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� �� <br /> :,4, DC�C�D ��C�O�D �oo ��o <br /> _ _ _ _ _ _.� _ _ _ _ __ <br />_ . 5tLiiU—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO..Pra,ntinp,Lithographinp and County Supptita:CSmaha. ^ T, . _ _ _ , __ . - -:: � - � __ __ ..._._---.-- <br /> FROJVI I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> ---------- <br /> AlC�.r�3a._�-,--�_�_V_�x'.__(_VY_�_!3O�*-�-___----- Index arcd filed for record this-------�0==-----------dar�of-----------}�'0�-;-------------- <br /> <l. D., 19---1-�3---, a�t--- ---,3 --- ---- - -------o'clock,--p-�---�• <br /> ---- -- <br /> --- - - ---- --- -TO-- <br /> -- __ <br /> - ------ Warranty <br /> Deed. • <br /> � �r� --- --- ------------- --- -------- <br /> --------- --- - - - - - -- <br /> Re�ister Deeds, <br /> -------- JoseFh T._St__eward- -- - _ --- <br /> - B�------ - -- - ---- ---- - -- --- ------ ------------------------- <br /> Deputz�. <br />�, <br /> �r�o� �Y� �e� �p �C�je�e ��e�er�t�: <br /> ��A�-- -- A1c inda 5._ vever_ - (wl��ow)- - -- -- - <br /> ---- ----------- --- - --------- ------ ---- -- ----- -------- --------- ---- --- -- ----- <br /> - -- - - <br /> ----- ------------ -------------- ------------- ---- ----- --------- - - --- ---- --- - --------- -- - - -------- ---- -------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- <br /> of the County of_----------H�.�.l-----------------_ccit,a' Stat� of---.--------------�I�hrs`�,5.k3--------------------- -------------Grarttor-,--------, in consideratiorz <br /> � -----------DOLL✓1RS, <br /> of the sum of----------- T��n�.y-f_iue--hun�r-�.�i--an.d---nII�-10-0----------------- ---- --- --------------------- ------- <br /> in hand paid, do____.______________iaereby GR�NT, Bd4RG.gIN, SELL, �ND CONVEY'unto___._____JOS��?k�.__�'_,.___���7Ks'�xS�____ __________________._ <br /> of the County of--------------H311------------ -------and State of---------- -------�T8hrc1.5-k3--------------------------. ----- ------,Grant.ee_------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situate,d in the Couraty o]'__._ _._______ ___.���11_ ------------------------------------arid State of Nebre6ka, to wit: ' <br /> ._. The...�testerly...on�_-�.1�lir� -�-3�-o-� _�ot--�:i�xi� -�-g-�- .�n-- 3�.�,.ocic._.�I.umbe�.._�'.a..f.��t-�.v�ra-�--�-5�.-)�_..�ri�.inal- ------ <br /> --.,t q�n_�n.�1y"...0 i ty.�o f_..,Gr_an!�__.I s l an�---Hall----Coun�y...N�br aska_.be_i.��---a---rec�angt�]..�--�?-i-�-�-e----o�---�r.n�un.�i---having <br /> ----22__.f_e.�_��n�---Qn.__T�i-r-�---S�-r_�et�--in---s_ai�._�ity---by---132---.�-�.e.t----in-.�.e�th_..�f.�_..the_..w.e_s.�er-1.,-y----s�.de--a�'---s�.�d. , <br /> ----Z.Q-t---an�i__be i n.�..t�.e---s-�n�----�rem i s e s----�-qnve�e-�---��_..�at r�er_�._x�e_...�ulzo�.---�y..--����---fx om__J�rne s---�.,Ti�.b a,ll------------- <br /> ----an�__��ri_fE�---!iate�.,_2,��.rc�--�0-� -1�92.-�,n�- recor�e�---in._�3ook--�l---�'-age---7.��.--Q�--�lee�._r.�_�_s�r!�,s----s��'---s�,i�---Hall_�_. <br /> --�s�uz�ty_-•------ -------- ------ - - -- - -----� ---- ----- ---------------------------------------------------....- ---- --- ----.......---------------- --------- --._...----�--------- --------------------------------�---------- <br /> .-�-�------ --------------�-----. ------ - -- --------- --- ----- - __ _..- - - ---- ----- ----�-�----------------.....--�-----------�---�-----------------------------.....------------�--....------� ---- - -----��----------------------� <br /> --�- --..__... -...- --- - - - - - --- --- - --- --- -- - --- - ------ -- - - -- -- -- - --- -- ---- - - -- - --------------- ------------ - <br /> To�ether avith all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurterzances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_..__._,c���'z, a�, in, or to the same, or anr�part thereof. <br /> �o �abe att� to �oYb the above-descTibed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�Tantee___.__._and to:__________�j_s__ __ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �4nd__________j_____herebr�covenant____.___with the said Grantee________that______________________._j______. hold_____.______said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that________.__�__________________ha.V�_�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit;y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> andincumbrances whatsoever--------------------- ---- - --------------------- ------ -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br /> I ,qnd___:__ _____ ________._.__�_____ _ ____________ ______.______ coven¢r�t_______to warrarctand defend the said premises �gainst the lawful claims of all persons <br />� whomsoever------. . --- - _ - - - - --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------------ ------- ------ ------------- <br /> -------------------------- ----- --- - - - _ ---- - - - -- ------ - - -- - - --------------- -- -------------------------- ----- - --- <br /> Dated the---------�0_ii -------------- --da�J �f�- ------ �9V�rtlb�r---- - -- -�. D.,19--���--• <br /> I�VITNESS ----------------------------A1C 121��--S,--I)E'Ver------------- <br /> T. 0. C. Har r i s o n ( 2 •50 ) -------------------------- ------------------------ ------- -- <br /> --------- -- ------ ------------------------------------------------ -- <br /> - ( I.R. ) ------------------ <br /> ------------------------------------------------- ---------- <br /> ( St amp ) <br /> - --- ---- -__--- ----- -- � <br /> ------------- --- --- --- - - -- -- c ar:c e 11 e d) <br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR�4SK�1, <br /> �ss. �� � <br /> -----��,1�--------------County, } Orz this--------------2Q----------------da�J �f------�QVe�nber----------------------------.�. D., 19�.�--- , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_.____________________._________within ancl for said County, personally eame______. <br /> --------------- Al�_����---5-=- -.I?�Y��-------------------------- <br /> to me personadly kr�own to be the identical persorz____._.____whose name________��_______________ _______afj'axed to the above <br /> ( SEr1L� instrumerLt as�rarctor________, and___________________.________-______�r��eknowled�ed the same to be_ h@�'_________volunta�y <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed. <br /> INW7TNESSI�VSEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj'ixed my of�"'ieial seal at_.____�_r��____ <br /> __Is1�.21�_,____1T1__Sd1�3_COUrlty_,___._______.on the date last above written. <br /> --- - ----------------------------`�---0.!_C._H�r__i�Qn------------ ' <br /> ✓V'otarx�Public. <br /> . . . Februar 12 �� 1 lg. �y-_---------• ' <br /> ,My commTSSaon expares------- - ---- --y ----- - - - � --------- -- - ----- -- - <br />