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<br /> � �,� DC�C�D ���O�D �loo ��n �
<br />�� : � _ _. .__ _ _._ . _ . �_ _ u s _ _ _ :_ _ �_
<br /> _ _ ,
<br /> �i6�ii}—IfLOPP cE$ARTLL�^T�l"CO.,Prinlin�,Lilho�/raphing avad County Supplies;Orna7ca. J
<br /> . ___ __ .,.,_ --- - —_� _--=:—
<br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on ✓l�'umerical
<br /> .T.E.l�OU21�S & ,��f 8 Index arzd fcled for record this_______7_______________dat�of_DeC�It?ber_____.___
<br /> - --- ------ - - - - -T� -
<br /> Warranty .1. D., 191.�------, at-- --2 -_ _. _ __.___. __-- ------o'clock, P.--,M•
<br /> Deed. �
<br /> --- -- - -(��"-���- -------�'`�� i
<br /> ----------------------------
<br /> D'd.V 1� D. 0�K�.ri2 Re�ister f Deeds,
<br />,
<br />'i BJ----------- -- - ----- .- - - - --------------------
<br />'' ------ -- -- - -- ----------------- -- -- -- - - ---- Deputy.
<br />;
<br /> ��o�a �rY �et� �p �C�je�e �re�e�t�:
<br /> V�e� .7.E.:�cun�s (Also kno�nn as John E.�ounds ) an�i I�a J.Rounds Husban� an� Wife
<br /> ���t- ---- -- ---- - --- -- ---- - __ - - - -- -- - - - ---- - - -------------- ---- - ---------------------------
<br /> ---------------- --- --------------- - - - -
<br /> of the County of--------i�d11---------------------arcd xS'tc�te of------------IV��br_r'�_Sk�,---- --- ----- -----------`-------- ----------,GTantor_s------, in eonsideration
<br /> of the sum of--------- .�VO_. Th0US8,Tld---= - -- _ �'--T - -- -- --- ---- --- - - -�- --- -- _--- ----------`-----`- ---�---7�OLL.IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_..___ _______._hereb� GR./�NT, B.,4RG.,4I�1'', SEI.L, �JV'D COJV'VEY'urato___________D'dV�d D. 0.'T�2.ri@
<br /> ------------ -- -- ------------------ ---------- --- -------------------
<br /> of the Count�J of-------- Hd.11 --..---- - -- --and State of----- -- - -- -- NBbr�,Sk3 --- ---- - - ---- _.----,Grantee-------, the following
<br /> __--- -- - -- ------ ---------
<br /> deseribed premises, situated irz the Cour�ty of________________ H311 _.__.___and State of Nebr��cka, to witr
<br /> ....__The...V��est_,_Twenty---Fiye---(25� -�'eet_ oP -the East,-- Ei�hty--Five---(85).--fe�t ..of...Lot ..One---(-1-) �31ock --_- - -- -
<br /> ,____Tv��enty___I�'_iv_� _ (25)„ _Ori�in_�,1_ town_ of. �Too�i._River,. ,Sub ject to a cert.ain rviort�a�e__of_._Twelve _ _
<br /> __._Hun�r��__.Dollars___in_favor_ of__ '�Joo�.__River Buil.�ing and Loan Association �ated l,�ay 15th 1g1.�,� _
<br /> ...--which the---sai�i �ran�ee hereby_ a�sumes _and---a�rees---to F-a,y-.--------- --- ----------- ---------
<br /> __ .. .- --- --- - --- - - ---.__..... -------------�------------------------------------------------�---------..
<br /> __._Also._.sub_�Act____to._the terms of two �a.rtition wall leases_ in favor of Asa C..�,Surphy. an�3...0ak1_ey__.._
<br /> ..__A,_I_.L.�i:,n__resFectively, �,s ,p�.rties o:t' the secon�___�art , recorded in 33ook N of_._Miscellaneous_..______
<br /> ------ �- -�------ ----- ---------�-------
<br /> �-----��._.�.��-�--�-y�'�-��--�>5• - - ---- -- -- - -- -- -----�--- --�� ------
<br /> __._....._.. ------ ... . - - ... - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditameiits, and appurtenafices thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,DoTVer, ,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Gt�antor_.____,and of either of them, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �D ���lE AIY� t0 �OYb the above-described�remises, with the appurteraances, unto the said�rantee._,_.___and to_.___H�S____________ yaeirs
<br />' and assi�ns forever. .�4nd______��______hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_____.that__________________�?�e_____._____ hold___________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that_______.__'NG__________________ha�'_�__�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and eonvey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens
<br />' and incumbrances whatsoever____�C2��t__d,S___�,qOV�__SF�C1�'le�
<br /> -- ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------•--- ----------------------------
<br /> -----------------------------------------------..--- -- -- ------------ ---------- ---- - - --- -- ------ - - - -- -- ------- ---- ---------- ---------------- -- ------------ ------ --- ---
<br /> �nd________-_.___�!�_ __.________...___ . _ ___________ covena»t._______to warrar�t arLd defend th,e said premises a�ainst the lawful claim,s of all person.s y
<br /> whomsoever--- ----- - -- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
<br /> ----------------------- -- -- - - - ----- -- ------ --- -- -- - - --- ------ - -- - ---- ---- ----------------------------- --- --------------- --------------- -------- --
<br /> Dated the--- --30th------------- --- ---da�J �f- - --- - - - �TOVG'ITIb@Y'--- _.Fl. D.,19•1�'---• _
<br /> W'IT�'ESS ------------------�T._.��--�Q_l�ri��---------- -------- ---
<br /> t�l. L. SFra�ue ( 2.0��- -------------- -Id�---1_.R_ound�--------- ------------------------
<br /> ---------- - --- -- ( T.R. ) �
<br /> ( Stamgs ) ---------------------------- ----------
<br /> --------------- - - ---------- ---- - -- --- - . _ _ (caneelle<�)
<br /> ST.1TE OF .N'EBR.gSK.g,
<br /> �ss
<br /> --------------------Ha11------------------county, Orz this----- --------->'Q�h-----------da�J �f----------------------------�T_9YeS�b��'-------.1. D., 19---�..},_ , before me,
<br /> the ur�dersi�ned,a✓Y'otary Public____________..___________________within and fo�° said County,persorcall�came________._____________.____________________ _
<br /> ------,J'.E_�RQizn.�s-�,x�.�i__I�a__�T_.Aaun��-.-hus_b_a,n�---�.�_.�ri��--- ----------------------------------------------------------------- .
<br /> - - - -- ---- - --- ------------------ ---------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the iderctieal person__S__.____whose name_S____�.r.�_____________._________af�'cxed to the above
<br /> (SEr'1L ) instrument as�rantor__S_._, c�nd__.____t hey____________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be.__t_�'1,��_�__.__voluntar�
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN W7TJV'ESSWHEREOF,I have hereur�to subscribed my name and afy'ixed my ofJ"Ecial seal at________________________
<br /> -------------WOO�---F31V�x---------------- ----------------on the date last aboae written.
<br /> --- --- ----�-•--La---�Pr-�'-,�-------------------------------------- .
<br /> Notar�Public.
<br /> .Mz� commission expires--------�.�Ta,rCh-2-Z t- -191��--------- -------------------- ------�----------•
<br /> ��
<br />