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� . . . .� <br /> - - — <br /> y <br /> � �_1:�� <br /> DC�C�C� G��C�OoaD �oo �do � ��� <br /> _ _ . ________ _____ _________ _ _ ___ ___ _ <br /> ______________ ____ _____ <br /> _. __ ;, .,� ;3�1'Z��r ` 9� oprap �c'rt9 ou zr. --- --:=:—_-------=---- -. .^ � _-._------------ -- --- ---� <br /> _.._ ____ _... �,__ __ _ _ . <br /> -=---"°-=-- _ _ _.._, ___ _ _ - - —-- - - - - <br /> �.�-_��:..—_ .__�_ __ - -. _ _ _-�^_-_— - __ _ __ _ _ __._ ._ . <br /> ___-_._�.--�--°- _---- _ _. __. _ �.. <br /> ;� -_-__.--_ - <br /> "' FRO.M I herebr� certify that this instrument zvas entered on .Numerical <br /> -------- ---,�Q_�1_ _1�.1_�32_�-&---9P�.�'2 - ------- - ------- Index and filed for record this---------�------------------daJ�f•----r'-��Y------•------------ � <br /> �pec i a l _ ------------o'eloc.k,----P__.✓tit. <br /> Wairanty �1. D., 191-�-------, at---- -- -}_- - -- - <br /> Tp Deed. �� • <br /> ---------`--�E T -=�D�� <br /> _ � <br /> - -�'--- ------ ---- -��--=a� , <br /> - - ----------------- - <br /> -- -- <br /> Re�' er of Deeds, <br /> _Gran�___Is_lan�___I,an�__Company_-_,.._--- _-_ <br /> --- --- B�----------- ---------- ------ ---- ---- --------------------------- <br /> -------------- ..----- ---- - ----- ---- --- - --- -- - Deputy. <br /> — -- --- _-- --- ------ — -- --_------ <br /> ----- - --- --— --- --- --- <br /> ��.o� �rr �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.r�: <br /> ����------we-}- �'qh�--Al�._�n_an�--�'anni e_ -��--All-an1--his _wif e, - ----- ------------- <br /> ------------------------------------�------------------ - ------ <br /> ',. of the Count o ----------Hall___---------------crri,c� �tit<xte o _._�8brci,SkB----- -- - ------- ---------- -- ----------(�rantor--S------, in eonsideratiora � <br /> J f f-- - --- ---- <br /> ' of the sum of-----------One--Dollar- - �an�_-o�her-c�nsi�ierat_ions )---------------------------,- �,�i�� <br /> ;i in hand paid, do-----------------lzerebz� GR�.N"T, B.1RG�II✓1", SELL, ✓1ND CONVEY'unto-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ I <br /> ----�--------------- -------- - -- -�r_an�__ I_��.an� I,an�---�-���Y->----�--�_or_�orat_i_Qn>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ � <br /> ;; of the Cour�tJ of--------H311.----------------------._and State of_----------------------------DIBhI'd.Sk3---------------------------------- ----,Grantee.-------, the fodlowin¢ I <br /> ' � <br /> deseribed premises, situated irz the County of_____ _________ _Hca.11 _________.___________._____.___and State of JV'ebrs�tka, to wit: ' <br /> � _ Y E <br /> __..Zot.s__Nine_ (.9_.)_._and _Eleven_..�_11_) __in �31ock _Ei�hteen. __�1�_)_..of_. Un_ivers.ity_.Place,_._an _�d��.t_�,o�__.ta. ............ <br /> ! --...�ne.--C it�t Q1'�--I_s.l�,n�-�--�I�br_a�.ka,-�--as---suxv�y-�-�->--F1_�t.t.���-�------�-�----------�-- � <br /> .. - -- --- ---- ------- -- -- ----- -�----------------....-- - ---------- �- ---------- �---------- ��--------- -- - -- --- - -- - .....--- -- ---------------------------.....--------------�---�------------------- --- ----__..------ --------- <br /> � <br /> .__----------�--- ---- -------- ------� -------- - -----._ ---------------�-------------- --------------------�----- - --�-�---- ----- ----�-�----------------•-�-�--- -�--- -------------------�------ ---------------------------------------�-------------- ! <br /> I <br /> -�--- ------- --� ------ - ------ ------------------- ---- --------- -- ------------•----------�-------------------------------------------....-- - - ---�----------------------- --�------�--- ---- ....._-----------._._.-----------------�.--------------... ( <br /> r <br /> - ---- --_...----- -�--- - --- --- ----�-� -� ------ -- - ---- -- -- --- -- - - ---- ---------�- -�-----�-----�----------........----- ---...........--- ---�--�--�---------� --------------- ------------ ------------------------...-----�------- � <br /> -- - --------- - --- - ---- - - - -----...------ -- -- -------- -- - -- - -- - - - --- - - - - -- - -- -- - - ......... .. ..... . <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, heredita�ne�its, and appurtenances thereunto belori�in�, and aZl the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozc�er, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said GTantor_�__._,a������of, in, or to the same, or ccny part thereof. <br /> �Co �abe anb to �oYb the above-described premises,with the appurtenanees,unto the said�ra�ztee____.___and to itS __SLtCC6S8OI',S ' <br /> ;i <br /> ;; and assi�nsforever. �nd--------t�i-@.--hereby covenant--------with the said Grantee-------�----------------------------•------�-----------����I��`���i���'� <br /> , <br /> � �����that____________.__��________.ha_v�_�ood risht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are ftee arul clear of all liens ' <br /> ' and incumbranees whatsoeveT--------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- � <br /> " •----------------------------------------------- --- ---- ------------------ - ----- ----- -- ---- --- - - --------- -- - - -- -- ---------------------------- --- - --------------------- ------------ <br /> � <br /> _ ___ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ ____ __ _ __ __ ______ __________ _ ______ ___________ ____________._____-_____________._____ ___________________-________ ____________ . 4 <br /> � <br /> ' .11nd___.____..___.__._______we___________________-_ _____---________ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons ' <br /> whomsoevex----�1��imirig___b�'_,.. t11�'�.�i�klfi--�xom---s�x:__t�x�.�.��'---?�-�---�u�---a.���.x��t---x�Qn�---s�t.�er-------------------- ------------- ------------------------ <br /> Dated the---------------- -�n--------------------da o �'_�Y2Y'1i�' - ----- -✓�. D.,19_.1�_._. � <br /> � � 1� - ---- --- - � <br /> . <br /> .., W7TNESS ----ZO.hri__A11�.Y1--------- -- ----- ----- ---- - i <br /> ------------------� <br /> � � <br /> � -------------------------F anni_e--Z-�-.Allan------------------ - <br /> ' ----- ---- - - L�-G.,.--Aa.�.�xi----------- ----------------- -- - ---- <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBRd2SK.R, <br /> ss. <br /> ---------------------------x�,ll-----------Couratz�, Or� this-----------------7t h-----------da�1 �f------------------------F�brU��.z'�-----------.r�. D., 1916-- - , before me, <br /> I the urrdersi�ned,a.N'otary Publie___--------.--------------------------within,and for said Countz�, Persof2ally came_-------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------- John_A1_1__an_,ari�_F�,r��e---�-_---Alla�, __his__wif e-}---------------- - --------------------------- - <br /> --- ------- ------ ------------ -------------------- ----------- ------------------ ------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------ <br /> � <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical person�_.______.whose name__�___�S'�___________.______.____af�'ixed to the above <br />' �' (S E A L) instrument as �rantor_$.____,and__t heY_.____________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be__t heir_______voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> : INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed mr� name and afj�xed my ofJ`tcial seal at__.__.__��a.T�d,----- <br /> ___I81a.21�3__,__117.__Sd.1!�___COL1T_tty_�____________on the date dctst above written. <br /> ----------------------------�,----G---A11�__.----------------- <br /> JV'otary Public. <br /> .My commi,ssion expires---�2�?t. 2 i4_-1_ylf.- ------ ----- ----------------------------------- --�------------• <br /> r': <br />