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� l:J � <br /> ��, D��D ���O�D �0❑ �Lln <br />—:-._ _ - _ _ _ _._._ _ _. � _ ; = - � _ - _- — <br /> u6�7U-KLbPP c�$AR'�'LL+^TT CO.,Prtinling,Lithographing arzd C'otrnly YuPpliea;Omaha. � ` � � _ _ <br />—;_:: _ __,_..__ _�,.. - -----�.__,� ,_:.:_ --_--.-`_ --!- <br /> _ _ .-�--.._._ _.:______.__�__.=_–_=_—_..—=� <br /> _�___.r_.__�� <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was erztered on Numericad <br /> ------------Cd,Z'1_ G.---k'Y'a.Yliil-�c__W�f 2---..__._---------- Index and filed for record this---•-------Z.�-----------daz�of-----•---F�by�.---•-------- <br /> .q. D., 19_16----, at-- -_._ ___�.=_�'S . --- - -----o'clock,_ ._P._,.M. <br /> - --- -- ---- ----- --- -- --- - - -- - - -- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. ���ti�%� � <br /> ---- --- ----------------- -_ ----------- --------- ------- -- <br /> R.e�ister f.Deeds, <br /> John Allan <br /> BJ-------- --- -- -- - -- --- -- --- ------------ - -- ---- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �Y� �er� �p �C�je�e �re�e�t�: <br />' ����-----�!e-> -�ar�__�..F�aYlm_ an�_-Carr�e. M,_Frahm., --hi s._wi�e-> -- --------------- --------------------------------------------------- -- -- <br />� <br />'� ----------------- ------ �--- ----�- - --- ---- -�---- -------- ------ --- --- -- - ---- ---------- ------------ -- ---------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------�- <br /> of the County ofF9�t.c1W-E3.f-�1171-1E------arr.d b'tatf� of__-_-_._.__-_--I-OW� -___------Grantor_�----_-, ineoresideratiorz, <br /> r- ---- - <br /> --- ----- -- ----------- ---- <br /> of the sum o}�-------One_ D!�llar --�r�,n�__o_ther--c�ns_iderat i�n�-�---- - ------- -- ------ ---- ------------ ------------- .������� <br /> --- ----------------- � <br /> in hand paid, do-------------h,ereby GR✓1✓l�'T, B.�1RCs✓1IJV', SELL, �✓1�'D CONVEY'unto--------------------------JII}�Yl--Alla11---------------------- ----------------- <br /> -------------- ------------ ----- ---- ---- ---- ----- -------- --------------------------- ----- - - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the County of-------------._Hdl-1--_----.------------and State of--------------------_N�brclSk3 ----------,, the followin� <br /> .--------- - -- --- - ._.._ <br /> described premises, situated in the Countr� of________________$�.11__-_.__________________________._.______an,d State of dV'e,bre�ka, to wit: <br /> _.L�z�.._.?��----�-�-�---i�---�loc�--S�.x--�6-)-��-_�Jr�iv��'���Y- �lac.�., -an_.A�d�.t.�.or�---�a---the---t�.i'�.1'---.oP...Gx..ax3.�__._I.�l.ar1�.-- --- - <br />�t -�.s-- .s.urvey��l�- -�?la�t e�-�,n-�-- rec4r�e�-,-..---- --------� -----�-- -�-- - ....---- �-......... ...... � -----------------�-------�-------------�--------�-�-- -------------- <br /> ------------------- -�---------- - - - - -- - - -- - ----- --- - - .. -- - - - -- ----- --- ---- - -- - - - - -- -- - -- - ........._....-----------------------------�--------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtercances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Iriterest,Dowe,r, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_a____, ' of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />� �D �d�lE AIY� t0 �DY� the above-described prem-i,ses, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_._____arid to___.._____h�S------- heirs <br />'; and assi�ns forever. �Ind____�!�!e_______hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee________that___________._��_____._______ hold_______,____said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_________,�11i_@----_-__----.-ha_V.e sood ri�ht and lawful authoriti� to sell and conve� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever_�X��F_�__�aX�?$__�'Or.___�Y�E?___yE'a.Y'__1_�l_�__whien_Crante�__dssumes___ari�___agre�s___�o___paX,____.__ <br /> ---------------------------------------------------- -------- ------ - - --- - --- ----- - - - - -- - ------ -- ---- ---- ---------------------- - ------------ ------------------- - ----- - ---- <br /> - - - - - ----- ---- - -- -_- --- --- - - - ---- - -. -- - - �- - -�-- -------- -- ----- --------------------- ---- -------- - --- ---------------------------------- : <br /> �rcd____.__ .____._.________V�'_e________.._.____ ___________._.____ rovenar�t__.____towarrarctand defend th,e said premise,s a�air�st the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-r�X.�e�t_ s�i�__taxe�•- - - -. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------� <br /> - ---------------- --------------------------��--- - -- <br /> ---------------------- ---- -- _ -- - - -- - - -- ----- - ------- ------- ---- ------ -- ---- ---�------------- -------- --------------------------- ---------------- - <br /> Dated the---- -------llth--------------- da o F�bT'Ll�,:C' ---- - - __._�. D.,1916.---• <br /> -- � �- ._ - � <br /> WTTNESS Carl G. <br /> ---------------- --------------------------- ------�----- -----._---- - <br /> --x�n��--�_e_t_er�nn-------------------- -- -- -- --------------------�------------�a�x i-e__�-.�ra�.------- -------- <br /> --------------------------------- ---------- - ---------- --- <br /> L i 11 i a,ri �d.Hal l ------------ ---- <br /> ST.1TE OI` ,'I p W A ; " <br /> �ss. <br /> __Pfl_�_�_��I_���.�Qj.�----------Couraty, On this------------].1�kt--------------d��J �f-------------------------F-B�SLid,r3t----------./1. D., 19_lb__. , before me, <br /> the u�zdersi�ned, a Notccry Publie._____________;___________________withi-n and for said County, personally eame__.___..____________._______._____________________________________ <br /> ----------- --�arl--G• -�'r_ahm---and---��,rxi�----�_---��x�,--..rii�___vy_if_e_�-----� --------�---------� ------------------- ---- ----- , <br /> --- --- ----------- ----� ------------ --------- -- -- - -------------------- ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> (S E A T, ) to me personally known to be the identical person.5___._____whose name___S___�_�_______________________a f�xed to the above <br /> instTUmertt as�rantor_�_._, arcd._.______����?_____._________severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be___t_h��x'_______voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I,N'W7TNESSW'HEREOF,Ihaaehereunto subscribed mz� name and af)ixed my of)"'icial seal at___C,0_ZiTLG�.l____, <br /> _�1Ltff�_,____3�i1___531�1____�9U71tt�1'�___________on the date last above written. <br /> -------- ----------�e�.ry--�et ex�on.------------------------ <br /> Notarz�Public. , <br /> ,My commission expires---�L�.�y- 4�---�-91-�-�-- - -- - - ---- -------------- --------------------1�-----------• <br />. : � <br />