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� (� '� <br /> w�_,, D�C�D ���O�D �oo �00 <br /> :� � <br />�_ _ . _ . _,_ _ . . � � _ :— � _ �, <br /> i6��(}-1CLOPP h$AI�TLETT CO.,Prtintti�ag,Lilhographinp arad County Supplies;Omahce. <br />�' _ z ___ . _ _ ,,. ,_ _ __ — .-- _-_:� ,.��__ �--��____ _� ___ –=---_�-----=—----__.s <br /> F��� I herebz� certify that this instrument was entered on JV'umerical <br />� �� ----------aa o Februar _ <br /> --- -- J�3'Lt1_.A113n--c�-W1f e --- - -- ---- Index and filed for record this-------�------ �J f--------------------------y----- <br /> .q. D., 19_16----, at--- _ - - _�- - - -- -------o'elock,-------P_�. <br /> ---- - ----- - - - - -- _._.. __ --- - - -- Warranty <br /> ----- TO <br /> - Deed. ' <br /> --------- - - - - - -�'�----- ' <br /> - -- - --- ------------ - - <br /> Re�is r of De,eds, <br /> Gran� Islan� L�n� Com�an�' ____ _ _ <br /> , <br /> B✓- ------- _ --- ------ - - ------ - ----------------- <br /> -------- <br /> -- ---- ----------- ---------- -- - -- - _ - ----- __ _ Deputy. <br /> �.�o� ��Y �er� �p �C�je�e ��e�er�t�: � <br /> I ���t---- ��� Jnhn__All�n _a.n�--Fann1�_�.__Alla.n�--h�$---�i�'�y ------------------- ----------------------------------� <br /> -------- <br />' ----- -- --- -------------- ---- -- -------------------- ----- - ---- �-- --- ---- --- - -- ----------------------- --------------------------------------- --- <br /> I'' of the CountJ of---------�311_------------------_�rf�cl �S'tatc c>f--------------------------��lb�"s�S_K�:---------------------------------Grantor--8-------, in eonsideratio�z <br /> of the sum of--------------On�--�?o_llar-----(_an�,--ot_?'ier----�or�si�e��t_i_�n.�-1---------------------------------- ���#� � <br /> --------------------- -------- , <br /> iri hand paid, do-------------l�ereby GR..gNT, B.FlRG�4I�'', SELL, ./1ND CONVEY'unto---------------------------------------------------------------- ; <br /> ------ -- ---------------- <br /> -------------- -- --------- ---�-r�n�--I;��a.�d �a,��--�-a��a�.y-,--a--car-pora�iar�-,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the Count�J o�-------- I�dl1 ----. __----and State of_�-- ---- -Ne-tJI'dS��------------------------ - -------- --.---,C�rantee-------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Courcty o/'.__.__._________________ .Hca,ll_____________..____________._____and State of JV'ebra�ka, to wit: <br /> ._.I,.Q.4.�._.�n�._..(_1.�--_an�---Trir��.--(-3--)----in._�1 o.�k..N_ine---G-9--)---o-P----Univ er-s-1-t,�--.P1ac.e�----an--A���.e---C-i-t�------------- <br /> ---Q-f.---G�r.�,n!�...Is.�an�l.� i�_ebx�a��3��,- -as---suxv�y.ed�---Fl�tted--a.rid__rec�rde�..............-..---------�-------�--------------�--�-------------- ---- ---- ---------------- <br /> - ....- --- ------ ----- - - ----- --- ---------------- -_..... - ----�---------- ---------------........---�� - - - -- ----- -�- ---- ---------�--.........---------.....--------�-------- ------------------- -------------------------- <br /> -------�-- --------------------�-- - ------ --- - ------- - ----�- --- �--�------------��-------------------------------------- ----- ----- --------- -�-------�-�---�-� ---�-------..._.......----------.....------------------------------------------- <br /> - ---.........--�-- --- --------__.._.._..__.. - -- - - - - ----- ----- -------------...---......_.....--------- ----�-----�- ----------�------�•-----� ------� - ---- ----------- ------- ------�----�- �------------ -------------------... <br /> _...----..__............... -. ----�---� ------ -- ------ ---- - -- -- ---- _. ---------- -- ------�-----.._.._--��------- ---._......._...........�..__......-----�-�---------------�---------�---�------�-�-�- ---- ---------------�---------------�--- <br /> - ........... _ ------- ---------- -- - -- -- -� ... .. .----�---------------------------------------------------- -- <br /> To�ether with all the tercements, hereditameizts, and appurtercanees thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dorue,r, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said GrantorS___._, , �}�e'�of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />' �D �d�1E AIY� t0 �OYI� the above-described prernises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee______._and to�t.S___S_llC_C.8�St3Z'.�S <br /> and assi�ns forever. .gnd______I+�T�_______yaereby coverzant________with the said Grar�tee___.____that_______We__________________._ hold____._______said premises bz��ood and :, <br />', perfect title; that____`�1�_______.___________haYe__sood ri�ht and lawful authority to selZ and convey the same; that thez�are free and elear of a7d lien.s <br />' and incumbrances whatsoever------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------------- -- -------------- -- --- ---------- -- ---- ----- - - --------------------- ---------------------- -- ------------ ---------------- <br /> - - - - - -- -- -- - - -- - -- --- - - ----- -- -- -- - ------------ -- ---- -__------------ - ----------------- - -- - --------------- -- ----------------------- <br /> .l�nd_____________________._�!�__________ __ __.__________._ _ coUenant____..__to warrant and defend the said premise,s a�ain,st the lawful elaims of alZ persons <br /> whomsoever--------- -- - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- ----------------- ------ <br /> ---------- ------------------ --- --- <br /> -------------------- - - - - - - - -- --- -- - -- -- - -- - - -------- -- ------- - - -- --------------------------------------- -- ----------------- ------------- <br /> Dated the----------��h-------- ---------- --daJ o/'---- --F8_bY'U�I',Y -- -- -.Fl. D.,19-�� ----. <br /> W'ITNESS ----------------------J�-�--$-�1�----- -- ----------------------- <br /> ---- ----- --- -L�---G.--A�lla�---------------------------- ---------------------;�'-�rlr�.i-�--LaAllax�----------------------- <br /> ------ - ---- - -- --- --------- -- --- - --- --- - -- - <br />�� --------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------------- <br />, <br /> ST.ITE OF .N'EBR.ISKF1, <br /> �ss. <br /> ----------------------------H�11---------Countz�, ) Orz this-------- --�t�-----------------da�J af--------------F2bz'U�S'Y--------------------.Fl. D., 19__15_._ , before me, <br /> the undersi�rced, a Nota�y Public---------_-----_-_-_----------_--------within and for said Countz�, personally came-----•----._--_.-_------_-__---___---_-------_-_---__-_-_-__-- <br />' John__Allan__an�i Fannie___L.___Allan�___hi�_ wiPe_�_ <br /> - - ----- - - -- ------------------------- - -- -- -- ----------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_S_______whose name�__dY'�_________________________afJ"ixed to the above <br /> (S E A L ) instrument as�rantor_S__._, and_____________�h��.____._______severally acknowled�ed the same to be___th.@1r______voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose thef�ein expressed. <br /> INW7TNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed my name and afj"'ixed my off'icial seal at___GI"s�riS�______._ <br /> I�l�.Yl�,____1ri__��_1�_._�QliZl.�y__________________on the date last above written. <br /> ---------------------------------L----G----A11a.x1------------------- � <br /> dl�'otar�Public. <br /> �Vly commr,ssion expires___,��gt� -��i19i6�'- ------- --------------------------------------�----------• <br />