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Bleuer <br /> --------- ----------- ------- ---- ----- - ---- -- - - - --- �- � <br /> ��--- -._---- ----- - - --- -- - -- _ -------------- --------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�.o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t� : <br /> ����------_.Qt.t.�--�'_, __�o�nm�.n__ar��._-Nan- Sot_hm��n_ _hu�ban�i_.anu--wif�----------------------------------- �------------------- , <br /> of the County of-- ------- Hc1.11- ------- --------art.c� �Stc�te of-- -------- ---- -Ne�i�'cL�.kc`�----- ------Grantor--�-------, in eonsideTatiorc � ;:. <br /> ° - . -- <br /> of the sum of--------- T_4VO- -�l'11GUSdTld__E1_�xY_l_t__�iUT1_clY'�C1__�lla__n0�_1Q4------------- -=-----------' ----- ------------- - - ------- -------DOLL✓1RS, i! <br /> ;� <br /> ;; <br /> in hand paid, do------------._�aereb� GR✓1✓1�"T, B�gRG.F1IJIP, SELL, .gND CONVEY'unto------------------��.7��.�.s`�Ttl--F.--I�1�u�r_- -------------------- " <br /> ------------------------------- - - -- - <br /> ---- - -- -- - ---- ------------------ -- ------ - -- ----- ------------------------------------ --- - <br /> �: <br />, of the CountJ of-- '------ �d,ll - - - � _-- NPb xa,Ska.- -- ------_ __-- - ---------- Grantee-------- the followin� <br /> -----and State o -- -- - - - - , , �i <br /> ;' <br /> described premises, situated in th.e County of_____ ________�d.��- --- ---------------- -----------and State of Nebr��cka, to wit: '' <br /> ---Zot,..Number._.Tnree---.�.3)---in hlo_ck--Numt?_er _::�,.QUr_..�.�-)--.�_�_.R_�.s.s.�_�...VJr�eel�r�_s_,.A.u_aiti�n---t�---.�ran:d---�-s.l.anc�-t- i <br /> ....Ive�ra.ska---as---shown--qn---t;-h�.-xec.Qx.c��.u_-�?la.t----of.---�_ai.�.._As��ai_t.i���....on..�-i.l.e.---in...t-h�-._a#'�'ic�---a�'---�h�---- ----------- '' <br />' -- R.ecor.der---oP__.Dee_c�s--o�'- �-a�d---�qux�ty..- ---�----�--�- -- ---�--- -- -- - -- -- ---- --- -�-----------------� ------------------------------------------ ------------- - -------- ------------ '' <br /> �----------------------- ------ -- - -- --- --- _.., --- -- - ------�---------------...---�--�----------------------------- ----- -----....__---- -..-------... --------------------------._. , <br /> ---------�----------��- ----------------...- -- � -- - - ...-- - - ---- --- --... - -- - - ---- �-�---- ---� �--------- -------�--�------.._..------•----�-- --------.. .------ <br /> -----------�-----��-----------------.._._ ----- � ------ -- --- ---- -- -.... -----�-----------�- -- ----------- --- ------------------ ----- - --- -----�------------------- ------- - ---- �- ------,�------------------ �---------------�----------- <br /> -------- -------�------ ----------------�---- - -� - -- -. _ - - ---...---- ---- ----�------ - ---� -- -..------- -------------.......-----------�------�--------....--------�----- - , <br /> - -_. ----- ---- -- - - _._ ..- -- - � - - <br /> - - - - - - - - - - - ---�----�- ------- ---------� - <br /> -- ---- --- ----- - -- - � <br /> r To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenan,ces ther•eunto belon�irz�, and all the Estate,Ki�ht, Tit,le,Interest,Dorner, <br />� Curtesy,Claim and Dem,and whatsoer�er of th,e said (�rantor8____,and of eith,er of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />' , �CO-�A�iC �IY� t0 �OI� th-e above-descrived pre3nises,with th,e appurterzarzces, unto the said�rarctee____.___and to__._____�_�_g________ heirs ' <br />� i ��,'; ��I <br />� i and assi�ns forever. .ilnd We_ ._____herebr�covercant_.____with the sc�id Grantee______.that_____________W�____.___:_._ hold________._said premises bz��ood and ! <br />, , perfect title; that.___._We______________-ha�e__�ood risht and lawful ccuthority to sell and convey the same; that they are free arcd clear of all Ziens ' <br />, � and incumbrances whatsoever_______._._ _ <br />, -- ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- -------- ------- ---------- - --------- -------- - ----- ------- -- ------------ ---------------------- - -- , `� <br />: , <br /> , --- - -- __- --- ----- -- -- - ---- - -- - -- -- ----- --------- -------------- - ------- ----------- - ----------- <br /> i -------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- -- ---- --------- - - <br />, � <br />' � <br />� ' -- ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ -------- ------- ----- -- , - <br /> ; ----- <br />, ---- -- - - --- - - -- --- - - ----- ---- - -- <br /> � -- - --- - - -- - -- -_-- -- <br />; i �lnd___. ___ ___._____�N2_-_- -- ---_- --- --- ------------ - covenant_.______to warrarzt ar�d defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons � � <br />�:. ! whomsoever---- ----- __ - --- - - _ --- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -- --- -- --------- ---------- --- - ---- ---- ----- --- <br />� <br />� -- -- - - - ---- -- - - - - -- - - ----- ------ ------- -- - - --- -- ------- ----- --- -- ----- <br />* Dated the-----2Q��-----------------------day �1�- -- ---------Feb_ril�'� .�1. D., 19_ll.---• <br /> i; <br />, ; <br /> � <br /> W7TNESS --------------------------------Q��II-1'_•---��'�thTrid71-------------- ',' <br /> -----------------------------�an------So_thman- ----------------- - <br /> ---- - -- --- ---�� V''-�--�_r_in_in�ex------- ------ ---- - ----- s <br /> i �� i � <br /> --------- ------- <br />� ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- <br /> 4 ST.1TE OF NEBR�SK�1, � <br /> �ss. ,. � <br /> Nall------------------County, Or� this.-- ---- 2Q�h-- ------------da�J of------------------EEI1rLi��,�-------- -------.I. D., 19_.�1 _ , before me, l <br /> � the undersi�ned,a Notary Public--------__---____------------------within and for said County, personally came--------_------__-__---__--____-_--_ -- '' <br /> � <br /> k ' <br /> ; �t_t�--F-.---Sothman---ar_ci__Na,n---Sothman.------Yiusbar�a__ana__wi_fe---- -------- ------- -------- ------- , .._ <br />�� � � � <br /> } i <br />� ' ------------ -------------------------------------- ' <br /> � ---- --- -------- <br />� � <br /> to me personally kr�ozvn to be the identical person_�__._____whose r�ame__S__are________________._______afj"ixed to the above <br /> , (SEAI.� instrument as �rantor.�___., and___._______._.�.h£�___.__.___severally aeknowled�ed the same to be____�.11eir------volunta�y :, <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> Idl�'W7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj2xed my of}�cial seal at._____________._________ :. <br /> ' _�r�n__I_s_].�.ria,___�[�.hr_�_______ _______________on the date Zast above written. '' <br /> j <br />' � --- -------- --------�-•---�_.----�r_i_ninger---- --------- --- ! <br /> ✓l�'otarr�Publie. <br /> '; .My commission expires-----�dT'Ch_16_u-- lyl�l- ------- ------------- ----------------- �----------• " � <br /> ;; <br /> ; , <br /> ; ' <br /> , j I <br /> P 1 � • <br />� � . ;l. <br /> � . <br /> _�,_�. �-_i <br />