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<br /> � °� DEED O�YRllST VYITH FUYURE ADVdiNCE� � '� � ' _-_ - � ��; -
<br /> � `� '. ,,t:-:<- ._
<br /> , THIS DEED OF TRUST,Is mads as ot tha 13th day of M arch ,19 91 .by and among� -� � -��-_
<br /> � a <--�;
<br /> � meTn�stor, �ohn J Chmelka a single pgrson - � �.:` _� ' ��'-'-�
<br /> .��...��-:__—
<br /> whosemaiGngaddressis 1511 W. KOe[1i9, Grand Island, Nebraska 688��rein�n,scor.whetheroneormare). \� . ' , " :�-•�--'�°` -"`�`
<br /> � .,.
<br /> t ,��° _
<br /> . ' meTn,scee Five Paints Bank a Nebraska Coraoratlon _ - �r�-��.�-
<br /> .:;� --�,��z-,-� -
<br /> � h whose mailing address is� (1 Bnx 1 F�7� G ra�n d Icla nd� N E 68802-1507 (herein`Trustee7,and ��
<br /> '�..r: _ .5.:..
<br /> the Beneflciary, Five Points Bank � - , �.�.�.�':�
<br /> ' �.�_
<br /> '- - whosemailingaddressis1015 N Broadwell Ave .�rar�d Islanfl. NF_ 688�3 (herein'Lende�. --��'�� �
<br />. . FOR VALUABLE GONSIDERATION,induding Lender's axtension of credit ident#'ied herein to Joh n J. G h mel k a "="�'
<br /> , ''�.;��. .
<br /> (herein'Borrower;whether one or more)and the Lust herein created.the necalpt �'� :..';� :.:,
<br /> ` of uyhicfi is hereby acknowledged, Trustor hereby irrevocably grants,transfers,conveys and assigns to Trustea,IN TRUST,WITFI ':• '
<br /> � POWER QF SALE,for the benefit and securfty of Lender,under and s�ebject tn the tartns and cond'+Uons tee�einafter set fortt►,the real ':��-� . ,:
<br /> property described as foltows: - � ,�;�� �,.
<br /> Lot Three (3), Bl�ck Twenty-taio f22) Charles Wasmer's Addition to the City of , �`;; .`'
<br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. � '• ' ,
<br /> . .. �.$�`,i-p;_:�
<br /> •� Together witt►aU buitdings,impmvements,fixtures,streets,alleys,passageways.easements,�Ights,priviteges and appurtenanoes , �t .
<br /> , �• � located thereon or in anywise peAaining thereto,and the rents,issues and praNis,reverstons and remainders thereof,and suct�per- c•
<br /> + sonal property tfnat is aKached to the improvements so as to canstitute a fixture,inciuding,but not timited to,heaUng and 000ling equi� ,r�. �� _��
<br /> '� ment;and together with the homestead or maritai intarests,if any,which interests are hereby rela�sed and vraived;ali of which,inctud- � �;; ��,
<br /> ; ing replacements and addidons theneto,is hereby 4eclared to be a pad of the neal estate secured by the I�of this Oe2d of Trust and ��'`°°-
<br /> ` -� ,,,�x�_-
<br /> ! all ot tlts faregaing being re fe r r e d to here in as t he`P r ope r t�. �*:� •it<--�.;.,�.-_,
<br /> �j Thts Deed of Tr�s!shall secure(a)the payment of the pdncipal sum and tnterest evldenced by a promissory note or credit agree- � � '°_
<br /> • mentdated March 13 tAC17 .havtngamatudtydateot March 15 2002 ��
<br /> , . , . ���y,R
<br /> ..j In the original principal amouM of$ ���35_50 .and any and all modiflcaUons,extensions and renewals — _ —____
<br /> . . thareo!or thereto and any and al!fuWra advances and readvances to Borrowar(or any of them if more than one)hereander pursuant ��' __
<br /> . - �} to one or mae promissory notes or credit agreements(herein cafled'Note�; (b)the payment oi oiher sums advanced by Lender to .. �_. .- =_-----
<br /> � protect the secudty oi tha Note;(c)the perfortnance of aii covenants and agreements oi Trustor set forth herein;and(�aD present artd � ��_;��*r
<br /> fuhire indebiedness and obtigatlons of Borrower(or any o!them i(more than one)to LenEer whethar direct,indirect,absotute or contlrt- .,
<br /> gent and whett�er arising by nate,guarenty,overdraft or othenvise.The Note,thls Deed of Trust and any and aIi other documents that """- .
<br />• � secure the Note or otherwise executed in connecUon therewith, inctuding without limitation guarantees,security agreements and = �
<br /> . assignments oi teases and rents,shall be retemed to herein as the'Loan Instrurnents'. —'""`
<br /> _ � � �4,••�
<br /> Trustor covenanis and agrees with Lender as foilows:
<br /> _.�msw'.=34t.::q'.�'R�?�c-
<br /> • ;: 1. Payment of Indebfednese.All lndebtedness secured hereby shaU be paid when due. *.,,,�,Y:�,�,,,.,,r.l.:.•::,
<br />� � 2. T(tte.Trustor is the owner of the Property,Aas the dght and authority to convey the Property,ana warrants that the Uen creat- •. . ,, . -
<br /> ed hareby is a first and pdor 11en on the Property,except for qens and encumbrenceg set forth by Trusta�in vaibng and delivered to ���� �
<br /> . ce. � ` �„
<br /> . � Lender before executlon ot this Deed ot Trust,and the execuUon and delivery of this Deed o!Trust does not viofate any contract or `-����•
<br /> .' � other abligatlon to whlch Trustor is subject. � • _
<br /> • � 3.Taxes,Assessmenta.To pay balore deiinquency all texes,special assessments and aD other charges against the PropeRy ��w�� �
<br /> • � now or hereafter levted. ��•.+��
<br /> 4.tnsuranee.To keep the Property insured againsi damage by flre,hozards inciuded within the term'ex�nded coverage',and .: :;_� - �
<br /> � such other hazaNs as Lender may require,in amounts and with companles accepiable to Lender,naming Lender as an addldonal .:.:;;o„�:;,,r
<br /> named Insured,with loss payabi0 to the Lender.In qse of loss under such policies,the Lender is authorized to adjust,caltect and �.
<br /> oompromise,atl ctaims thereurMer and sha11 have!he option oi applying ail or paR of the Insurance proceeds(i)to any indebiedness � '.s�'
<br /> secured hereby and in such order as Lendar may determine,(ii)to the Trustor to be used tor the repalr or restoraUon oi the Propsrry or . , _
<br /> (ili)for any other purpose or obJect sadsfactory to Lender without aNecting the Ben of this Deed of Trust tor the tutl amount secured . - _
<br /> hereby before such payment evar took plaoe.Any�ppiicaUons oi proceeds to indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date � �
<br /> . o!any payments under the Note,or cure any detauft thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5.Eserow.Upon written demand by Lender,Tnistor shail pay to Lender,In such manner as Lender may designate,sufflcient •.�"�'�'="==��'�� •
<br /> sums to enabte Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the following:(i)all taxes,assessments and other charges against � � .
<br /> � the Property,pi)the premiums on the property insurance requlred hereunder.and(lii)the premiums on any moRgage insurance .� .
<br />� • required by Lender. � � �
<br /> � 6. Maintonanco. Ropaire and Compllance with Laws.Trustor shall keep the Property in good cundition and repair, shall �
<br />'. � prompUy repair,or replace any improvement which may be damaqed or destroyed:shall not oommit or pennit any waste ar detoriora- . . ' '
<br /> �, Uon o!ths Property;sha11 no!remove,demollsh or substanUally alter any o1 the improvements on the Property:shall not commit,suffer � � •
<br /> or pertnit any act to�e done In or upon the Properly in viotatian of any law,ordinance,or regulation;and shati pay and promptty dis- �. ' � � � .
<br /> . charge at Trustors cost and expense ail Iiens,encumbrances and charges levied, imposed or accessed against the Property or any . . � '
<br /> paR thereoi. • � . _
<br /> 7. Emine�!Oomalo.Lender is hereby asslgned all compensaUOn, awards, damages and other payments or relief(hereinafter �
<br />_ . . � �cxvt�r�o�mw.sAe -=_.,_==—=_•-- -.
<br /> Ot9.^.lr+nmrJB�Ndtm�rcioninrsiwS+v.w��...,...�...lnan�Havssaa
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