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<br /> :;�;tf--X'LOPP�k BARTLETT CO.,Printing,I,uhographtin�and County l�upplties:Onealeii. _ _-_ _ _ _ _— -- m _`—
<br /> FRO�VI I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on JV'umerieal
<br /> ------------Barbara_.�ex:�o�y1 8�1ri8�6I' ------- Index arad filed for reeord this-------2--�---------------day of--------------��.z'Ch------
<br /> .�1. D., 19_15-----, at-- -_�Q_ _ -- - -_ _- --------o'elock-A,---,M.
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<br /> of the County of------.----Kj.71�;--- ----------------u,�d St�te of-- _..._�s,`�_Sh�.x1�tQ2_1_------------------ - ---G�rantor--------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of_------TY11r'��-8_ZX__Hl1ri�Y��1__3rid 1'LC)/_lQO---------------------- --- -'------'------ ----- - - ---- ---------------- ------------------DOLL�RS,
<br /> in har�d paid, do_-.___-_-_--_-lzereb� GR✓1NT, B.,4RG.,4IN, SELL, .FI.ND CONVEY'urato-_R11r1Q1P__�llr_���.h1-------------- _____----_ _----•-_--------_
<br /> f y f ___._and State o �Sbra,;�ks'�.___________. .__,Grantee.______, the �
<br /> o the Count o -----,Ha.7.1 --- -- - f----- ------ - ---- --- - ---- followin
<br /> described premises, situated ir� the°�Countz� of_____ __._______Hall _and Stccte of,Nebr�Kka, to wit:
<br /> ........_x�e__�Tnrth-west._..quarter----(.NW,�-�---oP_the-_South_--West---quarter----SSGY.��_..of._.sect_ian...one --(.l-}--in---T�wn,--- - ....
<br /> --.----.-shiF---t-en--._�.10.�...North,----af'--Ra.ri�e---twelve ,--(-12-) west--of__.the Sixth._.�?rinci�?al_..meri�ian-,------------------------------ ------
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<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the sai,d Grantor_.______�� of, irz, or to the same, oT any part thereof.
<br /> �CO �A�1C AIt� t0 �OYb the above-described prernises,with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee._.____.and to____�,.�;__________ heirs
<br />�' and assi�nsforever. ,gnd_.___I_________hereb�coverzant_____.with the sai-d. Grantee________that.____________I______.__________ hold_____,__.___said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that.______I__________________ha$�__�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens
<br /> andincumbrances whatsoever---------------------- -- ------------------------- - --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
<br /> �nd________.________.__I________.__________________ _________________ covenant________to avarrant and defend the said premises a�ain.st the Zawful claim,s of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever- ------. --- - _ _ _ .__. ------------------------------------------•-----------------
<br /> Dated the---�- --------P 3 r S t--------------- -daJ �1�- - --- - -- -JU11e-- - -- - -.g. D.,19--�5=--•
<br /> W7TNESS ---------------------------Bs3T_ha.Z'_�.__�_@r1Tlt3�-------�--------
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<br /> ST.ITE OF .�����,�.��,
<br /> ss.
<br /> -----------------------Kin�---------------count�, On this--------------221�---------------da�J ��---------------------.TU21e---------------------------�. D., 79---�� - , befoTe me,
<br /> the undef�si�ned, a Nota�y Publie--__-_-------_-_----_-___------_--within and for said Count�, personally eame-----_---.------.-__-_-------_-.-_-__-_----------__-__-__------_
<br /> ---------- -}��,rbara_.T.--Der�oc�,y_--�---��Z_i��te�---Q�---���t���.�-�---wa,sh_3.ngtQn---------------------------------- -----
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorc______.____.whose name_________.�_�_ _afy'ixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL ) instrumer�t as�rantor.__.__._, and___________________.�1'�� �i��acknowled�ed the same to be___.___hPr________aoluntar�
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I.N'W'IT.N'ESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and aff'ixed my of}Zcial seal at____________________________
<br /> _SEB.�.�1_�_,___i21___;;cl,1i'1___CQ1111t�_,_________on the date last above writterc.
<br /> -----------------------------3.---8-�----Fole�-----------------------
<br /> ✓V'otary Public.
<br /> .Mz�commission expires------J't11:�- 25-1��--�-.- ---- -------------------- -- ------ ------�9------------• ;
<br /> �
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