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D. 19.-16---._, at.---- -----�- ------- ----- --------o'cloek__._ P.•_,iyl. ` 's`' <br /> ---- ---- --- ---- -_ . - �4arrantp ° <br /> -------- ---- --------- <br /> �eea. � ` <br /> �_,� � � ` <br /> To ----------- -���''-- �--- --����.� �: <br /> , ---- ------ --------- <br /> Re�ist of Deeds, <br /> Nick 5c:�ine11 <br /> --------- ------ ------ --- <br /> ------ ---- ------ ------- <br /> B�✓--- - ------- ------------- -------- -------------- • ` `. <br /> ----- ---------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �no� aYY �en �p �C�je�e �re�ent�: <br /> That. �'e, Peter �i'r�ut ana Louise `i'rout wife ____ ___ <br /> - -- ---- --- - - ---� - - �--- � <br />' of the Countz� of ---------H31,1 ------ ------and State of --- ---. 1�I�hY'c1.S_k8.--- ------ ------- --,.----.Grantor--S--------,in eonsideration , `'` . <br /> of the sum of--- - --- �'1 f t�E;:i hunurea__00!lOQ- ----- - - --- - i - --- ---— _-__. .. --� - ----------------- ------- �----�--DOI,L�RS, <br /> in hand pai,d,do .----------.hereUz� GRd4✓1�"T,B.ELRG.�4IN,SEI,L,.�4ND CONVEY'unto--------------�1�-}�---`a-'G2121€'�.�.------ ------ ------ --------- ------- ° .:-. <br /> ,__...... <br /> I -------- ---_. ------- -- - - - -- - - -- -- --- --- - ----- ------ ------ -------- -------- ------ ---------�--- ------ --- - -- ----- <br /> of the Count� of_______. ______ H�.11 ______ _. __________and Sta,te of ____.__ N�brd,bka.____ _ Qrantee____.__., the followin� <br /> -------- - ' - - � -- ----------- � <br />, rlescribed premises, situated, in the Countz� of __._____ ______________H�1�,__. .__. ________and, State of Nebraska, to-wit: '. . <br /> • <br /> _ , <br /> ___Lct__ One____�1 )____in _�lock_Or�e ._nunarec�___t'�rt,y___ slx _(146_� _of,_ the__Union P�.c_�,_f_.�c_.��_1,�w_��t___�Qm��_�n�!� ________. ` : <br />� ------s_��ar��.__A�.a-1-��^n----�-�--�x�and---1-�l�,nd-.----��- ��a�v��e�>---�-�dt�.��__�nu--r_e_c_�_ru�_a._-- :;. <br /> ----- -- -------- ---- ----- ---- ---_ - ---- - ----- ---- - ---- ---- ------ ------- ------ -------- ------ ------ -------- -------- <br /> I ----- ----- ------ - --- --- --------- - -- -------- -- -- ------ - --- --- ------ ----- ------ ------- ------ ----- -- - ------ ------ <br /> :�€: <br /> .:�:::: <br /> --- --------- ----- -- ----- - - -- ---- ------- ----- ---- - ---- ------- ---- ------- ------- --------- ------ ----- -------- <br /> :•::: <br /> r <br /> To�e�t,her with all` the ten,em,ents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�i.n8, arcd all the, Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Ir�terest, _ <br />� Doa��er, Curtes9, Claim czrzd Derrian,d u�h,afsoe7�er of the said Grantors_, a`��'-I�FT�S#"n�,of, in or to the same,or anr� part thereof. <br />' �o �abe anD to �oID the above-descrr,bed premi.�es, with t,he appzcrtenances, unto the said, Gran,t,ee _-_____ancl to_____h��_ .________ ' : ' <br /> h-eir.s and assians foreUer�. ✓Ind______W2______hereb9 coz�enant________zvith t,h-e said (�ra»tee_______that___________ y�t�. ____.._____..hold_______::s�id pre,mises ;'; ;; <br />' h7� ��od, and perfect t,i,tle; tliat..___ _V4'_�___ ________haY.�___.�ood risht an-d lawful authorit� i;o se1,l and convey the same; that t,hey are �`. ' <br /> i <br /> free and cleur of all liens and incumbrances wh,atsoever____ ______ <br /> I ------- - - --- ----- - -- ------ - - --- ------ ------- ----- -- --- �: : ' i <br /> :: <br /> I' ,,4nd _____,___ _�e _______ ._____ _____________covenant.. ______t,o warrant and defend t.he said premises a�ainst the lar�vful claims of all , ' :' <br /> peTSOns u�homsoever-- - --- -- - -- --- -- -- -- -------- -- - - - -- ------ -._----- ---- ------ ---- ----------- --- ---- ------- <br /> Dated the <br /> -------l�th_ .. _------- -------da� �f---- - --A�'���i - - -- - - _✓1. D. 19-�--�-�-- <br /> ___ . ; <br />� ; <br />' W7TNESS <br /> - -------- --------------.�e�.�r----�_ro_�z�------------------------ ----- -- <br /> ( 1.50 ) <br /> _. ------ ------ -------�ou-�s e---�'ro�.�----------- --------- ------- , <br /> -------- -------- ------------ Johr:__All-an.--- --- -------- -- � I.R. ) <br /> ( st z�rnPs ) --------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------- : <br />� ------ ----- - - -----, - __..... _-- <br /> _________ _______ S cancelled) <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR.gSK-4, <br /> ss. � <br /> -------- -------x�,ii------- ------- count�, On this_---- ---------lY->�YL..---- -----_daz� of-- ------------- ---A�r_i1_--------- -------..�. D. 19--1�-----._, before me, , <br /> I the undersi�ned, a Notarz� Public__. __..__. _ _ ____________within and for said Countz�, personally came..... ____.._. ___..._._ .....____....... __._...,.___.._. ' <br />,� _Pet�r___Trout__ancl___Loui_s_e_.Trout__,__ Yiis__.wife, ___._____ ` ��. <br />� -�------------- -- --------- ---------------- ------------------- <br /> �;; <br /> s:; <br /> ;: <br />', to me personally known to be the identical personE�_____whose name...S__3�S'.B____ _ _________ ______.afJ"ixed to the `: ; <br /> (��Z+ � �S _____._.severally aeknowled�ed the same to be t.nelr `' <br /> above instrument as ra,ntor_S______,arLd._______ tYle�T , _ <br /> vo7,untary act an,d deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS I�'HER,EOF, I have hereunto subscribed mr� name and af�'ixed my ofJ`Ecial seal at <br /> C'�r�irliz.__�S1�.L1u.a _1T1__S�,.lcl (�_ounty__; <br /> , ..___on the date last above written. <br /> ----- ----------- -------- ------------,Z s�x1n---All�n------------ ----------- ' <br /> Notary Publie. <br />� ✓YIy commissi,on expires__�7�,11._�-+-13�'�-'--------------- ------------ ----•----------------------------=---1'�-------------- ,` <br />