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V � E� <br /> �a�. DC�C�D ���O�D �loo �Oo <br /> .__ _ __ ��—_ __ _ __.� _- _ _ _ <br /> --- ..G�0-=ff7.ffP7s'&B11l��ETT CO.,f�rinEititg,Lit�ographan(�an�G`oacnt�j_�S`'u7��lies;�n�aJa�z � _ _ __ — — _ <br /> �;�. _ __-.. . .._.., _. .. _ - --, �-_°� - —=___._ —_�_..__ ___�—_��.� _____ _ �_.,_._._�__�s <br /> I''�O� I hereby certify that thi.s instrurne,rLt was entered on Numerical <br /> ----- �-�.e �?o��--�r�v-�a tm�n�-�a. - - - - -� <br /> _ Index arr.d filed for record this_.____Z.�_____,___.___da�of_.__________���'Ch_______ <br /> -- ---- ----- ---- T�- __ - --- --- <br /> Warranty .9. D., 19i 6------, at--- - 1.:10- -- -------o'clock,- --P._.M. <br /> � Deed. � � <br /> -------- - -- -�-��- -----��� ------------------- <br /> Re�aste�f Dee.ds, <br /> ------- --- --- �rnes_�__T,utri - - - -- - -- ----- <br /> BJ------ - - --- -- -- --- - --- ----- --------------------- � <br /> , Deputy. <br /> �.�.o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�� <br /> ���t____The___Ross__ �nve�tment _ Co. ,__a _corp9rat ion__ . _.________ - <br />� ---carad State o ---- -------------------------_N_�bY's�.�k3---- -----------------------------------Grantor-----------, ira consideration , <br /> of the Count�J �f--- --- --Hc'�.�1 --- f i <br />, of the sum of_--------- �h�'��__�l'l.Q'�S_s�Xl�__&--�.Q�.QQ'--- -- -- �-- <br /> ' --------_..--------- -------------DOLL✓1RS, <br /> in hand paid, do��----------hereb� GP✓1.N'T, B.�IRG.IIIJV', ,SELL, �1ND CONVEY'unto---------EY'21P�t--_Lll'�h--------------------------------------- ---------------- '' <br /> -------------- ------- ---__ -- - ----- - ------ -- ----- -- ------------------- ------ - --- - - ------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- - <br />� of the Count�J��----- -- .Ii�.�7�---- - -- -- --and,State of-- - -- N_�1�5'�Ska,- - -------- ---- - --- - - -- -- -----------,Graratee,--------, the following <br /> described premises, situated in the Countz�of__________H�11 ._____arzd State of Nebr��ka, to wit: <br /> _�7.Q.��___�Tumb_ex._Q��----�1-a---.�n._.Koe?���_x__Sul��iY�s_,ifln-�----accqrd�n�-.to_..t?�e_._��c.Qr_�.�-�--F-1_a.t----th��_�_o.f....naw.._Qn------:.... ; <br /> ;' <br />� .�'ile_.._in._tne----ofi'fice__of---the--.County--Cl_erk---o.f--sai.d_.Hall---County-,--N_�braska.------------------------------------------------.----.... ...... ,, <br /> i' <br /> .�h�.�..._�.�_��.--is--.zna�3e -subj�.c'�-- -�-�?- .an�t.._b_u�.�.�.�,�;...xes.t.r�.ct_i9n.� -�.on�air��d_..iz�---xigX�t---Q�'--�r�- ._sie��--r�c_o_rsi��3. i; <br /> .�in._B_a.ok_1-4--P��� --:�7� -�'�GOr��- �f.--�P...���a.d._.Hall---�ounty---N��ra..�k_a,.__.�,n��.._�.1��---�-4---�--1-e-aS-�---a-f-------- �', <br /> .said.__Frem_i ses.,.___�xFi.rinF___February__lst__1_911.._._The_,.grantor__.retains__a_t_he__.right__.t�__�r�a�.�.�_�,ix�___th�................... <br />' �ra.ina�e_ditcn._now--�,cros� -sai!�--�ar�m_i�es-.,---------------------- ------ ' ; <br /> -------------------��------..._.._.._.._ --- --�-�---- -- - ---- - -- --- ---- -- --- -��- -- ---- -----�---- -------�- --..- -�---------- ---._..--,---------------- ------�----------�--�------ - - ------ �-------------------------- --- > <br /> ---------------�.-------- --------- - - - -- ---- ---- - -- - --- -_ _. -- - --- - ---_ _ _ _ - .-...-------------------�------------ ------------------ -------------------- ---- -- - <br /> To�ether with all the tenefnents, lzei•editarrients, and ap�urtenances thereunto belon�in�s, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoez�er of th,e said Crarztor______,cr��so��,���t, of, in, or to the sam.e, or any part thereof. ; <br />' �0A.�1C AI1� t0 OY� the above-described rernises, with the a urtenances ur�to the said rantee________arcd to____ _ _ _ Iaeirs ' <br /> � � P I�P , � �113 - -- <br /> i t�ie said The Ross Investment Co. <br /> and assi�ns forever. .9nd_______�__._____,hereb�covenantS_.____with the sai,d Crantee_._____that__________�_�_______.__._____._ hold_�_______.said prerrzises by�ood and ` <br /> perfect title; that.____________it_____._____ha_S.___sood ri�ht and lazvful authoritz� to sell and convez� the same; that they aTe free and cleaT of a.11 lzen,s ;` <br />' and incumbrances whatsoever---------------------------------- -----.---------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------- ------------ -- ---- - -------- ---- ----- - ------ - --- - ---- --- --- --- - ----- -- --- - ---- -- ----- -- -------- -- --------------- ------ ----- --- ' <br />' --- -- ----- - -- --- - - -- -- - - --- - - ---- - - --- - ---- -- ---- ------- - -------------- ----------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- - -------- <br /> covenants ` <br /> �lnd_:�_��___g�j,_�.___'��@__R.!�_5-3---I�1V'L'8�1'�I�rit CO. _ -h--towarrantand defercd the said premises a�s�cinst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever- - --- -. -- -- -- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------•--------=--- ---- <br /> In__Wi.tness _ V�h�reof___t__ne__s_ai_�__Tne__Ro_s_s____Investment__Co,____has__cause�__these__Fresents__to___be__s_i_�ne�._by__its <br /> Presi�ent �.n� __i-#:_�_-��arporat� sea;l��:'attache_d__her_��.o__tr�is 6tri d�y of_.October A.D.1910. <br /> u�zT.NESS .___.____The_Ross__Inv�stment_.Co.___.__._____________ <br /> ----------- -- -T-•- �-----Har�s_en---------------------------- - ---- ( COEP) �,Y------Fr_e�__',�:.A.�ht Qn-------Ps_�.�i��n�--- ----- <br /> ( SEAL) At t e��-------s�-�-•-Rs�s s-----------------Se�r_et��y_ <br /> ST�TE OF .N'EBR.ISK.,4, 1 <br /> }ss. <br /> ---------------H8,11-----------------------County, ) Or� this-----------6-t�------- ------------daJ �f--•--------------------D�tOb_�'_--------------.q. D., 19�.Q---- , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a.N'ota�y Public_.______ .________withi,n and for said County, personally eame_F�'�_�___W_.��ht�on,�r_e.�i��nt____o�__, <br /> -Th� Ro�s_ Investment Co,_�to me _���:rson�lly known, to 'be _ the Presi�ent oP_ said, <br /> ComFany, an� trie identical person whose name is affixe�3 to the above instru- <br /> �5� � ment as G.rantnr, and ael:nowle�.�ed tne same t� x�� his valuntary act an� deed an�' <br /> trie voluntary aet and deed of �}�e s�,id ' Ross Tnvestment C�. ,�'vr tYie ,pur- <br /> pose tnerein expre�s�d. _ . __ _ _ � <br /> IJV'W7T,NESSW'FIEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my r�ame and af�"'ixed my ofj'Lcial seaZ at__�'xraS1C�__________ �; <br /> I�l_�,��}__N���'a.$ki3�_______________ _______________on the date Zast above written. <br /> ----------------------�------------�-•---J-�----Hans_�n--�--------------- <br /> ✓1�'otar�Public. <br /> .My commission expires-----�'-2b. -��--1��.6�--- ----- __ ----- --------------------------J�'-----------• <br />� ` . � � � � i � <br />