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�F: . <br /> � �� <br /> ���� D�C�C� C�C�C�O�D �oo ��o <br /> _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ <br /> _ _= _ � _ _ Y.«__ _�— _ `_ _ ___ _ __ . __ ___ <br />- -=-�3;$�£fTF�-z�-N�f�E�'ca:;Printin9,L�fe�k�ga,iaGmni�J'�Pnliis;(3„trzira: -_ - - == - -- --_ ---- <br /> FRO.M I herebr� eertify that this instrum,ent iUas eratered on .Numerical <br /> ___Th2 ROSS Investment CO. Index aizd led o�•record this_________________�___.____da o ''� � <br /> -- -- ----- - - - ------ - --- - - - � � � f-----------AFr-il---------- <br /> . .g. �.� r916------, a�--._ G-�.�O..------------------� ---'---0��'iGOCj(%--�+--✓�. ��..�. <br /> _ - - - -- _ _-- w��ty <br /> ------ - ---- -- -- - -- -- TO---- __ _ , <br /> � - <br /> Deed. � �" <br /> ------- - - -C'!��� <br /> - ---f-�---------------------- - <br /> H�7'7'V J. VO a S Re�i er of De.eds, <br /> $�J-------- -------- - - -- --- ------- --------------- ------- ` <br /> ------ - ` -- - ---- -- ------ - - -- -- -- ---- Deputy. <br /> �.�oba ��Y �er� �p ��je�e �re�et�t� : <br /> ����-----The Ross In_v__es tment Co. ,__a cor��orat ion - - --- --------- - --- -- ------- -- - ---- <br /> - - - - - . ----------- -- ------------ ! <br /> of the Count� of-- -----------H�11-- __n,ncl ;St<ztF of-- ------- N_E',bY'a,5}�a,, ----- - ------- ------ -------------Grantor-- -------, in consideration <br /> ' - - <br /> of the sum of.------- - F-jV-Z--t1U11C�r�t�--& 110�00- ----- ----- ------- - ------- --------DOLLdIRS, °; <br /> ----------------------- ---- ------- ----- -- ----------- ---- <br /> in hand paid, doe-5------------_yaereby GR�NT, B�R(��I.N, SELL, .�1�'D C,ONVEY'unto------Hc3�rT�---J-•--Vf�5-8------------------------------------ ------------------- '' <br /> -------------- ----------- -- -- - ----- ------- -- -- --------- ----------------------------- --- --------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------ - - ---------- ----- --- <br /> I' of the County of------ -_Ha,ll - ---- - - -----and State of_- - -- ----- - - 1'�-��_��l.Sk�---- - - ---- - -- -__- --- ----,Gran-tee-------, the following <br />' described premises, situated in the County of_______ _______________ _ H�.11 ____._.______ ________..and State of✓V'ebre�cka, to wit: '' <br /> ------L�t_..idumber---N�ne.---(--9�, Block-Number-�_�y_en--(-�--).-.�.�'..._Ko_�.k��.,�_.City---p�...�ran.�1.:.I.�.l.ansi�-- ',' <br />�c�r..air,.�..._�.o._.�.h�.._r��Qr_cie-a-F1_at..__ther.e.of..- -......_.... --� ---- ------ ------------------ --- ------------�� --- -- ��------------------------------------- -----�-----.._..--- - --------- ` <br /> - --T.h�.�- -deed--i�--m�_d� �.ubj.°ct__.to___�axe�_ a��e_ct_.�'or- �_�,e...y��,�' .�y12-•----�------------------- ---- --------- -----------�--------------------- <br /> I -----��-----------�---�----- ------------............. . .- -- ----- - -- -�-- - �-- ----...----....._._..--------- -- ---�---------- �----....-----------....--�-� --- -......---------------��----�---------.__...----------------�----------------�--_. <br />� --�-------------------�----------------------- ---------�--� �----- �- ---- --� --------�-----�----�----��---------------�---------�-------...---- - ---- ---�-- ---- -------�------- -- - ---- --- - �-----------------�- ------------------------ <br />'� _............... �----------�-------------.....- - --� ---- �- - --- - -. - - -- ----- ---�---�---------�--- �--- -----.-.._..------ ------ -------...-�-------------- �--------...----------- ---�---�----- -----.....--��----------------.....---------- <br /> ---- ---- -�-�- --- ----- - - - - �- - --.. .------�--------------------------------------------------------------.._ -- <br />� To�etlzer with all tlze tenements, hereditarnents, and u�purten,ances thereunto belorc�irc�, arcd all the F,state,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,��, <br />� �,Claim and Demand whatsoe��er of the said C�rantor_____.,���7��s�, of,in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �CO �d�1C ZYIY� t0 �OI� tTze avove-described prerrzises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee________and to___ni$___.______.__ heirs <br /> The said The Rcss Tnvestment Co. !' � <br /> Ii and assi�ns forever. �nd_______�_____..hereby covenant_�____wityz the said Grantee.______that_____________��,._______________ hold__H_______said prem.ises by�ood an,d !! <br />: `: <br /> I'I perfeet title; that_________1 t___._________.___ha__�__�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien,s <br />' and incumbrances whatsoever--------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------_. <br />' ------------------------------------------ - ---- --- -- -- ------- - - - - -- - -- - -- ---- --- - - - - -- ----- ------------ --------------------------- --------------- ---- - -- '. <br /> - - - - --- --- - - ____._-- ---- - - - - - --- -------- - -- -------------- ---- ------------- -- -------- ------------- ---------------- ------- --- <br /> :� <br /> . -�0. , 'i <br /> ,qn�_�rle___Sd,l_Cl_ TYle__�G�3.__XT1VE�ti11�21'�covenarzt.�__.__i;owarrar�tand defend the said premises a�aanst the lawfuZ claims of all person,s ;! <br /> Wr1BIf1S06V.E3x''-----_ . _ . � <br /> -- --- --- _ _ _.. __...._ ._----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- <br /> I <br /> In__!�it�nes�--�+h_�r_�of'i---yn�__��ic1--Th�--Ra�s--Iny�_�_�ment---�-o-=---ha�---C�t��_�_�_t�h�s-s--Fr_e�en�s----t-o--'b-e--signs-a--b-Y--- ' <br />�i <br /> its Pr�sicient___�ns�___i_�_�__��r�?�rate �eal___at_t_�ci�e�__k�e�eto_ this 15th__d�,y of r�arch, A.D.1913. <br />� W7TNESS --'�'-I'��---�408---�T�Y-E�'S-t���l.�--�4. --------------- --- <br /> (CORP) <br /> --- -----T._J-�---Hans e�------------------------------ - - - ( SEAL) <br /> -------�3y--------Fr�d__W,Asht o�-----Pr e�_�,ci��t.---- <br /> ---- - -- <br /> Attes-t------S.--v-,--Ro�-s------------Secretary_-,----- ;' <br /> ST.,4TE OF NEBR✓1S.K�1, <br /> I� �ss. ; <br /> ------�i�11-------------------county, ) On this-------------a-:�"----------------da� �f------•---------�arch--------------------------.�. D., 19.-��- - , before me, <br /> the u3zdersi�sned, a Notary Publie.__ . within and for said County, personally eame_.I+_'�'�;,1__W_.ASl''1��T1,__ -Pr_e8 i_dBTi�___Q� <br /> Tn�__Ross_ Inyestment__ C�.,t;o___me__personally___known;to___be_ the__Presic�en�___o�'__.s�,_�._�1___C�m- <br /> pany_,�and__tne__i�.entical___�erson__who�� narr,e___is__af_f'ixe_a_ to__ the _ab_o_v__e__ inatrument___as <br /> (SEAL ) Gra�tor, and ackn���rlec�ecl ttze s�,�e to be rii,s voluntary act and deed anc� tne ' <br /> volunt�,ry �,ct an� deecl �f �he s��ici The Ross Investment Co. ,for the purr�ses � <br /> t��r�;in ex�-re5se�, <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and a}j"ixed my ofJEcial seal at_._____.______.______.___ ' <br /> G�'c7,rid IS1�3,21d,__td2brdSk�.,_______________on the date Zast above written. ' � <br /> ---------- ----- - ------------ <br /> -------- -----------------�-•---�-•---I�t3.7�S-�-71------ _----------------- '' <br /> �V'otary Public. <br /> ✓Vly commission expires------Feb_._17th---._.1916. ---- - --- ------------------------�g------------• <br />� , �! <br />