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<br /> r--'�'�,:, •.�vai7"=-KLOPF���B'fiR'Y'i,N"L'2'�C'�.,Printing,�LxtT+ographingrrrtdCo�.rrzEq�.4uppti�es;(7�maha. :"�__ �_ ;_::,, .. _.._,_, . -,_.; ._�:.: . -__ ....._. ._.. . �__.,. _ ..__—
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<br /> r'x�� l hereb� certifi� that this instru-mLn,t was esatered ora JV'urr�,erical '
<br />� �.'rd,21k K1171kcLC�$ & Wlf@ ___ Index arzd led or reeord this_______ ____________________da o JanUar
<br /> ' - - � t' 7 � f----------------------------�'----
<br /> I ------ ----------- - --------- - -- -- -- - -
<br /> I .1. D., 19- -----._ , at--- - 5-
<br /> 16 8 :1 -- - - - -------o'clock,A'-----.M. '
<br /> ----- -- --- - --- - - --- --_- - - - --- Warranty
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<br /> �•p Deed.
<br /> �s��-�
<br /> C����� ��
<br /> ___ __ __ _ ____________ _______________._ _ ___ .
<br /> �litl�r E.K1frik�3,Cek Re�i r of Deeds, ;
<br /> �:
<br />' B�- - ---------------------------- ---- --------------- --------
<br />' ------ - ------ ---- ----------- - -- - - -- - - - --- - Deputy.
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<br /> �.r�o�n ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t�: �
<br /> I ���t_____ Fr�,n.k__Rlir�kacek_ an__�.__Josefa Klinkacek,_ his__wife
<br /> - -- -� ------------ ---- - --- -- --- ---- -- -- - -
<br /> of the Countr� of- -----Ha,ll - - -a�zcl ,St<zte of- -------- N�bra,Skd ------, ----------Grantor-5-----, in considerati.on ''
<br />, of the sum of__________Ori� i;011��7' �,ri� Ot'r1E7' V�ZU.�,�1� consi�erations DOLL.FIRS
<br /> ----- -------- - -- - -----
<br /> -- ---- --- ---- --------
<br /> - -- ------------ �
<br /> II in harcd paid, do_____.______.__7�e��eb� GR,�1.N'T, B.FIRC✓�IN, SELI,, d4�N'D CONVFY'ur�to_________�liTler'__E.K1�I'lk__c'�.__C2_k_______
<br /> ---------------- -----------------
<br /> I
<br /> of the Count�J o�-- ---Hdll - . - --- ----und State of- --- - - --- - - - -- -- -N�bT'cdSk_a..- --- -- -- ------_,Grartt.ee,--------, the followin�
<br /> described premi-ses, situated irz the C,ounty of_________.___ Hd.11 _____.__.______an,d State of,N'ebre�4ka, to wi.t:
<br /> ._..._The nort�i-east---c�uart�;r of' -�ecti�n s�ven---(-7)---in.- tawnship el�ven _(_11-)---no_r_tti---o�'--�an�e.. t�de.lve. -- -.
<br /> ( 12 ) west of the 6th P.�,�. Sub ject,f�o�Tever,to a lii'e �state which is ��er�by reserve� f'or �nd
<br /> __ v�st�d irl Josefa Klinx�,cek,_ s_:�e. to have �ental from �,bove �3escribed land �izring._rier..natur�l____.
<br /> . ---- ----.. . -- ---- - - - - --- -- -- ---- --- - -------- -------- --- -_ . - -----
<br /> li�etfine. _
<br /> -- - ----- - - - --- - - ------------------------ ----------- -------------�-------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, a32d appurterzances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Do7��e�•,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and DemarLd whatsoever of the said Granto�g_____,and of either of them, of, irc, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �Co �abe att� to �oib the above-described premises,with the appurter�ances,unto the said�rantee___.____and to________hj.8___ _ __ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd_____�'e.______hereby covenant._______with the said Grar�tee___.___that___._____�e__________________ hoZd__________._said premises by�ood and i:
<br /> perfect title; that___.____�`c"_e________________have__�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and conve� the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all liens ''�
<br /> �;
<br /> amd incumbrances whatsoever-------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------- -- - - - --------------- ----- - -- - - --- ----- - -------- - - ---- ----- --- -------------------------------------------- ------ -- ----- '.
<br /> - -- - -- -- ---- -- - - --_ - - - --- -- ---- ----- -- ----------- - --------- ----------------- -- --- ------- --------------------- --------
<br /> .gnd____.___________ ________We____.________ _______.______ r,ovenarzt._._____to warrar�t and defend the said premises a�air�st the lawful claim,s of all persons
<br /> whomsoever------ --- -- - -- - ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---- ----- -- ----------------------
<br /> 17 -------------- A ril --- -�. D.,19.12-'--•
<br /> Dated the-- --------- ------da�J �f . - -___ p-- - -
<br /> w�zT�ESS --------Fr a,nk__Kl i nkac ek--------------------------------
<br /> ---- -- --------Geo.---rU-�---�°r_in_�;ert.--------------- - _.__---- - --------,To��fa__Klinkacek---------------------- ,
<br /> ST.1 TE OF NEBR�SK'.g,
<br /> ss.
<br /> -----------------xd11---------------------Courcty, OrZ this-------------�-7------------------da�J �f------------------------------------t��2I'-�.1-------�. D., 19__l2 ._ , before me,
<br /> the urzdersi�rced, a Notccry Public_.___.______________.____________withi�z afad for said Countz�,personallz�came_____�__________________.______________________ __ '
<br /> �"r�nk Klinkacek and �osefa Klinkacek
<br /> --- - -- ----------- _ -- ------------------------------------ -- -------------- ------- ---------------------------- - --------------------------------------
<br /> r ( SFAL) to me personallz� known to be the identical persort�____.__._whose name_8.__�,z'-@______________________.____a f)ixed to the above
<br /> instrumerct as�rantor__s__._, and____________t_Y?��____________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be___t h�ix______voluntary
<br /> act arcd deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I✓1�'W'IT.NF,SS GVI�EREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my i�ame and afj"ixed my ofjicial seal at__________________________
<br /> -------C��iro Nebraska
<br /> ______,______ _ _ _______________________ ________.__.__on the date Zast above written.
<br /> � E11iot� Harrison
<br /> -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notarz�Public.
<br /> ,M� commission expires-------NOV. -16 1916. --- - ---------------------�----------•
<br /> ------ ------ ---------
<br />