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v ' <br /> - - <br /> - - f .:.c�- <br /> - � �.� � <br /> DC��C� �C��O�D ��� ��� - <br /> ���*. <br /> _ ._ _ _ �_ _ _ _ <br /> _ __ _ __ _._ ___ _ _ _._ -_ �:__ _-___- __-__!�_--�-�' _ <br /> u6o l?�-��6�1''&B.4�t'1'�E"1`1r�Zf.,�'r�nCinp,I.i[�hopi'aphanp and L'ounly Suppliea;()rr�aiea. <br /> __- <br /> � -_-- __.: — =`,___ ,. ___,. _ .. _ .a.. -�::,. -:.�_,__ _.._ _-___., - , - -- _ ,.._ . _ ._-. : _ . _._ _ _-_=_— .-.— =-- ------ ----- -------_.. � <br /> ._._ _ . . �_ _, �,^_�_, <br /> __. -- <br />--r. . ___ __. . ____.. . ,,_.._ _ 1 <br /> ' FRO.M I h-erebz� certify that this instrument was entered on Num,erical { <br /> i <br /> I <br /> ' --------------Sll5�,--B�.l.ttaTl--�.Rr1-$O-W-�-----.___----- Index an,d filed for record this----------Zl-------------day of--NOY.------------------- � <br />', .g. D., 19-�-5----, at-- -.3��� - _ - - -----o'clock,- -P�--.M. <br /> ----- - - -- --------- - �Warranty <br /> - - ._. . ._- - -- -- <br /> - _--- <br /> ' fp Deed. �j� � /� <br /> ' ---- -- - -�/�-��'!l_v�Z�__ I_/_-c,c-�%�y�, <br /> -- - - -- <br /> ---- <br /> � Re�ister o De,e.ds, <br /> ' - - ---- .. -----J ame s---R._But_t oh-- - - -- - - <br /> ��------- --- --- --- -- ----- ---------------- - ------ <br /> ------------ -- - --- - - ------ -- --- - _ -- - _ - - Deputy. <br /> �.�.Oi� �Yr �er� �� ����� ��e�e��: <br /> � <br /> I -Susan--�utton_ (Widow)- --- - - - ------------ ---- -- ----- ------- ----- -------- - - -- <br /> ���---- ----- � . _ _ - --- ----------- -- <br /> . " � <br /> of the Couratr� of- ------ f -------------l�raiator_ ,�n eatts�def'�tib�t <br /> -- _Hc3. -- --ctrtcl> o ---- - -- --------- ------- -�e��'�.5�� -- ------ <br /> of the sum o}--------- -- ---�n�__I?Q-1-1�5'-�Yc--4_th�_x_.._V_�,llu�,ble8----------------------------- --- -- - - -- ------------------- ------ --- -------------�����5, i <br /> � <br /> ire hand paid,•ebz� G.R�1NT, B�RG.FIIJI�", SELL, �IND CO�N'V'F,Y'unto----------Jc1Tri6-S---R-.�311�L471----------------------------- ------------------ � <br /> --------------- ---------- --- ---------- - ----------- ----- -------------------- -- - ---- -------- -- - -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------- ---------- I <br /> of the County of-- ------ _ --------H�,1_l_ _ ---------and State of_----- ------- Nebr3Skc�, --- -- ----- -- --- ----- -------,Gran,tee--------, the j'r��lE�iiit� ` <br /> described premises, situated irz the Couraty of_ ________________ Hc�l�..________.____________________.______and State of JV'ebre�lcct, to wit: � <br /> .---�Ot----Se?Ien----(-�-)----an�._Eight---�_g_).,Block---T'wo---�.2 ),Ori.ginal---To�vn-.oP---Doni�han.,Nebr.aska.-----------------------_ ....---- <br /> � <br /> ............ . . - � --....--� -- - ......- -- ------------ -- - --- - ..-- � - ---- ------ - - - - - <br /> ; <br /> -- --------- - --�--...- - -....................._... - ---- -------�------ ---- .... ----- �------ ---- ------- I <br /> i <br /> - --- - ---- - - ------ - --- - ----------- - ------- --- - ----� - ...----- �---- -�---- --- -- -...- - - --- -.........---� �--------------------�- --------- ----- ----------------- --- ------ ------- - � <br /> ----- ----------- ----------- -- - -- ------ - --• --- - --- ---- -�- ----- ----�--------�----� , <br /> .------------ ---------------- - -- --- --- -------........_...-------------- -- ----- ---------------------------------------------- � <br /> � <br /> --- ------_.._ - ---- -- --- - - ---- ------ - ..- - - -- ---- -- - -- ----- -�---- --- -- - - ------------ --- -----------------�•----- -- ---- ---- --------- ------ � ------------- ----------------------------------- -- a <br /> 1 <br /> ----------- -- - - - - ------ --'-- ---- - ---- --- --- - - -- - -- - - -- --_.._... - ------ --- ----- - ----�-- -- � �- ------�----------------- ----- --� ---- -------�--- -��- - � - ------ ----------�------ - ----- � <br /> I <br /> - -------- -- ---- - - --- - - ----- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - ------ --- - --- -----�---------------- --------- --------�---------------------------------------- � <br /> , To�ether zvith ccll the tenerrzercts, hereditarnerzts, and appurtenances thereunto belore�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,InBerest,Po�t��r, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of th,e said Crantor________,��, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �o �abe �tt� to �olb the above-described premises, with the appurtenarices, unto the said�rantee_._____and to._____.__h��__. __ heirs � <br /> � <br /> arzd assi�ns forever. d4nd________I______herebz�coveraant_______with the said Grantee_______that__ .________ p t�� � <br /> _ .I__________ hold___________.saicZ remises b ood�d i <br /> perfect title; that._.______________I_________ha�e__�ood ri�ht arzd lawful authority to sel,l and convey the same; that thez�are free and clear of all Z��»s � <br /> andincumbrances whatsoever--------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- <br /> t <br /> --------------------------------------------------- ------- ------------ - ----- --- --- -- _ - -------------- - -- i <br /> ._-- -------------------- ------------- ----- --- - -- -- <br /> ; <br /> --------------------------------------------------�------------.._.___-------------------�-------------------------------------------------------- ------------- � <br /> -----------------'----------------------------------------- <br /> I <br /> ; <br /> .lnd__________ __..._ ______ __ 1___ . ___ __._________ couenant_.____to warrant an� defend, th.e said premises a�ainst the lawful elaim,s of ald perso»;s <br /> whomsoever- ------- -- - -- -__._- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> ---- -----------•- -- -------------- -- ----- --- - ----------- - - ; <br /> � <br /> Dated the--- ------dth-------------------- -da�J �l' -- -Ju1y -- - - -- -.F1. D.,19--15�--• I <br /> ' W'ITJVESS ------------------ -----------�ll�s3II__B_ll�.�_Ori--------------- - -- I <br /> C.1�2.I���.rkham � 2• 5U <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- -- ; <br /> ---- ------ - ------ ------------------------------ - ----------- <br /> - - ( I.R. <br /> MrsLu1u E.Jones � Stamps ) --------------------------------------------------- ------- - - - - <br /> --------- -- ------- ------- --------- -- - -- - - ------ -- ,�c anc�13e d) � <br /> i <br /> ------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------- � <br /> SZ'.1TE OF NEBR.1SKg, � <br /> ss. <br /> ---------------------------xc�ll-----------County, OrL this-------- -------- --E�h-----daJ �}-------------------------JU1�7------------------�. D., 1915_-- - , before me, � <br /> the uradersi�ned, a✓l�'otary Public__ ________.___ _______withi-n and for said Countz�, personally eame________.____________.________.._ _________________________________ <br /> i <br /> ------------- -Su�_�.n__�3utt_s��.---�W1_�qw-�-------------- ----------------------------------------- -- ----------------------- ------------- ---- � <br /> --- --------- - -- - ---- -- -------- - -- - - ---------- - ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> to me personally known to be the identieal person___________whose name.________ ___�F3__________________.__af)ixed to the above � <br /> � <br /> ( S�,y� instrument as�rantor________, and_________________3k1�__..__ ._.severally acknowled�ert the same to be._y�E-z'-___________.voluntary � <br /> act arcd deed for the purpose therein expre,ssed. � <br /> I�Y'W'IT✓Y'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereurato subscribed my name and afj"ixed my ofj�cial seal cct____________.___________ � <br /> Doniphan_�in___said_county�___________on the date last above written. i <br /> ------ --------C��s_�.�?,Re!�ma��t.------------------------ <br /> . <br /> Notary Public. � <br /> JVly commission expires-------DeC_ETllber-l$th--151'j.----------------------------_------�------------• <br />