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<br /> D�C�D C��C�O�D �oo �On
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<br />— " ;G:,�O—lfL01'P c�BAR1"Z.LTT CO.,Yrin.ting,Lilhographting and Coa�nty.�uppties:nrnaTi<i. ,.. ____ _ �_ � _ _ -- ----�_--._ -_
<br /> - —= - -__. ..�_ __�.___� __:.�v�..___�_ __. _ � -' —.
<br /> FRO.M I herebz� certify that this instrument was entered ora Numerical
<br /> �
<br /> ------- �•--R-- -Au�us_�-ine_�--�,3T�-��- — -- -- ---
<br /> Iradex and filed for record this..---_-----1Q__-_----_day of.•T_�_ll��'�----•-------- �
<br /> .1. D., 191�------, at-- - g'- - -- _ -- --- - -----o'clock- ---•4_+_.M.
<br /> ----- - -- - --- -.._- - - - -- - �__ Warranty
<br /> ----- -- ���
<br /> --- TO Deed. �J('?�%��__�/�j
<br /> //
<br /> -------- ------ --- ��=`-�P�----------------
<br /> Re�ister f De,eds,
<br /> ---- ----- ----------�alt_�r---Au�us_t_in. - --------------------
<br /> B�---------- ---------- - ---- ---- -------------------------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�o� �Y� �er� �p �C�je�e �re�e�t� :
<br /> ���t----We-,--�v.�.Au�u�t ine-�,n�__Minnie .��u�t in�-� -_��-�---�if e------ --------------------
<br /> of the County of------------Iia.l1------------_carz,c� ,Stcr.te of------ -------------N-�pTc`1.Sld,-----------.-----------------------------------Qrantor_------, in eonsideratio�z
<br /> , �
<br /> of the sum of_-------- �'_1f_t_e_�11--HL�T1.�:C_�.�1._NQ�1QQ ---------- ------------------------------ -- --------------------- -- ---_------ ---------------- -------------DOLL.i'RS,
<br /> iri hc�nd �c�id, do----- hereby GR�1NT, B✓1RC.gIN, SELL, .l1ND CO.NVEY'uf2to--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
<br /> ------------------- --------------- -- - V�al._t_�r--l�u�uu t in------------------------ --- ----- - ---- -------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------- -------------------- ------ --
<br /> --------,and State o .----------- - -NB?1rSS1Ga.-----,-------- ---------,Grantee------_ the followin ��
<br /> of the Count�J o}- ------- -He.11 - f -- ---- -- -- - � �
<br /> described premises, situated in the Countz� of_._ ___..___. __._____-H-311-----------------------------------and State of JV'ebrBkka, to wit:
<br /> ...._Tne.._�rr-e-�-t-_--On�.-s1�.r-�--�w.--1�_3..).__.��__L��--�i�:�jt --�-8) � ...�,lfl�h..._5�---�-�-�--�----�r.iginal---T.asnrn...of'--17-or�.i-p-han,----------- - --- ,
<br /> -- ��e�ar�ska,---�?_ein�.-.a--r�:ctan�ul��ir--tract_..of---�roun�__ha,vi.n�..-a---frorlt��,��...o�'-.--�-�.--�'���----�n__.P�.um_..s�.xP-et-----------
<br /> -- -�:�n�-�- �e�_��._Qf. ._1.�-2__�':��t..---- --��- ----- ..--------�-��---- - ---�- -...- --- ---- -_. _. ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------...--- ----------
<br /> -------------------------------------�--- -- --- ---- - -• - - - --�- - -----�-------------�--.......-------------------------.._�--- --------- ------� ----------------------------- ----� �-----�------�--------------------------------------------
<br /> ----------�-------- ------- -------------------. -- - -- -- ---------- ----- - - --- ----�--- --- ---------------- -- - --------------------•--�- ------- - -� --- ---------�-- --�----------------------------------------------
<br /> ----....... �- - -- -------- --------------- ----- ..... - - -- ._..._ -�------- ---�--�--�----�- ---- ------------------ ----------�-------�-- - - -- �--------- -- ---------------- ,_._........._...........---------------------------�--------------------------
<br /> ----�-----�---- ------------------------- ----- ---� -----..--- - - -----�------- -. ------ ._...--�--------- --- --�---- ----._. ---- ._.---��-- -.._..------�--------................_..- -�---�------................-------�--�------------- --�----
<br /> ----------------------------- --- -- - -- ------- -..._._� - - - - - - -- -� -- - - - . . _ .-- --- - - ---- -. _
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditamefats, and appurtenances thereacnto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�ei•,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd Demand whatsoe��er of the said Grantor-____,�— ��'rr .�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 ���1C AI�� t0 �OY� the above-described prem,ises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee___.___and to______}��_�_______._ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd.______W p--_--hereby covenarit_______zvith the said Grantee______that_______________��____._._____._ hold.___________said premises bz��ood and
<br /> perfect title; that_._____.__`A�e__._______.____ha.v'_�_�SOOd ri�ht and dawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free artd clear of all liens '
<br /> and incumbranees whatsoever------------------- - --- ------------------------------------------------
<br /> I ------------------------------------------------ ---- - - -- ---- - - -- --- ----
<br />�� -- -- - --- - - ._ -- - ----- ----- -- -- - -
<br /> --- -- ------------ --- - - - — ------ ------------------ ---------- ---------- --- ------------------------------ -- '
<br /> I, .�nd______.__.__.___________.___W�______________ _.___.___ ___________ covenan,t_.______to warrant and defend the said prernises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br />'' whomsoever-------- -- -- - -- - - -- -__._.,----------••--------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------- ------------------ -------------------------------------- ---------------- ----
<br />'' ------------------------- --..- ---- --- ---- ------- - -- - - -- ------------------- -------------- -- ------ ------ --------------- - ---- -------------------- - - -------------------------
<br /> Dated the----- -------9-t-r�------------- ----day of -____.__�eC_�ICtx2�Y'- ------- - - .___�1. D.,191��-----•
<br /> W'ITNESS ----------- -�'U•--�----AL�.�l����,I'I.G_.-------- -- - ---
<br /> --- - --- --�-�- T�2.---R e�iman--------------------------_ -- ( . 1.50_~� -----------------------��i nni e--Augu s t i ne
<br /> ( I .R. )
<br /> -------------------------------------------------
<br /> St ainp s } -- ---------- - -- --- - -
<br /> ----------- ----- - - ---- -- - - -- - ------- ------ --- - cancelled �
<br /> _ -- -
<br /> ___�_ ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------
<br /> ST.1TE OF .N'EB1R.ISK'�1,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ------------------F��.11--------------------County, On this-- --�th-- -------da�J af--------------------------��C�IClbGI'--------�. D., 19_l�_.._ , befoTe me,
<br /> the urzdersi�ned, a dY'otary Publie__________________________________withira ccnd for said County, personally came_____________ _________._____..________________.__ __
<br /> --------------��'.R._Au�u�_t ine__an��__Minni�__August ine-,----his---wif e--------
<br /> (,�I'�j, ) to me personally known to be the identical persojz�___._.___whose rcame__�,___a,�e_ _af}'axed to the above
<br /> instrument as �rantor_ez_____, and______�21,��_____________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be__�h�.�.Y'__.____voluntary
<br /> aet ar�d deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INWZT.NESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'cxed my of�"ieial seal at__________________________
<br /> Loni_�han,_in.__s�.i�1__cour�ty,____________on the date last above written.
<br /> -------------------�has-=-I����e_c�lA�i.------------------------•-------
<br /> ✓V'otary Public.
<br /> .Mr� commission expires-------T7�C�T'ab�r_-1�_th-1�17.----------------------------- -------g�------------•
<br />