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� �� 1�`` <br /> D�C�C� ��C�O�D �oo ��o <br />= _ _ �__ __ _ _ _ _ : _ __ <br /> �ti5 i�—SLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,LilJiogr¢phing u�td County SuppZies;O�aah¢. ^ � � _ <br /> ' FRO,M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical ; <br /> ---------------F�'�,rik-Kl_�21k�,��k---&--ty�f-8----------- Index and filed for record this---------�--------------day of_----J��1_l��T.�--------- I <br /> I <br /> �?. lD., 19.1b-----, at-----5���3 - -- - - - -----o'cloek,---- ,l�_�,M. <br /> ------ ----- - -- - <br /> -- -- ----�Warranty . <br /> -- T� Deed. / /�� � <br /> � - ---- - <br /> - -�-=���'-� -----------��=�==- '---- -- <br /> Re�ister of�eeds, <br /> 7am°s P.Kl�kacek <br /> B?�-------- _ ------ -- - ------- ------------------ ----------- ' <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� ��� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: <br /> ���t_ Frank Kl_inkac�k_ _�.n�.__Josefa__�linkacek,_ his__wife, <br /> ---- -- --- - . ---- ----- ---- -- ------ -------- - ------ --- --- -- ---- <br /> of the Count� of---------�i�,ll-----------------c�rad Stutc� of-----------------------N�bI'_�,Sk�,-,----------------------------------------Grantor----S-----, in eonsideration <br /> of the sum of_______021�__vallc�,r �.�� Oth�r valuable COriSid�T'�,t10Y1 DOLL.f1RS w <br /> ---- --- ---- --- ------- --------------------- ---- - -- -------- -- <br /> ir� hand paid, do----------------her•ebz� GR✓INT, B✓1RG.gIN, SEL.L, d4JV'D CONVEY'ur�to--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ <br /> James P. KlinKacek <br /> ----------�------- ---- --- . ------ --- ---- -- -- ---- ---•-------------------------------�------ ------ -- - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -- - ---------- -------- <br />' of the Couf2ty of--------H�3,11------------ ------------and,State of_--------------.-- - IV��b� �,Ska, -----------------,Grantee--------, the followin� <br /> _ - - ------ ---- ------ ------ -- - <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the County of______.________ Hd�l___._______.______._.._______and State of JV'ebre�tka, to wit: , <br /> _ The__,nort_?�-we�t_._quar_ter oi'__s�ction_ ��i�ht (� ) ._in__t_ownship.. eleven_.__�11__�__,north._ra.nge_..�W��V�..___.. <br /> --- .----.-- -(12-)--��a��ESt..=of--�he- 6th_F,��. - ,--��zo�nrev�r.,---to---a...l.ife....zs_tate..w�ich---i:�_._n.�r�by---reserv.e�----. <br />' _for_a,n�i veste�_ i_n .7osefa_Kl_ir�c_acekl_._she. to__h�,ve_ rent�l.._from_..abov�___�escribed.__lan�__!�urin�.__.___ � <br /> - - -- -� -- - -- ---- <br /> her natural lifetirrie. <br /> ---�---------- ----- ----------------- ------- -- --- - ----- - -- - ----------------- ---- �--- -- - --------- -- -----�---------------•-�-�- - ------------------- -- ------�----------------------------------�-------........ <br /> .------ - --- ----- --------- - ---- - - --- - ---- -- --- --- -�- ------------------------------------------�------------.... - -----�----------.._ -- - -----�-----�--- . _---�--- -----�--�------------------------------------------- <br /> �---------- -...-�------- --�-- ----------�--�--- - ---- - --- ------- - �- ---� ------ ----�--------------�---------- -----�---�------- --------�--------------�----- --- ----��------------�--.._..--�-- ------- ----------�-- ---------_ : <br /> -------- - ------- - -- -- - - - --- - -- - - -- - - -- --- -- - - - - - - - � - .......- ------- - ------------ ---------�---- -------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri.�sht, Title,Interest�DOiOPT, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demarcd whatsoever of the said Grantor_�_,_,and of either of them, of, i�c, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �CO ���?C All� t0 �OIb the above-described pre�nises, with the appurteraances, unto the said�rantee_______and to______h�.S_______.___ h,eirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd___We___._.___hereby covenant.____._with the said Grantee_______.that_________________1!�!e_._________ hold__________._said premises by�ood and ' <br /> perfect title; that____.____1�"8________._______ha_V_�'__�ood ri�ht and lawfa�,l t�uthority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of alZ lieras , <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------�------ - ----- ----- - -- - -----_ - --- - -- - - -- ---------- - --- -- ---- --------- - -------------------------- --------------- ----- ---,.---- <br /> �nd_______.____ __.__'�'T e________ _ ________ _ ________--_____ covercant_______to warrarat and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawfuZ claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever---------. - --_ _ --- - ._ -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />� ------------------------- -- ---- --- -- -- --------- - - --- -- - ------- ----- -- - - ---- ----- --- --------------------- - -------- --------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the-------------�7t h------------ - -da�J �1�--- .. - -- Aj?_�'_17�------ - - - -�1. D.,19.�.-�-�---• <br /> W7T.N'ESS -----------------------------�''z'c3�11K_..K.11riki�,C�?k-------- ---- <br /> ---- -- -- -- --Ge�-� --�-�---��11_r_._�ert---------------- ----- ------ �--------------------------Josefa._Klinkacek---- -------- <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR.gSK,4, <br /> H31 I �J, �ss. 17 ------------daJ o�-------------------------`-�--�7'11-----------------.�. D., 19._l2 .. , before me, <br /> ---------------------------------------Count Orc this------------------------- � - <br /> the undersi�ned, a Nota�y Public.___________________________.__._.___within and for said County,personally eame_.__.____._______.__________________________.. _ <br /> 1'rank Klinkacek arid Josefa KlinKacek <br /> to me personallz�known to 8e the identical person_.�..______whose name__�__.3T_C?__,_________________afy'ixed to the aboUe <br /> ( SEAL ) instrumerct as�rantor_s_.__, and_______t��.Y_._________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be______'�heir___voluntar� <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IJV'W7TNESS�GV.FIEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofJicial seal at__________________________ <br /> ___C_d1r0_,..__TJ zbrdSkc3.____________ _______________on the date last above writtero. <br /> E1liott Harrison <br /> ---- ----------------------------------------------------�----_��---------------- <br /> .��otary Public. <br /> .My commassion expires__NOV. 1b _1Glb._ _____�_________. <br /> - - - ---- ---------- ----------- <br />