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� �� <br /> �: D��� ���O�D ��❑ �Ua <br /> - ._ _ _ _ -- -- --- _ - -- __ _ -._ -- -- - - --- <br /> _. <br /> _ _ ___. _v - _:�. _ .-._�_._ _ <br /> oG��U--KLOYP 8c BARTLETT CO.,Prtinting,L%thographing aiz�2 Coui¢ty.4'uppltiea Orn�7a�z` _ __ <br /> FRO� I hereby certify that this instrumer�t was entered on Numerical <br /> -,--------LCB.h A.R�,�S_la.T_ld__ F---hU�'1�1--------------- Ircdex and filed for record this-----�-�-----------------daJ of-----NOVeIt2b�T------ <br /> �. D., 19_ 15--, �t-- �'3� - __.. - -- -------o'clock,. `�`,:__�YL <br /> -- --- _ -- -, ---- - ' - --- -- -- -- -_ _�Warranty <br /> TU Deed. �� <br /> - ---- -- -�� - - - ------- - --- ---------- -- <br /> Re�ister f.Deeds, <br /> ----- - - - ---_�rnest__Dief zn�erfer --- - --- <br /> B�-------- - ---- - --- - -- -- - ---- - ------------------------ <br /> Deputz�. <br /> ��o� �Y� �er� �p �C�je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> ����---��� ��a.h.__A._Rie�l�.d___arzd__�'�,LsR_ie�l�nd�--w_i�'e___�n�i__husk�an�-----..-----------------------------------�-------------------- - ---- <br /> of the CountJ of-------H_c�.11------------------ urrrl St<rtc: of-----------,-------------------Sleb_rs"��1C�,-------------------------------------Grantoi�--S------, in consideratiora <br /> of the sum of---------- - ---- ----------- -------- I+'our__Hundre�__and---no�10U-----�"- --- — — — — — — — ----._DOLL�RRS, <br /> ------- ----- -- ---- ---------------------- -�------ <br /> in hartd paid, do---,-------.----Zeereby GR.fl✓1'"T, B.l�RG.f1IN, SELL, �l�li'D CO�V'VEY'unto-------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------•----------- <br /> ------------------- --- ------ - - - --------- ----- -- - -- ---------����-s�-- �-���'�n�-�-rf���-----------�---------------------------------- ------- <br />� of the Count�9�f----I�all- --- - ---- - -----a,nd State of--- - - -- N�k�.-------- - ----- ---- ----- --- -�-----,, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Cou,nty of'_____ ___________._ _____ __H�11________________________.____a,nd State of,N'ebr�Oka, to wit: <br /> ._.--------.I,nts.__t_en._-�-1Q_�.,-el.eVen--(11-)�.--twe.l�t-e---(].2--)--in--b_lo_ck---e-i�-nt---(-g-�.---in...2�a�.!.Gnll--.ans�---Z.e�1ar�.g!.�-... ----- <br />' _.....-----.a�.!�ition...t.o...t_'�e_vi�la,�e--�f--W�o�--River-=--Nebraska.---------------------------_---------. <br /> ---- ----..._----- ------------------------------------------�-�---- ------ ------ <br />'' --- --- - ---- - -- -- - � - - - - ----- -�--- -------------�---....- -- ------... --...------- --- � �-�- -�-� -------�- -....----� <br /> ---------- --------------�----- �--�-------- -- ------------------------�--- -- ------- -------- <br />� <br />' --- -- ---- ---- ---- ------- ----- - --- - -- --------- - ----- ----- � -- -�--..- -----� -------------------------------�----- -�-----------�•-�- �--- --:....... �-- -----...._----------�--- ------------------�---------------------... <br /> I ------ --- ---- - -- �----------- -- --- ------- -- -._-------- --�---- ----------------�------ <br /> ---:-----�-----�----------�-----�-- -------�------------- -------------�- ----------....-------- ------------------------- -----------------------� <br />� -----...------- ---�-------�-----... ---- � � ------- - ---__.-- ---- - --- - - -----� ---- --------------�-----�-----��-----�-------._._. . <br /> --------------�-------�-------- ----..--------�-�-----�- -----....--------------�----------------------- <br /> I <br /> ---------� - - - --- ------ -- -- - ---�--- - - - - . .- - - • <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, arid appurterzances therez�-nto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,DoTVer, <br />` Curtesy,Claim arcd Demand whatsoe��er of the said Grantor�_,_._, "'� —, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />, �CO �d�1C AIY� t0 �OID the above-described premise,s,with the c�ppurtenances, unto the said�rantee._______and to_____}��_�__________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .flrcd_________��_yzereb�covenant____�_with the said Grantee_.______that___________________�!e_._______� hold.____.______said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_________._____Y+t:�________ha_Y__�__sood ri�ht and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br />'� and incumbrances whatsoever----------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---•------------------------ <br /> r ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----�--- -- - -- - ---- -- --- -- -- ------ --- - ------ <br /> ------- --- ------------------------- -----------------�-- -- - <br /> - -- - --- ---- -- --_ --.. -- ------ - - -- - - -- -- ---- ----- ----- ---- ------ -- ---------- - ---------------------------- - - ---------- -------------------- - --------- <br /> .11rcd__.___._____.__:____________�� __-_._. _ ____ ______._ ____._ covenarct________to warrant arcd defend the said premises a�ainst the Zawful claim,s of all person.s <br />'�i <br /> whomsoever--- ------ - - ---. -- - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------ -- ---- --- --- -- ---- ---- - --- - ------- --- ------ - -- - ---- ---------- ------------- - ------------ - ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------ <br /> Dated the---- --------�-��-�-�---------- - --da�J �f- - --A�r�l- --- -- ------ -- --.g. D., 19--��-•---• <br /> W7TNESS -------------Zea.h--A.--R 1 e S lc`l_,21d------------------- <br /> ----------W�--L- -S�r�,�ue---------------------- --- ��50�� ------------.F_-- J-• -Ei�sland--- ------------------ - ------- <br /> --- <br /> ------ - - ------ ( I.R. ) <br /> ( 5tamps ) --�--------------------------------------- <br /> ----------- -- ---- -- --------- --- --- ---- --- - --- ---- -- -- (cancelled) <br /> ST.1 TE OF NEBR.lSK./�, � <br /> �ss. <br /> ---------------H��.l-----------------------County, On this--------------�_Qt h}---------da�J of--•--------ApZ'1-�'------------------------------.fl. D., 191.5--. , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notary Public___--------_-_____-_-___---__-zvithir�and for said County, personally came---_-,--_-__----._---__--_--_-__-_--_--_-----__-___-_-_---- <br /> ------------------L�_a.h__A_.Ries_1 a,nd__��l__�'_.._.Z,�.3e�l�.n�.t---�rif_e---�aa��__husb�.n�-,----------- ------------------- <br /> --- -----�---- -- --------- ------------�---------- ---- ------- - --------------- -------- -------------------------------�---------------------------------�--------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical personS___.______whose rcame_�___a�'e_________________________a fr'ixed to the above , <br /> ( �Ay � instrument as �rantor___8.__, and___.__.___t�,@37'-_____-_-_.._severally aekraowled�ed the same to be____tyl�j,.r_____voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein e�pressed. <br /> IJV'W'ITNF,SSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�"ixed my of�'Lcial seal at_wD��j__��,�_� ' <br /> T�_01�Y't:�.S}.Cd,___:�71__5�,1�___�II11Tl�y_,_,__._____on the date Zast above written. <br /> ------- ------- ----�-------W-.--�,-:----�j3�'a;g�.e-- - - <br /> Notarz�Publie. <br /> .Mr� commission expires----�,��T'C�_..�-�Y-1-�18•-- - - -------- -------�------------• <br />