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� �--� � _ <br /> D D ° 0 ° D. o � <br /> �4����... D��D G�C�C�OC�D �oo �dn .. <br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - - _ _ — <br /> ���iO—KLOPP&BAR3'LE?'T CD.,Printing,Lithoprdyhing arid Covnty Supplies;OrnaTea. ' � M � � _ _ <br /> :_ , _ __._ _.. _.�., ,. _ -- <br />_ . _�� __ . ___ ___.� _.= _ . _ <br /> _ . .. �,.–=-__..__ _�.__.^ __—�._r _ ,�___ _. °------ -� <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered orc Numerical I <br /> ----------0�CaI'_Ve�t.--&---Wlf e__._-------_-_------------ Index and filed for record this-------------�------------day of----------------�a,rCh---- <br /> dl. .D., 1916-----, at---- 11:�0 - -_ _ - - -------o'clock- --A_�_,M. <br /> ------- -- --- - - -- - _ - - - ---- --. _ - -- - Warranty <br /> _ <br /> Deed. ' � ' <br /> TO � , - ,� � <br /> � <br /> �����d ----------'� <br /> ---- - -- - - - ----- --- � ---- ---f--------------- <br /> Re ist o Deeds, <br /> - -----AU�u:�-t-�-Yeit- - --- ---- -- -- <br /> B✓- ---- - --- ------- - --- --- ----- - ------------- ------- <br /> De ut <br /> ------- -- --------- - -- -- . - -- -- --- - .._ A �J• <br /> - �.r�o� �Y� �e�. �p ��je�e ��e�e�ct�: <br />' ����____Osc�.r _Vei_t..a.r�.�__�2ir_i_am_ Ve_it,� wife_i___ _ <br /> of the County of_---- - - -- -- Hd11-- ---- -u�z,d St,ate of--- -- -----------------------NebT'aSk3-- -------------- <br /> __.____________Grar2tor.__g_____, in consideration <br />', of the sum of.------ONE DOI,�R_, (an�_ otrier vdluab le __car�s iderat_ions_�__-___- .�b�� <br /> -- - ---- ----- ---- ---------- - - -- - --------• � <br /> in hand paid, d,o----- ------ ----{ierebz� GR�JV'T, B�RG.,4IJV', SF,LL, �ND COdY'VEY'ur�tv--------A11Fll.S�a.---IT_8_1t------------------------------------ ----------------- , <br /> of the Courzt�J�f-------- - ---Ha,ll-- - - -----and State of---- -_,___ _ __N_E'�hY'�,�k3-- --- -- ------------- -- -- -- ---,Graratee-------, the following <br />' described premises, situated irz the County of______ __._.___.._�Ii�,11�.__ __________________ ._________and State of JV'ebredska, to wit: ' <br />'� --------------�_o:�._��'�v�___�_5-�._�---�n__.��oc�.___�.�x__.(�_�_t_ _Q�__x�rnQ_r��,n..._a��---z�_�_��.�x-'�---A�.�i�_1.�n_..t�a__.�.h�---City---nf----� --- <br />' ��...I�1�nd,...Neb_r.ask�,y-��__.�ur.v��r�d-�---�latt_e_�__�.n�..__r.�car.�l�d........ ..............�-�------------------------------�---------�------....--�--- - -�- ----- <br /> - --------��-�----- -----------�- --- ---- - --- - - ---- ------ ------------ ------------....-----------------....--------------- -----�- - --__�--�-----�------------_...._...-� - -�� ------- ---------------_..-----------------�-----� <br />' --�--------- -----� �- ----------�---- -----� -- --- --- ---- - _ ----�- --.__.._- � ------------------ ---- -- - - -� --------------�------�--�---�-----�•---�--........- --------------------�----------------------------------------------------- <br /> .----�-�--....--- -- - - ....._._�-- ----- -- -- --- - -- - - - ------------------------------------------------- ---------- �----��-�- --- ------------ --�-- �- -------�------- ---- - -...------------- ------------- �---------------------- <br /> -------------__-------------- ----...-- --- ------ --- ------ - ..._ _ -- ---- -- --- - ---._. - - -------------�--------------------------------�----------�------------------------------ <br /> To�ether with all the tenenaents, hereditarnents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dor��er, <br /> I Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe��er of the said Grantor_�___, , of, irc, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br />�i <br /> �CD ���1C AIY� t0 �OI� th,e aboz�e-described premises, with th,e appurtenances, unto the said�Srantee__.____and to________�8�________ heirs <br /> and assi�nsforever. .11nd_____we_______hereb�covenant_____._with th•e said Grantee_______that______._��._____________ hold._________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_____We_________________.__ha��__�ood risht and lawful authorit;y to sell and con,vey the same; that ther� are free and elear of all liens <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- <br />' -------------------------------------------- - - - -- ------ --- --- --- - -- ------ ---- -- -- ---- ------- - - -- - -- --------- -- ------------- ------ - ------------ ----- ----- - <br /> .gnd_ _:___-__ ________ '____.We________ _ ________ covenant_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-------- ---- ----._ - <br /> - ._... - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------- ------- ------------- -- <br /> --------------------- -- ---- -- -- - - -- ------ - <br /> - - -- --------- -- ---- - - ---- ---- - ---- ----------------------�- ----------- <br /> --------------------------- ----------- - <br />� Dated the----- -------�T� MdrCh - - -- - - -.fl. D.,19��------• <br /> -------- ----------- -da�J �/�- -- - - - <br /> I'� WTT.NESS <br /> -------------------------------�S_C.cir--uE�.�- ------------------ <br /> 1.0�— <br />� L. G. A11a,ri --- ( I.R. ) ----------------------------------.Mi.�_i�.ID.___V_�i�---------------------- <br /> ------ ---- -- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------- <br />� - ( Stamps ) <br /> --------------------------------- <br /> (c anc e 11 e d) ----------- <br /> ST.gTE OF �b'EBR.gSK'�, <br /> �ss. <br /> Ha.l l---------------------County, On this------------:J-x'!�.-------- ------da�J of----------------�3�'_�%�1.---------------------------�. D., 19__l�_.. , before me, <br /> the uradersi�ned, a Notar�Public---_-__-___--_---_----------__----within and for said County,person¢lly came---------_---_-__---____-_-----__.._-----_---__-_----__-___ <br /> ---Qscar__ VEit--and__��x_.��.m__Y�_i_'�_�---��1.is_ban�---�xl�.---�:i.f_�:------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br /> ---- --------- - ---------- -- - --------------- - ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />� to me personally known to be the ideiztical persorc_£'z__.____whose name_�___�,T�__________________.____.__r�fj"ixed to the above <br /> (SEAI,) instrument as�rantor_s.__, arcd________________the�________severally acknowled�ed the same to be_'���3.r________.voluntary : <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'IT�V'ESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my ofJ�eial seal at____GY'_c�,TLd_________ <br /> County <br /> I S 13ri!�.x N�b rd.s k�.x 1 ri__.�a.1 ti_____n____on the date last above written. ' <br /> ---------- ---- --------------------Z------�----Allan_------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ,Mz� commission expires___5��.?teltiber__24a__ 1y16.__________________________ <br /> ----- ------�----------• <br />