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� <br /> � <br /> � �� I <br /> ��i D�C�D �C�C�O�D �)oo ��o <br /> ',57'i��t}—RLdPPc�BARTZN,'TTCO.,Printin9�I.ithopraphingandCounty�Tupplies:t7m,aha. '__ _. _ .,_ . _ _� _.,_ __._._._ ,;� _:_ _� -= - - - __ <br /> FRO.M I hereby c.ertify that this instrurnen,t was entered on Numericad <br /> Vdil.liam H.�3runer & wife Index and filed for record this_______1_,_______________day of._.___F_��ly_.________________ <br /> .9. D., 19 16-----, at-- 3'3� . - -__- -- -----o'clock,_ P.--✓K, <br /> ------ ---- --- -. - - -- --- --- - - - - --_ -___. -- _�Warranty <br /> - <br /> � T� � Deed. <br /> ----- --- -������ <br /> _.____.___�____.____�_____._____ __ <br /> Re is T o Deeds, <br /> -------- -----------Lucy--G�,rr_ison- -- --- --- -- -- <br /> B�-------- ---- ---- ----- -- -- ---- - --------------------�-- <br /> I ` - - . - - Deputy. <br />, ------- ----- - -- <br /> �.r�o� ��Y �e� �p ��j��e �re�e�t�: <br />� ���� Wez wi�liam H.Firuner an� Alice G.?3run�r,--��usba,nd an�---Wife ---- ------- ------- --,----- -------- ----- - <br /> of the County of-----P:��,�15071 ---------- .__crrr,d �St<ztc of--------------------------------_---Nebrcl8ka.---------------------------Grantoi�S---------, inconsidera•tiorz : <br /> o the sum o Th�xt��ft_ HUridT'8�1- --�--� - - - ---r - --- -- --- -- --- - - --- --- --� --`-----------� =--`-----------DOLL�RS, <br /> � f---------- - -- <br /> in hand paid, do---------------h,ereby GR.F�NT, B.RRG✓II.TP, SELL, .gND CONVEI''unto-----I�UC1!'--�rd,2'z'180�1--------------------------------------- ------------------ <br /> ------•---------------------- -- -- -------- - -- ------ --------------------------- ------------ - - - --- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ -------------------- <br /> of the County of------- Hclll - --- - - -- --and State of-- ------- - - -N2bTc3,3k�.-- --- --------- ----- - - - ----- ---,Gran.tee--------, the followirtg <br /> described premises, situated in the County of______ ________ Hdll___ _____.__________.___________________and State of Nebr�'atka, to wit: <br /> ..................The._.S�ut_7i__HdII'-.of__.Zots--,Seven--t.7�--E1.�ht- -�-$-�--an�__�a_ine.--�g-�-�-t31ocK.--TwelYe----f_12_�_..�3r_�.'�.'�...---- --- ------...... <br /> �,n�. Joririsons Ac�aition to the Villa�;e ot' �Ioo� River. Subject to a �4�ort�age �P rour <br /> ___..._._____,_Hun�re�___Lollar� ._in__,fav�ur___o�'__W�o�_Riyer___Buil�_in�..arl�,_.Loan_.Associat.3..on..._which__ sa_�d..._______...________. <br /> --- ...--------�rar t e�-a,s�umes,-an� a�r e es- -t-�---�'a�'------------- <br /> ----�------------------ --------��------- -------------------�-------------- -------------��------------------------------------------� <br />' _..---�-------- -----� --�----- ---�- - - - - - -- - - �---- -- - - --- -- <br /> --- --------- --- .....--- � - -- -- - - - - -- - - --- - -- ---------- ------------------------------------�--- ------------------------------------ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, ar�d appurtenances thereurzto belorz�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�sht, Title,Interest,Dowe,r, <br /> I Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__S____,an,d of either of them, of, ira, or to the same, or arcz�part thereof. <br />'', �0 �A�1C �1�� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�'rarztee_______and to______.___�-er_______ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .�4nd_.__�e_____,hereby covenant______._with the said Grantee___,___that_W e_____________________________ hold._____._____said premises by�ood und <br /> perfect title; that___.__���_�______________ha_t'__��ood ri�ht arzd lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien,s <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever_________.�XCe�?t__dS c.�.bQV�__121e22t�.OZJ.Bd. <br /> --- -- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------- - --- --- - ----- ------- -- - ----- - --- - -- - - _ - ---------- -- -----� - ----------- - ------- ---------------- -- ----------- ---- -------- <br /> - -- - -- - - -_ _-- ---- - ---- -._,-- ---- --- -- -- ---- ---- - - ---- -- ------------- ---- -----------�------- -------------------------------- - ------- -- -- <br /> :gnd________________�e____________________._______________.__ covenant._._____to warrant and defend the said premises a� th,e lawful elaims of alZ persons <br /> whomsoever----- - --- -- - -- .__. - - - <br /> - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------------- - ----------- ------------- - - <br /> -------------------------- - -- ---- - -- ---- ---- -- -- -- --- --- - ---- --- --- -------- ------------ --------------------- -- -------------------------------------------- --------- <br /> Dated the.---.2 2 d.------------ ----------- --da�J �/'-- ----- -'T a'??� --- -.,4. D.,19�6-'----• <br /> -- -- --- - <br /> W'ITJV'ESS -------W 1_ll_1r_�_,2ft---�-•---�3I'L1Tl�x'---------------------- <br /> --- - -- ---- - <br /> I, . T . R�rucria ._._,_ ______Alice__G. Rruner <br /> - ( 5 1.00 -------------�----------- ---------------------- <br /> ( I.R. ) -----------------------�----------------------------------------- <br /> -------- - <br /> - -- - -- ----- -- -- - ---- - --- -._ ( Stamp ) <br /> -------------- - -- --- { e 11 ed) <br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR�SK.Fl, � <br /> �ss. - <br /> ------1!2d�18011------------Coacnt�, On this.�'at,tB21�C�--SE_C_p21d---day of--------------------J�3,Y111ca.rY-----------------�1. D., 19_.1� ._, before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned,a Notcc�y Publie__L..T..RerLiCY13________within and for said County, persor�ally eame_________________________._ <br /> - --- --- --- -- ---------- --- <br /> �tiillaim H.13runer and Alice G.Bruner <br /> to me personall�kreown to be the ideraticaL persor�__8._.____whose name_S____________________________________afj"ixed to the above <br /> (S E �1 L) instrument as �rantor_.�___, and__________���y_,________._____severally aeknowled�ed the same to be________t_h�'�rvoluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose thereire expressed. . <br /> I�l�'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afJ'ixed my of�tcial seal at_____..________ _.__�___ <br /> ----- ---------- 7�no1a <br /> _ ________________________ .____,__._____on the date last above writterc. <br /> L. T . Rerucha <br /> -- ------ -----------_----------------------------------------------- <br /> .Notary Public. <br /> .M� commission expires----- -AU�;U�t 31-- -- ------ -- -- --------- --------------------19--16.__, <br />