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<br /> u6��0--KI.OY�'dc�ef�'lLER'T C`O.,I'ri,nti�ag,I,ithogr¢plaing antT County�upplies;Omah�i. � � " _
<br /> __ ,�. _.=_A _._ , _ _
<br /> .._ �
<br /> I''R�� I hereby certifz� that this instrument r,��as entered on Numerical
<br /> Index and le,d or record this.--------1b-----------day of--------DL'.C.---------------
<br /> ------ -�_,_I��i_._Ballar_d--&--v�if e -- - -- - - -- � f
<br /> .q. D., 19_l�i----, at- - - -__�:�{-5 -__- - -- -----o'clock----- P...M.
<br /> ____ __--- - - -- wa��ty
<br /> ----- - ----- - - -- --- - To
<br /> Deed. ��E � ��
<br /> ,
<br /> - -=--.(i'-r��L ---:uz_y�- -�------------------ --
<br /> Re�i er of Deeds,
<br /> ------- --- John__Allan------ - - ------- -- --- -----
<br /> ��------- - - ---- ---- - - ----- --- --- -- ----------------------- ;
<br /> De ut
<br /> --------------- ---- -------- --- - --- - _ -- - - ___.._ , A �J•
<br />;
<br /> �.r�oi� ��� �e�. �p �C�je�e �re�e�t�:
<br /> ����------ ��, C_.�_.��,11ar�--�ri+9._Mary-�.B_allar�i,-- -nis---�rif�,------ ------------- ------------- --- -----------------�----�------------- --- - -- -
<br /> I ------------------------ --- -------------- -------------- --- - --------------- ---- ,------ -- ------- ------ --- ------- ----- ----- -------------------------------------- -------------�------------------------- --
<br /> of the CountJ of_------------Ha.11--------------cr,ra�l Statc of-------------------N_Gb7'_'r_1Sk1---------------------------- -------Grantor--9-----, in consideratiorz
<br /> - -------- --
<br /> I of the sum of-------Oz�e �_o1�a�-- (-�r�.�--o�Gh�r--co��_�derat��na--)--------- -- - --------------- - -- ---- -- ------------------ --------------------i��#�`,
<br /> in hand paid, do__-- ----_------h.er•ebz� GR✓1NT, Ba9.RG�gI.N, SELL, .-4JV'D CONVEY'unto-_-_--_--_JOY121_Allcl2l-_----------------__-_-_____---_---
<br /> i
<br /> ---------------------------- - ---- - - ----- ----- - --------------------------------------- --- - -- - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- -
<br /> of the County of--_-------Hdll - - -- ---and State of---- -- -��'b2 c�.8_k� --- ---- --- ---- - ------- ----- - ------ ---,Grantee--------, the followin� :
<br /> described premises, situated in the Countr�of_____._ ___._._______Hi�11__ _______________________________.___and State of,N'ebrA�ka, to wit:
<br /> -----.I,���_._.Thi.rt.���----�-��-�..._�n�._�'if�een...(l�_).. .�.n--���cK__.Tw�nt�-:�.V{IO---�2.2.�__.Q�'....[tri1Y.��'.�..3.�y.---P.1�aC-�'-s----�- --.._....---- -----
<br />' - ----A.�_�j�.i_on...t.o...�h�- = �-�.�y--o.P --Gr_�nd...I��.and_,--Neb.r���a�----��_..s?�.�v'eye.i�, ..�.�.�t.t.et�.--a�ad---r.ecor.d-�-d-r----��-----�---- -------
<br /> --_..�ein� �h�--�_�rn.�-�.r�mi�e�_,.�_Qnye���---�.Q.._sa.�;_�l_..�_.M.�3allar.c�...bY-`-�J.,.1�,Chas-e!'-----�whos�---�u�..�---��,m�.-w�--- --------
<br />, .--- -,7�me-�--A�_C.�ase).-�r�.�._.w_�,#'�e� by._war�an.t��.--ciee�---�ate�1- Apri-l--�1->-..1.913---and__recorde�l__.in---�.Q_Q�--:��-�----------------- �
<br /> ..---�a�_e--2-�-9---��- -�_��--xe�o�.�s-� Q� s.�.i-!�--xa�l.._C o�,?��y..�-- -- -------------- - ------------------��----�-- .._......._.._-------------� ------------- --�---------------------�-- -----------
<br /> --�............ ................................-- -- ---- -- --... ---- ------ - .- - -- -� ---- ------------------ --�---._.._.__.....-------- ------------.....----.._.....------- --------��-------- - ----�-------------------------------�-
<br /> ,. - ------- ------------ -- -- - ------ ------ - --- - - - - _ - -- ---�- --- �---- ------------ ---------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�sin�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dorver,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__S___, of,in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �CD �A�1C AII� t0 �OI� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,urcto the said�rantee._.____and to._______�,i�_________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. ✓lnd___'�f�___________hereby e.ovenar�t._______with the said Grantee_.._.___that______,___.____7K�_____________ hold______.____said premises by good and
<br /> perfect title; that____.___________w�._______,_ha__v�ood ri�ht ar�d laivful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free and cleaT of all lien.s
<br /> and incumbranees whatsoever------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> �nd___________-__________._:_W_�_. ____._ _____ ______ . ._______ covenant._______to zvarrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claim,s of all persons
<br />''' whomsoever-------- - - --- - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> I
<br />' ----------------------- --- -- ---- - -- - - - ---- - - - -- -- -
<br /> ------ --- ---------- -- ---- --- ----
<br /> ------ - --- ------------ --------
<br /> -----------
<br />�
<br /> f Dated the---- - �- ---14th----------------da�J �f -- ---DeC2dTl�b2r--- - - - -------.Fl. D.,19----1�'•
<br /> W7T.NESS ------------ --- ----C-.-_�.-$317.�.xd- -- - ----------- - -----� ;
<br /> --- --- --- ------L:--G.--Allan--------------------- ----- ---------------�--- ---l�,�tary__--E,_Ballard ----------- -----------
<br /> STJI TE OF JV'EBR.1 SK.g,
<br /> ss. ?
<br /> -----------------------�all---------------count�, On this---- ------- �:6'��l-----------d��J �f-----------------D-@�EITihE.I'----------------.1. D., 19_,1�- , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notar�Public.-------------------------------,_within and for said County, Aersonally eame---------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---------- -- -_ �._�_.�3�7._��d---�.n.l--��'�---�.���a..a���---?���--wi�e-�------------------------------------------------------------------ '
<br /> to me personallr�known to be the identieal person_.�______whose name____S__�e____._________________af�ed to the above
<br /> ( SEAL� ' � ___severally aeknowled�ed the sarrie to be____.___�h�irvoluntar�
<br /> anstrument as rantor__.__#, and____t_�1.�y_______________ _ ._
<br /> ccct and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I�l�'W7TNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my of�Eeial seal at____G.r_c'3xLd________,
<br /> . Ia1an�3_,____in_ sai�i_count_y._1_____.______on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------- ------------------------L-•----��--��------------
<br /> Notarz�Public.
<br /> . . . --------- -�----------•
<br /> .My commr,ssaon expares-------S�Ft_•_2�-►�-�--1Q�-6-`---------------------------,
<br /> �
<br />