elear of atl liens and incumbrances zvhatsoez�er------ ----------- --------------- ---------- ----- ------- ---------------------------------- ----- --- <br /> ---------- ------------ - ----- ---- - ------------------------------ --_---------- -------- ------- -----------•-------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --------- --------------- ------ -------- ---------- ---- <br /> .Flnd.______________.-___________-___w�.________.__________.____________covenant_________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lazvful claims of all <br /> person,s whoinsoever-- - - ---------- --- ------- -- --- ------ --:_.--------- - ---------------------------- ---- ----------------------------------------------•---------------------------------=-------------- <br /> ------- ----------- -- ----------- --- ----------- ------- - - ----------- ----------- --- -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />� Dated the_--------------17�h ----------------------da�J �f--------Jtu121 - --- --- -------- .�l. D. 19._l�.___.. <br /> w'ITN�SS Wi111am Sielaff <br />� ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Jonn Allan p ------------------------------I�arie,�P-------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � .50 I.R. St a,m ) <br /> ( c anc a 11 e d � ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -_ ST.1 TE OF .N'EBR.�4SK.R, l <br /> }ss. <br /> ------�Ia,].�--- �---------. Courttz�, ) On this_---------------1_�-th-�----------da�J ot-,------------------3�LiY12-------------------------,2. D. 19..16.------, before me, <br /> th,e undersi�ned, a Notary Public...._-----_--.-_--_------_.--------.___.within and for said County, Personall� eame.._--_----_---__-----------------_---.-.--_----------------------. <br /> ------.W i 11 i am�--S i e laf f--�a__Bddr i e--S i el aPf,__h i�---wi f�-�------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known t,o be the iderctieal person8_____zvhose name8__dr� to the <br /> ( SEAL) aboUe instrumerct as C�rantor_$_____,and_______._____tneY__..____severally acknowled�ed the same to be_.thf'.j..Z'..__._., <br /> voluntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I�V' W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mr� name and af)ixed my of)ieial seal at <br /> -----�.r�c�--I�la.�-d ----�r-1---sai-d---C-aur�L-- _._on the date last above written. <br /> Gr� T Y�--------- ---- - <br /> --------------------------------------------------JQhn__All�.n------------------ <br /> Notarz� Public. <br /> .M� commission expires-----J�Sl.----�----�.ylg-'------------------------------------------------------------------�------------- <br />