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<br /> _ _._ _ ._:_- .. _
<br /> ;i�$�U--KI.OPP�BARTLETT Cd.,FF�ting,Lithopraphinp a.nd CounEy Supplies;Orna3uz. —'� "-`—
<br /> ,.,,. ._ _,., .�,__,. ,.- - --., _,.,_�_ _ __-.; _ ��_.—i--.=__�._: __ _ `=M__ ::�=�-_._____—_�_.__—
<br /> F��'M I herebz� certifz� that this instrument was entered on JV'umerical
<br /> In,dex and led or record this_____�,___________________da o __
<br /> ----------�!allace---�_._�h�rn--&--wife_ -----_ _------ � f � � f �e.cemhex----------
<br /> dl. D., 191-r3-----, at--- 11_:�� -- _ _ _ - - -----o'clock----�.--.M.
<br /> ------- ------------- - -- --- - - -- ---- Warranty
<br /> T� - Deed. •
<br /> _ ___������/_______________________'_
<br /> -------------
<br /> . Re ister Deed.s,
<br /> -- --- ---- - ---J9hn__Al la,n -- - ------
<br /> 8�------- _._-- - - - - - --- -- -- ---------------
<br /> -------------------------------------------- - ---- - -- ----- ---- Deputy.
<br /> �.r�oi� ��� �e�. �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�:
<br /> ����_____ �_1_e_,_ Wallace__S._Cnor_n_an�___EtYLe1__ M,_Chorn_, _his wife _______ ___ .
<br /> f � ____.___.__Grantor.___,S____, in consideration
<br /> of the County of---�-OS__AT1F��lES-r - __a�icl S�ta.te o --- - ----------�31.j.f_Q�'ZLj.cl, ---- - -----------------
<br />' of the sum of____________________one_ �ollar__(an�_ otner cansi�erations } ����
<br /> ------------- --- -------------------- - - - ----- -- --------------------- -------- - ----------------
<br />' in hand paid, do---------------hereby GR./1.NT, B�4RG�I��, SELL, .gND COJV'VEY'tcnto---------�QhYl__AllSt1------------------------------------------------ ------------------
<br />' ------------- --- ---- -- - -- --- --- - ---- - -- -- ---------------------------- --- -- ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ,
<br /> o the Count o ----------._�311---------------._.----arad State o ----------N�bz'cLSka
<br /> � �J f � - - --- -------------- ---- - - - ---------,Cira�ztee_------, the following
<br /> deseribed premises, situated in the County of___._____._____ Hall_______._____________________.______..____and State of JV'e,bre�ska, to uri.t:
<br /> ................�o.t...Fi;ft�en__(_15.)---in---�loek---��renty_--Pour. �.24� of--University--Pl�ce_3...an--A��it_i_on---t-o...the-----------.-.----. ..
<br /> - ---- ------C�,t�...o�...Gr.�nd. --I�lan��- -N�braska-�-- a� --survey.�d.,..__Platt_e_d...a.nd__r�cor�ed-�---------------------------------------- ------------------------
<br /> �--------------- -- --- - --- - -- ---- -- - - --- - ----- - --�--__..... -- �------ -�--------------�-- ------------ - --- -----------._...-- �--� ----------------------------------....--------��------_..------------------....
<br /> . . _:-�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenefnents, hereditanzents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoez�er of the said Grantor__�_._ ' of,in, oT to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 �d�1C AIY� t0 �0�� th.e,above-described�nremises, with the appurtenafzces, unto the said�rantee__.___and to___._hfsS__.__________ heBrs
<br />' and assi�ns forever. �nd____S'!1e______herebz�eovenant_____with the said Grantee________that__________________We________ hold____________s¢id premises by�ood and
<br />'', perfect title; that_______�e__..___________,_hav�__�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell arcd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> I and incumbrances whatsoever__�����?�___tc�f;S____�'_Qr___fi11E_y�d,r___191�_�h1Ch__�Y1G_ Grc�,2'1t�E____c'�__SSLiTi1eS___3Tld_.__c�__�rEES._.t0__p�. .
<br /> - - __ -- - -- - ---- -- - - - ----------------- ----- -------- --- - ---------- -- ------------------- -- - ---------- -- -------------------------------
<br />' .,4nd___,____ _____________ ___�!e____________________________._ _ r,ovenant______.to zvarrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaim,s of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever---eaCCe��-3S -�0__ �d�.�__ ��,XeS-•------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------- --
<br /> Dated the--- ---- --10�h--- ----------.daJ �l� ---- - D6C8IribEY'- --�1. D., 19_15'-__.
<br /> II - - - -- - ------ -
<br /> W'IT�v'�SS ---------------------��1-lace---Sf��a-rn---------- --------
<br /> J. E. Ha�tch --------------------Ethel--�.__C_h4rn---- ---------- --- ------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------- -----
<br /> -----
<br />''', --------------- -�'--A-'--�'e2'S -- ---- -
<br /> - - -- -- -
<br />�'�, CAI,IF'ORNIA --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- .
<br />��'� STJI TE OF .��.��'�, �
<br /> �ss.
<br /> Los---An�eles------------------count�, Orz this.------------------14�h---------da�J of------------------I�E�'��Ti].b.G'z'----------------.1. D., 191�__ ._ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a.N'otary Public__ _____________________withirz urzd for said County, personally came__________________________________________________________________
<br /> �a�:l�.ce__S.Cnorn__an�i._Et�el__�.Chorn_x__.his___wiYe,
<br /> -- - - -�------ ---- ------------------------- ----------- -------------------- ----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me persortally known to be the identical person�____.___whose name_S are____ __ _czfJ"ixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL) instrumerct as�Srantor___s._, and________�h��____________.__severally acknowled�ed the same to be___.__th81x'._voluntar�
<br /> act and deed for the purpose thereir2 ex�ressed.
<br />' I.N'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"'ixed my of)icial seal at________._________._.____
<br /> L021�_7:�8dCYi_,___1ri_ S�,1d _COLl21ty_�___on the date last above written.
<br />', . ----- -------------------J-�---�-�---�tat�?1---------------------
<br />, ✓l�'otar�Public.
<br />' .Mz� commission expires------ -O C t •- 9?--1'gl g -- --- - ----------- �b$-
<br />�'� „
<br />