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� ����J <br /> �� <br /> DC��D ���O�D �oo ��� <br />_ _. ___ : _ _ _ __ _ _ _ .__ __ __ � _ _ - _ _ <br />_ _ __ ___ <br /> U6u7U--KLOPP&Br1RTLETT CO.,Prtin.ling,Z.ithopr¢phing¢nd Cot�nty SzaPPlies,.Ou�x)i2 � �� � � � �� � <br /> j'R0� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical ' <br /> SUS�Yl_ }3UttOr1_ _VT1!�OW---- ._------.__ Index and fcled for record this------------�-�-----------day of-----NQ-�C�3'T3b��'------ <br /> ----- --- --- - � - - <br /> ��. z�., z9y5-----, at-- _ 3:�0 -- - -- -- -___o°�ao�k---�: --�r. <br /> --- ----- --- - -- -- ---- -... _ _ - Warranty <br /> 7�� � Deed. <br /> -- ----- --- ��`�����_____-��_�__���r�y�- -------- - <br /> Re�ister Deeds, w <br /> Port�r J.�3utton <br /> ��------- _ ---- -- - ----- - - ------ --- . _---------------------- <br /> . - -- Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� �.�Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t�� <br /> ����---- - �-�-- �us_an_ �3ut-t on ('�"idov�r) ----- - -- <br /> Ha,ll NBbraSka,-- ----- --------------------------------Grantor--------- in consideration <br /> of the Count�J �f------ - ----- -------- ----- -arzd State of----- ---- ------------ , <br /> of the sum of_---------- - - --- -021�--T�Dll'dr i:�lT1�_ot�`1�r_.vc3.lu3b1QS-------------- ------------ ---- ------------ ------------------- ----------- --------DOLL�RS, <br />' in hand paid, do__.__________ ___lze,reby GR✓1NT, B�RG✓1IJ4'', SELL, ✓IND C,ONVEY'unto___._._____________POr't@I' J.�U'�tOri <br />, ----------- --------------------- -- ------ - - --- ---------------- <br /> I� --------------------- --------__ - -- --- -- -- -- ------- ----- ------------------------- -- - ------------•------------------------------------------------------------- ------- --- ------------------- <br /> Hdll ----and State o -------------------.- N�bI'd,Ska. Grantee--------, . <br /> of the Courat�J o}�---------- - - ---- - - � - -- -.. --- ----------- -------------__ ------ _----, the followan� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of._.___.______,d State of,NebrB�ka, to wit: <br /> __.__..��.e--SQ.ut�i--K�1�---�_5�:.1_.Q�'- t�ie_._�outki--�as'� Q�uar�e�- -� �E�_�...4�'---��c'�i_o.i�.__�l:i.n��.�.�n-�-�-�-9-)-��---Tnv��n�hi�------------- <br /> ------_�_in�� �9) ..�Io�fi-�., -�-ax�e--T�r.�- -(-�� ��--�#���-t--o�' t-x��._6�t�---P_,_A��....�_;�.r��.��..x��,n�...t�Q---the---tini.t�.d---5.t.at_e.s_:....------�--------.. <br /> - - -�urve�.___�_��er�--o�'__�Q--��r�-�-=-- -----�- -�---------------- --....---.....- -- - - ---- ----�-�--�---------��------------------------ --------- --- -------------------�-------- ----_.._._.. <br /> ---- -------- ------- - - - - - - ------ --- -- - - - --- ----- ------- ------------------------------------------�-------------- ----- - -- - -�-----�-��---�----�---------------- -----------...-------------------------------------------- <br /> - -- ------------ ---------------- ----- - - --- - - -------------- --- - --- - --�-- ------- ----- -------- ------ -------------��-�-�- �------------- ---------------------�------------,..-----------.___._---------..... <br />� - - - -- -- - -�---- ----- - - - -- -- -� - -- - - - ---- -.._ . - --- - -- - --- - - - - ---- - ---� --------------------------- <br /> --------------------------------------�----------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenanees thereunto belorc�irc�, artd all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dotver, <br />�I� Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoei>er of the said Grantor_______,��e��, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �A�1e �IC� t0 �OY� the above-described prem,ises, with the appurter�ances, unto the said�rantee________and to_____�_��_____ __ heirs <br />�' and assi�ns forever. �lnd_._____I_______hereby covenant__.____with the said Grantee_______that_________________________Z_______.. hold___________said premises bz��ood and <br /> perfect title; that_____________Z__.______.___ha_V e�sood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free arad clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------------------------- ------------ <br />� .F�nd____.___________.___._.________I________.____ ______._ ___ .___ covenarzt_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�airast the lawful claims of all persans <br />' whomsoever---------_ - - -___ _ _. _ _ _ -- ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------- -•------------------- -----------------�------ -------- ---------------- --- <br />� <br /> ---------------------- - - - -- --- _..-- -- ------ -- - - - - ---- --- - --- -- -- - ------ --- -- - ---------- -----•------ ------- -------------- ---- -------------------- <br /> Dated the----------- __f>_th----- --------- -da�J ��---- - - -- - JUl� ----- _ -.fl. D.,191�'----• <br /> GVIT.NESS --------------------S;IiS-�Sl�--A]d��'.421----•--------------------- <br /> ( �7• 5�� <br /> ---- ------- - ---�,.��,�,_a��,����----------------------- -- - - ----- ( z.�. ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- - -- -- <br /> ( st a,mp s ) --------------------- <br /> -------------------------------- - ------------ <br /> T�'rs . Lulu E..Tones ( cancelled) <br /> ST.qTE OF aN'EBR✓1SKF1, <br /> ss. <br /> ------------�F�1-1-----------------County, On this_ ��_Y_1----------------d��J ��--------------------TUl�-------------------------.q. D., 19-1�- - , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a.N'otary Public-----__--_-_--___-_-_-_-___-_-_with,in and for said Countz�, personall� came_.------_----------__-----_---_--_--__--_---------_----_--_-_-_-_ <br /> -------- - --------- -- -------- ---5_us_:�,n__�3u�.t_�n:----��Nis3s�w-�------------------------- --------------------------- - ---------------- <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical persorc____.______whose name_____________��"'ixed to the above <br /> (SF,AZ� instrumerLt as�rantor________, c�nd_____________.�Yle__________. _severally acknowled�ed the same to be___h�'r____.____.._voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I�1�'W7T�l�ESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my of�'ieial seal at__________.____________ <br /> _�G_2'1]��!1`�,�_,_�Tl___Sc�i�___COLirlty,__________orc the date last above written. <br /> - ---- - -------�h��_:�i.Redm�,n------------------------------ <br /> .Notarz�Public. <br /> ,My commission expires-------D�G�1Z1b�I'--1g-'�h=-1-�1��--------------------------------13------------• <br />