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� �� <br /> �� D�C�D �C�C�O�D �loo ��o <br /> _ _ _ __ � _ ___ _ __� _ __ _ _ _ __ <br /> ` 58�Ti1-KLbPP�BAR32LrTT CO.,Printing,Lithogr¢phinp an�l G'oun[y Supplies:bmatia. ..-�_._ .__—. _ _--,��— - ..-_-- – _---:--___-- <br /> ,.,____ ,-_, ._ _ _ ; _, . ,... _..:_,: ,----.. . -:�-: _ ._ _ _. . ___ <br /> __=_----_�_______. _�_..--._.___� <br /> —_.___� �__.--._�:._:--„ <br /> �: <br /> FRO.M I herebz� certify that this irastrum-ent was entered on Numerical <br />' ----------ArthU.x'--C.._�i3yer;__Vi'�!�OW87' _--- - ---- Index and fil,ed for record this---------}x-1---------------day of..-----�E'G.------------------ <br /> �. D., 19--�-,-r}----, at- -- -- �.1: �,�0--- _ _-- - -----o'clock-- -A.--✓71. <br /> - -- - --- - --T� - -- -- -- Warranty <br /> __ - <br /> Deed. /� • �� <br /> LJ ��/ <br /> ---- -- ------ - ------- ----- --------------------------- <br /> Re�ister of ee.ds, <br />�' --- --- ------------------J�hr� Alian-- --- - ------- -- <br />' �✓------ ----------- - --- -- <br /> --------Deputy.--- <br /> ��.o�n �Yr �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> ����---- j �- �rtn�ur__C__.�tayer> w_i�ower-� ------ - -- -- <br /> ------- - ------------- - --- -- -------------------------------------------------�----------- ------ ----- -- <br /> o�the CountJ of_-----------�I�.11_------------czrzc� Stczte uf----------------N�b_r_c3.Sks�------------------------------------------------(�rantor_ , in eonsiderati.on <br /> of the sum of--------�ns--�i�_11�r---(-ans�---�_�h�r_. ��ns_i��r_�.��ons-�------ -- ------- --- --------------------------- -------- ---- -- ---------������� <br /> in hand paid, do--------.--------Tt-er�eby GR�NT, B�RG�I.h�, SELL, .,4ND CO.N'VEY'zcrzto- -----JOhri_All�,Tl---------------------- --- -----•---------- <br /> of the Count�J�}�- --_��,11 --___-- -- - ---- --and State af--- - --- --- - -- l�'_�.�k?�'�5���----- --- -- -_ -- - -- ------,Gran,tee,.-------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated irz the County of_______ ____________H-23.11-----------____-_----------_---._________and State of Nebrec�ka, to wit: <br /> ._....._._LQ_�....S�.xt.e_e�n---�_16.�._.i.�_.�l.o_c�..I3in�t_��n..1.19-)---of_.LTnivers_ity--.P1�.c�-�----�_..�d_�._��_�9�'�.he_...C.�_��r...._....-- -- - - <br /> -��----��_.._�:�.;l.anc�} --Ne'�r_�s_��.,,�_..�'�cor�ed.,..... --- ------------------------------------------------------ --� <br /> -------�----�----- <br /> � ----------�-------- ----- - - - ---- ---- -� - - - ------------------�---------�-------------------------------------- ----- ----- - ------ --- ..-------.._..------.....---�----- ...- -----------�-------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------ --- - -------- - - - - ----- - - -- ---- - -------- �--- -- - ---- ------ ---�-------_..------------------------- -�----�-------�-------....- ��----...-------------- ----- �- ------------._..------------------------------�-------- .._. <br /> ----�-----�............................... ..�-�- -- � ..._.._.-- - - - �--- - -- ------ ------ ---------------- --------------._----- .....---- -- �-------------- -------...------------ --------....---.._..--�- ------------ --------------�--�------- <br /> - -- ------.. . --- --------------------------------------------�-------�-------------------------- ---- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belorc�irc�, arLd all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doruer, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoez�er of the said. Crantor______,���'�of,in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �0 �d11E AlY� t0 �OYb the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee________and to___________�,j,_&___ hezrs <br /> artd assi�ns forever. �4nd___I____________lzereby covenant.____.__with the said Grantee_.____.that_______.___I_____________________ hold.___________said premises by�ood an.d <br /> perfect title; that.___.Z________________._____hu_Ve_�SOOd ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free arad clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------_------------------ ---- --- - --- - -- - - - - - ---- -- - --------- --- - - --_----- -------------- ------------ - ------ --- ----- <br /> - - -- - --- -- ._- - --- - - - ----- ---- - -- _ ---- -- ----- ------- ---- -------- - ---- ------- -------------------- ---------- -------------- ---------------------- --------- - <br /> .Flnd____________________________. ___— __-____ _______ ____ .r,ovenarzt_______t,o warrarct and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claim,s of all persons <br /> whomsoever--------- ___- -- - --_ __ .. _ _ -- ------------------------------------------------- <br /> - - - ------------------------------- ------------•---------- ------------------------------------------------- ---- ` <br /> ----------------------- ----- - - -- - ----- -- - - ---- ---- - ---------- -- --- -- - - ----------- ----------------- - ------------- --- -------------------------------------- ---- - <br /> Dated the------------- - 30th----------- --da�J �/�-_ - -----D�C2TClb�Y'--- - - - -.g. D.,19--1�'--• <br /> W7TNESS ---------------------------.A.7Ctlllix'--C. --�I3�-EY'----------------- <br /> I' -- M. _.�ar_la�g�------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- --------- <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.ISK.Fl, ) <br /> t ss. <br /> ---------------------------�a'1,1-----------Courct�J, ) On this----- ------,�Q-'��1---------------da�J �f------------------------�B�eTCIhEl-----------�. D., 19---�---J�.. , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a✓Y'otarz�Public_------_------_--_--_--_-----_-_-_--within and for said Countz�, personally came.---__-_---------____-_-----_-_--___-__------------_-_--------- <br /> -------- ---A��1�u�__.�-�- �ay_�r�---a--��idower,--------- ----------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.___._._____whose name_________._______�S___________________a fj'ixed to the above <br /> ����� instrument as�rantor________, and____._____�.�'_______._._________�icknowled�ed the same to be_______�].j,8,______voluntar� <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I�V'W7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed my name and af/'ixed my ofj"icial seal at_.Gr_�15�______.___ <br /> I�1�n�_,._in___sai_�__County�_________ ___orz the date last above writterc. <br /> ------------------------------------------8�,3�ar--d---I�-.-�?a�-r�e----------- <br /> ✓Y'otary Public. <br /> I� .Mz� eommission expires.__._N_4y'_._1Q--�.�_�.��- ------------------------------------------�-----------• . <br />� <br />� <br />'t <br /> I �i <br />