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<br /> �h� D_�C�D C�C��O�D �oo �do
<br />` _ �. _ _ _ . . . _ .�a_ ___� _r � __ -_ __ = -_ _ -.—
<br /> uci��0—KLOPP c�BARTLE'lT CO:,Printing,Lilho�raphing and County Supplies;Omaha. �� � �^ �
<br />--=---� -, _ __. __., _. . _ . _
<br /> _.�_ _-:-- <_ ---
<br /> . _..–_--__....______�._��._.. __�.__ _---__—:—:;�..---,.
<br /> i:
<br /> FRO.M I hereby certifr� that this instrumerat was entered on �Y'umerical
<br /> ------�U.��Y't _�ILl21t--$c-�'if'�--- -----------.._--- -:----- Index and filed for record this--------2Y1�-----------dar�of--------�D2C_G_'_;C1b EY'-----
<br /> �. D., 191�------, at-- z `}�'� - -- -----o'cloek, 1�-' --✓YI•
<br /> ------ - --- ----- - - - --
<br /> ._ - _ - -- _ -- Warranty
<br /> - --- _- -
<br /> TO Deed. I�. 0
<br /> -- ----- ---.���!__r�r/���-�_-��------------ ----------
<br /> Re�i•ster De.e,ds,
<br /> -------- ----------P�2�,ry__--L_. Strayyn--- -
<br /> B�--------------- -- ---- - - -- - -- -------------- -----------
<br /> ------------ ---------- ------ - --- ---- - - - - Deputy.
<br /> �.r�o� �Yr �er� �p �C�je�e �re�et�t�:
<br /> i '
<br /> ���t____�Te ,__xub_�rt _Hunt__and._Alice___C.__Hunt_,__ his__wife_,______
<br /> of the County of-------H_a11-----------------------czrac� Stcatc� of------.--------------�I�bx��.K83�---------------------------------_--------------Grantor-�-----_, in eonsideratio�a
<br />' T�n hun�red fift -three _& 40�100- -
<br />� of the sum of_--------------- ----- ---------- - ------ -- - .�- --- -�----= ----- -- - --- -- - - -- --- -- -- -- - - - --- --- DOLL.f1RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do------ ---------dzereby GR.FINT, B.,4RG.FIIN, SELL, �✓V'D CONVEY'unto----------------Md.Ty--E.----StY'3�"�'71----------------------- --------------
<br /> of the Count�J�f----------H_a.11_ ---- --and State of----- -- ---�����'c�.S1Ca,_._ ---- - - -- - - - -- -----,Grantee.-------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of_____.__.________H__ddll___ . __and State of JV'ebr�Bka, to wit:
<br /> - - -------------------- ---------
<br /> --...Lot.,__ri�;ht_---�_�--)----in_,�31ock--Thre-�-(3 ) in -John Voitle-� s---A�aitian__to_...tr1�...c�..:t�r...o�...�xa�,�...z�1an.�.}--------_.-----_
<br />'�, .....�Se=k�r�.s�;:a a-�--�� sur�r_ey���-Fla,�t��--an�._.r�car!�e��- ----- ----- --------...... --�-.............-�--- � - ��-----
<br /> ----- -- -- -- �- ------------ - -- --- --- ----- - ------- -�--��-------------- ------- -- ---- -----�-�-- --- - --- --- --�- -----�-� -------------�--------�--... -�-----------------------------------------------------
<br /> I
<br /> --- -- ----------... _ -- -� - --- - ---- - --- -� - -- ----------- -------------�--- -----------------.. ------ -._._......------ -._..........._..--------- - -------------- ----...-----��----------------------------------------�----
<br /> ---- -------- --- ---- -- ---- -- ------- ---- - _ --- - -- ----- ----- -- --- - -----------�-------- -------------------�------------------------�-----�-�--�-��----� ---------------------------------_.._.....---�----------------------------�
<br /> - --- --------- -- - ------- -- - ---- ------ -- --------�--- ---- -----------------------_---------------------------------------� - -------------------�-------� ------�------...-- --........-----�-------------------------------------�-------
<br /> --�--- -----�----- --�-- ----�- - _.- - - --------- ---- -� - -- -- - -- -------� .................-- -------------��---_......-------...---...-----�----....---------_.---.....---------��---�-----�--�---....._....------�--------------�-------
<br /> --- -------._ ------ ------- - - - - --- - ----- - -.. ... ------�---- -- - - - --- ---�------------...---------------------------------�-�---_
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doi��er,
<br />, Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer�er of the said GrarLtor_S__,� , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �CO ���lE Al�� t0 �OYb the above-described premises,with th,e appuTtenances, urLto the said�rantee________and to_______h@r___________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd__._�y'e______hereb�covercant______z,vith the said Grantee_______that_________._____��___.______._ hold_______.____said premises by�ood and '
<br /> perfect title; that_.._____�`T�__._____________haV_�___�ood risht and l,awful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and ir�cumbranees whatsoever.�'XC��,?'�----'�-cZ7CeS._�'OX'.__t_r1E'._._��d,r--1�15__Vd'�11C_il---��Y�--_Glrante�-�.�stune�---a,,n�__.�.s�r���---tQ-,-��Y•
<br />' ---------------------------------------------------- - ----------- -- ------- -- ------ --- - - - -- -- ----------- -- --- --- ---- --------- -------------------------------
<br /> -------------- - --------------
<br /> I -- - ----- - - - -- - -- - -- ----- - --- -- -- -- ------ ------- - - -------- - ------------------ ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------
<br /> .Rnd_____._______._:._�,�1_2_.-___ ._ ----------__ _ ___--_-__-__ covenant________to urczrrant and defend the said premises a�sainst the lawful claims of all persons ?'
<br /> whomsoever____�=�C__e�t___d.S _fi 0 _5�,1�__t_a.XeS.
<br /> ---------------------------•------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----- - ---- --------------- ---
<br /> ----------------------- -- - -- ----- --- - ------ -- - -- --- - - -----------__-- ---- --------- -------- ------------- - -- ---- ---------------------------------------------- -------------
<br />', Dated the----------221!�----------------------da�J ��-- -D�C2rflber� ------- --_ -----.fl. D.,191..�-'----•
<br />� W'ITNESS Hlib�rt Hunt
<br /> -------- ------- ----------- - - ------ - ---------------------- -
<br /> ( �1.50 )
<br /> ----J_o hn _�ll an-------------------- -------------- - -- ---- � I .�?. ) ------------------- ---�11 i_�e---�_,_Hunt----- ------ -- --------- :
<br /> ( St arn��s )
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -- --� - -
<br /> caricelled
<br /> ST.lTE OF NEBR.gSK.,4,
<br /> ss.
<br /> -------------H�11-----------------------.County, on th�s----- �nd------------- Dee�mber-�--------------�1. D., 19_l�._ , be ore me,
<br /> -- ----d�� �f--------------------------------- - f
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public___________________________________within a�zd for said County, personally eame_.____._______..___ ______
<br /> ---------------�Iu_bert Hunt._ an�._Al_ice---c-'---Hunt-x---iii s__wif-e=--------------------------------------
<br /> ---- --------- -------- ---- --------- ------- - ----- ------------------------ -------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------------- -----
<br /> to me personally kr�own to be the identical person_,S______whose nafne�___a,�'8_______________________a f�"ixed to the above
<br /> t��L � instrument as�rantor_�__._, arcd_______tY�e�?___._______________severally acknowled�ed the same to be__.�kl�lx______voluntary
<br />� ccet and deed for the purpose thereirz expressed.
<br /> LNW7T.N'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscTibed my name and af)ixed my ofj�icial seal at___�i�d___________
<br /> _l;�_1�.T1�,___3.ri__�s'�,1!�___�_Qt�Ti.�y_,_____.______on the date last above written.
<br /> . John A11an
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ✓1�'otar�Public.
<br /> rYlz� commission expires___Jd21.�a�91�'--- ----__----------- �--------- �-----------•
<br />,. �: _
<br />