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� � <br /> — <br /> :� <br /> ����J�� ��,J�l��/��2'��`� Z5V V��� ���0� � <br />� �,. <br /> `� .' � - � - � -� � -- � <br /> _ _ _- _ .__ _ _ . _ __ � _ � _ . = -- � - -_ -_ - = _ - - <br /> - _. <br /> . 82442 STnTF_JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN,NBB _ <br /> ` �_ _� '� ' : �� - � _— ,:_ .__...�� .__ -. �_ "'___ . . �--__ _ -�__ _ ' <br /> ___ __ .` _ . :.. _ _� <br />� _ _ . . .. .. -- .. ;_�: _ .-.._ _ ... _ __ - ' __"'- -- ,__ . _,: ' .'___: ._:: .:::.... ,� <br /> FR4�'l1 I hereby certif� that this instrument zva.s entered on Numerical <br /> A. J. �ti'i lh�lm Rc wif e In,de,x ��»d filed for record this.----- --11-- --------_da� of---,A.���'�,�---=---: .: !' , ' <br /> ,: : ', <br /> .q. �. 19._1�----, �t --- -�=-3�------ ---------------o'clock- --P•--,M• � <br /> -- - --- --- ------ ----------- �larrantp ; _�; <br /> - - ------- --- TO <br /> �Fea. . ` <br /> :;. . <br /> ------- ---------- -- ---- - - - -------- --� --------- ---- ------�--- ; <br /> Re ister Deeds <br /> ------Au�us t Hoi'fman <br /> ---- -------- ------- ---- <br /> --------- By-------�------- - -------- --------------------�-----��------.....------------�---------- , <br /> Deputy. <br /> �no� �YY �.en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br /> Tha� A.--.T. ti�i l he lml an a 1�ar i e-Wi l Yi e lm>-- h i s w i f e ------------ ------------ --------- --------- ------------------ <br /> ---- - -- --- - _----- ------ '� <br /> -- -------- ------ --- ------- - - - ------ -------- ---- ------ --- ----- ------ - - ---- -------- ------- --------- ---------- - ---- <br /> of the County of _______H�.11_ _________ ______and State of ________ _N_Gbxel,Sk�, _______Granto�__________,in consideration ' <br /> o}the sum o}..--- ---Ori�__CtOl_].�,r ana ot_her_-cor,s i derat i on- - - - - -.-_.- ------ ------- -------- ----- -----------�,�� ,- <br /> --- ---------- - -- ------- � ` <br /> i,n hand paid,do -------------hereby GR�2NT,B✓1RG.�4LN', SEI,L,.�1ND CONVEY'unto------Al1gUS_�__$Q�fl�i3ri --------- ------- ------ --------- ----------- ` '; . <br /> ------ - ------ --- - -- - - ----- -- - - -- - -------- ------- - ------ -------- ------- -------- --------- -----� �--- -------- ,`I <br /> ------ -------- -- ; . <br /> - :� <br /> o the Countr o _____ccnd State o __..____ __,Nebr�,S�cZ ._.._.. Grantee_____.__, the ' .' <br /> f .f f---- --- --H�11 - - � ------- - --------, followan� <br /> described premises, sitzcated in tTie CourLt9 of_. ______ _____._____H��.�.___.__. _______ ________________ared State of Nebraska, to-wit.: � `�. <br /> __LQ� _tv,o.____Ni_ne____(_91 __in �ilock__No.____Thirt�r-seven___(_3�_�__o.f WaSmer!�e, City__of__Grand.______ 4 <br /> _Isl�.nda Nebraska,.(__t__o�e_t_ner__wit�_ tyie_ imFroven�ent_s_ thereon)_ as _surve�ed,_ platted ancx recorded_. '' � <br /> , , <br /> -(_Sui�_,�_e_ct.--- ' <br /> h�weY�r_,____to__.one___first__ rtlort_��.�e_ in__trie___or_i_�inal___sum___of Nineteen__Hunc�red___(_�1.�00.00__).__ <br /> _Poll�.rs ,__Faya,l�le to tn� Oecirent�.l; P.uildin� ar�d Loan__Ass_ocia,t_ion_ of__Omaha_�_ Nebraska, which _ <br />, -'�-he---�rantee__ h°rein---assum�s---ana_��r�es -t--° pay_' )---- � -- <br /> '• 6 . <br /> � i= !'' <br /> ... . . .... . . ..__ _______"._ -________ _________ ______""_ _______"_ ____�____ _______"_ ___" _.._�__ _-_--____ _ "' . _ ________ <br /> :� � .:�, .K. <br /> i�: <br /> '________ _________ _________ ________ �_"_-__.. ____.'._' . ..'__-____ � .._____ __. , .� <br /> N�f`' <br /> - ---- - ----- ---- - ----- -------- ------ ------- ---------- ----- ----- ---- <br /> ..��- <br /> ________ _________ _"___"_"_ __'_____" '"___ __" ' .. �5.� " <br /> y�,.; <br /> ----- ------ ------- - ------ ------ --`----' ------- ----- -------- ------ --------- -----°- --------------- - ' -------- --'------- <br /> � .: <br /> ---- ------ ------ ----- ------- . ,� : �'.,�.. <br /> To�sether ��ri-th all, th,e tenerne�ats, hereditaments, and appurtenan.ces thereunto belonsirz�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ' <br /> Doioe�°, Curtes�, Cla,im and Demand whatsoever of the sai,d Grantor.s..,s�ss��'��,of, in or to the same,or an� part th,e,re,,of. <br /> �o �abe anD to �ol� the above-described premises, with t,he appzcrtenances, unto the said Grara,t,ee _______.and to_______hj,g _._.-.__.- ' ' ' <br /> h,eirs a-n,d assi�sr�s forever. �1rzd.____�e________hereb� eoz�enant._,.._.zvitlz the said Gra�2tee .______that________________YYEs.. .____________.hold_.,____:sai,d pre,mises ,' <br /> bz� ��od and per}'ect title; th,at_..._ ._..___W_� ________ha_V_8_.�ood ri�ht and lawful aut,hority t,o sell and convez� the same; that ther� are `: <br /> f'ree and clear of a.11 liens and incumbrarcces whatsoever__.�XC_2��-'�-__Sc1.1._Cl_I710rt-,��..��_,____�,8___�,bD-V--e_s___�,27.d--'�aX2-S----�'��'--th2-------- <br /> ��a�--�-91_5---at?d---S�°e-c_�a� _s_ewer_--t�x-}-- -------- <br /> �nd __.__ __.____ _____ _We__ ________ ___________covenant._____to warrant and defend the, said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all ' ; ; <br /> persnns whomsoever--- --- - - - - - ---- - =--- -- -- - ----- -------- ------- ------ - ------- --------- - -------- -- ------------ ---------- ------- <br /> vated the ..- -------------1�u------- -- ---------da?� ��----------- P�i�.r�'h-- - - --.g. D. 19_.1.�------- <br /> W'ITNESS � - --------------A.---�-.---�=��.�1.-�-�.�--- -------------- - ----------- - ' ' <br /> ( 1.00 } <br /> ------- C. T. T'10;tiTe r - ------- ------Mar i e_ v"J i ihe l.m------------- ------------ -- -------- <br /> ------- -------- - ------- ----- ---------- -- -- --------- -------- � I.R. ) <br /> � � St a��r1F ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> cancelled� ' � <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBP.gSK�4, <br /> ss. , <br /> ------- ------------H�:11. ----------- County, On th,is----- ------..7-S.t... , daz� of -------------��.rCYL------------ --- --------.1. D. 19_1�--------, before me, <br /> the urcde,TSi�sned, a Notarz� Public. ________ __.____ .. __.___._..withirz and for said Countz�, personallz� came____ __________ ______. ........... ..._.._........_.._..__. � <br /> ,:: ; <br /> : <br /> A.�.w i l n�l� an�i--s,�ia�'-�e--w�.�r�e_lm_�---?�-�s---v���,��----------------- -------------------- - - ---------------------------------------------- ; <br /> --------- --------- --------- -- <br /> -- -------- -------- --------- ------ -- --- -------------------- ------------------- ------------------------- :: <br /> t : <br /> _ � <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identieaZ persor�S_____lvhose name.s___d�'�.__ ____________ ______ccf)ixed to the � ° <br /> ( SEAI, � aboUe instrumerct as srantors__.__.,and___.th231..____ ____.__severally acknowled�ed the same to be ___thelr,_____. °` ' <br /> uolun,tarz� act, and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'ITNESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subseribed mr� name and afj'ixed my ofjicial seal at <br /> Grana Islana-in s�,i_d County ,_ _ _ __on the date �ast above written. ' <br /> --- - - ----------- ------------------�-•---T•----E1o�rer------------------ ; <br /> Notary Publie. <br /> .��y commission expires._ _AU.�,LiS�- 2-Ztn�----l�l-�----------------- � ------------�•---------- ': <br /> , <br /> . <br /> . : <br /> __ __--- �;. <br /> ;,:... <br />