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�� �•✓ t� "..^a .Y` ' .. . Fy..���� .,` .. . . <br /> V. <br />� � . D��D ���O�D ��a ��a <br /> � <br />�-- .,',�'uiU-=�LOi'F'�BARY`£E'1'T CO..Pr%vetivep,Lethogrupiei�gamdGountgSuppt¢ea,t�maha: _ _ .__ _-- _. _.'-- ,-- --- ,-�. --�._ ___.. �.._. _-- -_ _=— --_: ----- ,_.___-�_ <br /> FRO.M I herebz� certifi� that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> F3 � � } ------ ------da�J af------��-���'_L_t�'�------- <br /> ____c'�. _c3T'�.__H.P��Tle___�__W1_f_e___.__.._____________._ _ Ircdex and led or record this.._____1_ _ <br /> I' Warranty �. D., 19 lg----, at,.. _ - --- �_ __ - -------o'clock- ----P._.NI. <br /> -------- -- .--- ------ - - --- -- - - <br /> -- - - <br /> �•p Deed. ��j � <br /> --- ---- �JC,�-�'�- �__l_�.�-«------- ---------------- - <br /> -- <br /> Re�iste of De.eds, <br /> --------- --- ---Amax�.�-a C• -M���t c�an . <br /> ��------- ---- --- -- - ---- -- --- ----------------------- ;. <br /> ------ ---- - - - -------------- --- --- - - -- - ------ Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> ���t---- -We ,--I3ayar� --H. Pai n__e -a,n�. Gr_ace B.Paine --(hus'�and_an� _wife_�- ----------- ---- - <br /> - -�----- -------- - - <br /> of the Count� of_------- -----H�11---------- ---ceri.d Stczte o�--------------------I1�b_r3�_kc�----------_-----------------------------------l�rantor�--------, in eoresideration <br /> of the sum of_--------`T�Y9--HU11�1r2�.-------- - ---- ._.._.__------ - - ---------- -------- ---- ------ ---------------- - ------.DOLL.IRS, <br /> in hand paid, do-----------------her•eby GR,FINT, B.gRG�S(IJV', SELL, �ND CO�V'VEY'unto-------------�d,11d3--�-.----�G�i��G��l ------------- ----------------- ' <br /> of the Countz�of------------Ad.11----------------------and State of----------------------N��k?r_aSk�l-----------------------------------------------Gra�atee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of___.______________��,��_____________________________,___________and State of JV'ebre�ka, to wit: <br /> _Fracti�nal.__Lot___Number_,E_i,ght___,(_g_)___i_n_F�fiac.t_ional__�iloc.k_Number__Ei�ht.._.j,�,�.___�,n_..�e��oY��,.!.�..__�a�, 1���Ker.!.s <br /> A��.i.ti.on_.t.o__..t.he--t�o.�rn--(-now--L-i-�Y-)- �f--Gr_and_._I_s_lan�__�I�brasKa.....- � --- -� - - -------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------�-------�--- ' <br /> �- -__... ---- -- - -�------------ ----_--- ----- -- -- ---- -- -- --------------------�--- ------- --- ----- --- - ------ ---- -----------�---------�----------------------�--------------------------------- -- ---- -- -------. <br /> -- ----�--�---�-------------------- - ----- ---- - --- - ...- ------�-------�-----...--------------------�------------------ --------- --�-- - ......------- --- -...---�--------------------------------------------------------------------------.. <br /> �--�------------------ ----- --------� -�------- -------- -- -- -- ........_....__�-- ---- -- -- ---�- ---..._....._..--------- ---�-----------�----�-----�---------•-�--�-��-- ------ �-----�--------------------�------�------------------------------------ <br /> . ------..._.__....--------�--------.....---- --- - --- -- -- - ----- - -- ----------...._-�-------....._.....----�------------------ --�-- - ------�-------------------------------- �- -.__....__...-------------�---------------�----------------------- <br /> ---------------------........._......----�----- ---� --- -- - -- --- -- ---- ----�----- -----...-----------...-------------------_.---�-�-------- �---- -----�--------�--� ----�---------�-- -----�------ ---� -��---��-------- -------------- ---------- <br /> -- �---------------------------_ ------- ----- - -- - - - _.__ --- --- - - - .. ----------------------- -- - -------- --------� --- <br /> To�ether with all the tenemerzts, hereditaments, and appurtercanees thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe��er of the said Crantor.-___._,and of eith,er of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �Ca �abe an� to �orb the aboUe-described prern,ises, with t,he a,ppurtenances, unto the said�rantee_.____.and to_._.______._p��;r____ heirs <br />' and assi�ris forever. .�4nd__.___1ht�.___herebz�covenant.______with the said Grantee________that_________________YY:@_.__.________ hold._____.____said premises bz��ood and <br /> perfect title; that_.__�ie_____________._____haVe__�ood risht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free arcd elear of aZl liens <br /> andincumbrances whatsoever-------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> .�nd______ ..___________.___�,T�________________ _ _._ __ ___._______ covenant________to warrant and defercd the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-- ----_____ - - -- - --- -_._..----- - -----------------------------•------------------------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------- ---- ------------------------- -- - : <br /> I <br />� ------------------- - --- -- --- , - -------- - -- - - - - ----------- - ------ ------------- - ----- ------------------- -- ----------- -------------- <br /> I'i Dated the_�1M1'_�:Cl.��--S.j.Xt-n--------------daz� of'- - - __Bl1�,x'�rl- -.Fl. D.,19--��-----• <br />' W'ITNESS -------•-----Bd�dT�---H.----Paine------- <br />' ------ ----- - _J.--�.---v_i 1�-------- ---------------------- -------------Grace------��---Paine------------------- - <br />' ST.qTE OF NEBR.ISKF1, <br /> �ss. <br /> ------------------���1--------------------County, on th�s--------------2_6th,--------da✓ of--------------March----------------------------.�. D., 19Q3-- .. , before me, <br />', the undersi�rted, a JV'otaiy Publie___COI11Ztl_1SS 10I1�d____within arzd for said County,personally came____._._____________________ <br /> -------- --- -------- ----- <br /> --------- - ����r� -H_._�ain�---�n�---Gr_�,.�-�---Ba---lair�e---his._�if-e- -------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ,�S E A L ) to me personally known to be the identical persaazS__._____whose name_.�__�S'�_________.______________afj'ixed to the above <br /> instrumer�t as�rantor___5..., and.____�.�1��__________________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be_______�hB�I'__voluntar� <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br />� IJV'W7TNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj`Lxed my ofj�eial seal at____________.___________ <br /> Gran� Islan�i NBbr�.Ska___ _______________on the date last above written. <br />', ------------ - ----------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------J�---��----�i��---------------------- <br /> Notar�Public. <br />' ,My eommission expires------- JUly-16_th, -1_90_7_._.- --- --------------------- --------�------------• <br /> i <br />. �, <br />