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<br />_ _:. ..o.. _ _ . ___ . ._ _. .M .._., .__..��- -_ __-- _41 _-- _. - :_ -_ __. �
<br /> �6�,u-KLOPP&BAR'L'LETT CO.,Printinp,7 ithographing anrl County Supplies;On,ali<i: ��i �� ` �� �`—
<br />--:_ ,: _ _�
<br /> __>. -_— ._ . --.:.. �_._ _, __. :--_. . , .- . _�w.: _ --�—�_�_:'� _ _ .�_
<br /> FR�� I herebz� certify that t,his irastrz�-ment was entered on JV'um,erical
<br /> ------------ -----Idd__�3rOW11�--W�dOW----- -..___------... Index and filed for record this-------------1$-----------day of--��TiY-�.------------------
<br /> .fl. D., 1�.�--------, at--- - - -.3- -- - _ -- --------o'clock--P-•--�•
<br /> ------ - --- -------- -- - - ---- ----- Warranty
<br /> -- - -
<br /> TO Deed. ������� �J✓-u�
<br /> . ------- ----- -- -- ----------- -- -- -------- ----
<br /> - - ------------------�--
<br /> Re�ist of Dee,ds
<br />'� --- ---- -- ---Anna--A•---Ke_asneY- ----- ------
<br />' B�-------------------- -- ----- -- -- - -------------------------
<br /> ----=------------ - -- --------- - -- -- -- - - - _ -- ------ Deputy.
<br /> �.�o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�:
<br /> I - �,���------ -I-= - I��a �r_o_wn,--?n`i�ow,, - -- -- -- -
<br />''', ---------------------- -----.-------------------------- - -- ---
<br /> I of the CountJ of-------Ha,ll - - .__arr�' State ��'----------------Nzbz'3Skd, ---------- --- ----------------Gra�ztor----------, in consideratioia
<br /> ----- ----- - ---
<br /> of the sum of_-------------51X HUll�red (S00 ) -------------------------------DOLL�IRS,
<br /> -- ------- - -------- ------ - ---- - - ---- ------------ -- - - - --- ----�---------------- ---------- --
<br /> irc hand paid, do---__--------._--�zereb� GR✓1NT, B.gRCs./lIN, SEI,L, „4✓V'D CONVEY'unto-- -----------_------------_--_-----_---_---_-
<br /> --- ---------- - - -Anna_A_..__K�arney_�---------
<br /> of the Count�J��--------Hc3.11 - - - ------and State of- -- - -N�_b__rdSkcl--------- --- ------------_- - --- ------_,Grantee--------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated ira the County of________.__.._________ ___IL�,1��.__.________.______.__________a.rzd State of JV'ebre�ka, to wit:
<br /> ...................��t----four__._�4�,__Block..EigYite�n- �1$) - i�_Russel--Wheeler!_s__A��.�,t.�,-9n.-�t4---�-��y---Q,�----G.���-- ----------------- - -
<br /> _...------- - -I.�_lan�...N�braska�- ---- - ---- ----- -----.------------ -....-�- - -- ----------------- ---- ---- --- ----� - -� - - ----------- --------------�--------�-----------------
<br /> ... ------- --- - ------ --- -- ------ - -- --- --- -----------------�----...._.._......--------- -- ----- -. ---� - -- �-�------ �- ------ -------------------__..._ -------- ---- ----------...--------------------------------------
<br /> ---�-----...-- -..._._.---- ---- --- -- ---- - -- -- - ---- - - --- -- --- ----- - --�--- ---------------�----------- ----- -------------��-�--- ------ ----- ---...-�------_.. -------�----------._.....--------------�---------....
<br /> ------- --- --- �- ---...------� �---- ---- ----- --..--- - ---------- -- -�--_.__..---�---�- - -------------------------------=----... - -- - -------- ---� -- - -- - �----� ------------ -... --- ---------...-------------------------------------
<br /> -------------- ---.__..-----�-----�---------------�- -�-- - - ------ .._. ---------------------�--�----- ------- -----�------------------..._...------------._...---- -------------- .._..------ ----------------------------------------
<br /> - ----------------- --------- - - ---- -- - - ----- -- - __ . _..... .-- - -- - �-------------------�-----�--------------- --------- - -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�e,r,
<br />, Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Crantor________,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br />' �0 �A�1C �IY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_____._arcd to______���__________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. ✓Ind_____T._________hereby covenarct_.______with the said Grantee___.__.that___________________I__..__________._ hold._._______said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that________I_____________________ha_V e_sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and eonvez� the same; that ther� are free and clear of all lien.•s
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
<br />' .,4nd __ __-_-__ _._:_I_ ________ _ ________ __ __ _ ________ _ . covercant________t,o warrar�t and defend t,he said premises a�ezir�st the lawful elaims of all persons
<br /> I' whomsoever-------- -- --.- - --- _ _- - --- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- -
<br /> ----------------------- ------ -- -- - - - ----- .- -- ---- ------- - --- - ---------- - --------- ---- ------------------- - - -- - --------------------------------------- -------------
<br /> Dated the----- --�'2-u-------------- ----- --da�J �f�- Mclz'Ch- ------- - - - --- -.fl. D.,1�6------•
<br /> IiW'ITJV'ESS -----------------------�dz'S--I�d.--�Y'0 W21- -- -------------------
<br /> bv. A. Prince ------------------------------------- -------------- -- -----------------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------- -
<br /> --- ---- -------------------------------
<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SK�,
<br /> ss.
<br /> --------•---------------H311--------------County, Orz this----------1-2u--------------------da�J of----------T�I_�.h------------------------------�1. D., 19_06-- , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public---_-___-__---------__..------_----wit.h,in and for said Countz�, personally came_-------_-__-----_--..-----_----_------_-__----_-_--__----_-----_
<br /> ------------- - -I�ia._._F�rown,.w#��9w---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
<br /> � �
<br /> - - -------------- -- ------------------- -- -------- ------- - --------- -------------------- ----------------------------------�--------------------------
<br /> to me personally knowrc to be the identical persorz______._____whose name____��______________________________afj"ixed to the above
<br /> ��$�y) instrument as�rantor____.___, and___________�he___________._____severally acknowled�ed the same to be.___.___h�x________voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I.NW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�"ixed my official seal at________________________
<br /> ______Gr�.rl�__IS_1c�I1$___________________ ________________oyL the date last above written.
<br /> -------------- ------W.--A-----P_r_inae---------------------- ----
<br /> �V'otary Public.
<br /> ,My commission expires-----��-�-9" --1�0$•- ------ -- - --- ---------------- -----�-----------•
<br />, �; �
<br />