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<br /> ;,��;i1=7{LaFP c�B.47�TJETT CO.,Prtintin9,Z.ithnyr¢pleing nnd C,o2int,y Supp7ies:OrnaTi`a.` - :_
<br /> FR�✓�'1 I herebr� certifz� that this instruine,nt zvas entered on ,N'umerical
<br /> -----------------�-ll��--$t���1��1-�---bk'��41I�--___-- --.- Indea;and fcled for record this----------1-1------------daJ of-----------I�TIIV�1T1b�.I'
<br /> �1. D., 19---1--��--, at---- -- -���'Q- - - -- - -------o'clock,---P_,__.M.
<br /> -- Warranty
<br /> -- ------ -- - -- - -- -- -- - - - .
<br /> -------
<br /> ------
<br /> T� Deed ------------_������__�/���-!�---------- --
<br /> Re�aster Deeds,
<br /> Alice J.�IarkYiam
<br />'' B�------------------ -- ---- -- - � -------------------------------- ---�---
<br /> --- - -- - ---- Deputz�-
<br /> �.r�o� �YY �er� �p �C�je�e �re�e�ct��
<br /> ����---- I T-- Su�an.__�3u�_t_oxn_(�ti�o-w)- -- - - - -- -- - -� --- --------------- ----- -- -------------- ---- --------------------- -----------------------
<br /> of the County of-------------Hc�,ll_---------------c,rzcl b'ta,(e oj'------------------------------------I�l����Y'3 zkc'�-------------------------------Grantoi�--------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of_-------- flri�--IlO_1_1cd,r'_c�.17.d--D'�h�r--1t_c�..7..Li�,h1�S--------------- -- ------- -- - ---- ---- ------------------ ------- - - ----------------DOLL.gRS;
<br /> in hand paid, do.-----------lzer�eby GR,/1�1�'T, B�9RG�<II.N, SFLL, .gJV'P CO?V'VEY'unto-------------------------A��g�--�-:-���'�Y��1 - -------- ---- ------------------
<br /> ---------------- --- ----------- ---- --------- -- -------- --- ------------------------------- ---- --- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- --- -- '
<br /> of the Count��}�------ - - H�,11 -- --- ---- -and Stat;e of_---- ---- --- - -- --N_f�bra,Ska - - ---...---,Grarztee.------, the fol.lowin�
<br /> _ - -------------- ----------- - -- -
<br /> described premises, situated in the Count� of__ _ ___________ ___ ____ ___H�,11.__________.________._______and State of Ne,bre�ka, to zvit:
<br /> .............Lot---six- -(.6_)__,�31ocx.--�cwo- �2.�_�Q_r.a,�ir�.�.�.- -�.aw:n.--o�--x��.n.�.��.��.,�'_��.�.��.kaa--------------------------............----------_.....-�--------- ------ -._--...._
<br /> �--�---- .....- -- - - - �- .... - - �- - ---- ----- - ---- ----- -- - --- ---- --......._....---...._ -- -----.._............... �� -�- -.--��---................-�--------------------�--------�----�----------- -------------------
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<br /> ------ - ...- ------- ----- --------- - ------- - - ---- -----....---------_--------------------.-------._.-------------�-------�- -- -- ---- -------- ------------------_-------�- ---- - .._..-----------.------------------------------------
<br /> - -.... .. .. .. . ... --- - - . - - -�----�----,----------,-----------------,--------------,
<br /> To�ether with all tlze tenements, hereditanaents, and appurtenances thereunto belorz�in�, and all the Estate,Ri ht Title, Interest Do�ue,r
<br /> I'' Curtesy,Claim and DemarLd whatsoever of the said Grarator_______, �a, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 ���1E Al�� t0 �O�b the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rarctee_______artd to_____._h�2'_______._ h,eirs I
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd_______I________hereby covenant._____with the sai-d Grantee_______that.____._I '____________________ hold__._______said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that______.________�_______________havE_�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever----------------------------- ------------------�------------------------- -------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------- --- - ------ ----- - ------------------- - ---- - -- ------- ------ -- - - ------------------------------------------ ------------- - ---------------
<br /> �lnd_______________ _. I _ covenarzt________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claim,s of all persons
<br /> whomsoever--------- ---- - - - -_ - - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------•----- -•------------------------------------------ ------ ------------------------- ---
<br /> ----------------------- -- - - - - --- - --- -- - - ----- - - --- -- -- --- -- ------------- -- ------------ ---- -------------------------------------- ----------- -
<br /> Dated the----------b t h---------- -- ----da�J �/�- - ----JUly-- ---- - --- ..f1. D.,19-1%�-�---•
<br /> W'IT�'ESS -----------------------------SLiS�.71__�3U'�-'�-4?-I1 -------- -- ---- -
<br /> �50 �
<br /> ----- - --c_._h�.��arxr�a,m------------------------------------ - - � ---------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------
<br /> --- ( z.R.
<br /> ( s t amF� ) --------------------------------- ------------------------- - --- :
<br /> ----------- --
<br /> ------------�ss.Lulu__E._Jones-------------- ------------------ jcancelled�
<br /> ST.ITE OF NEBR,gSK'�1,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> -----------------��11---•-----------------County, � On this--- -----------�tYl-----------�a�J �f----------------------------------SUl�T-----------�. D., 19--�-5- , before me,
<br /> the u��dersi�ned, a✓V'otary Public--_-_-__.----_--_-.-___.._-__----zuithin an,d for said County,personallz� came-------_----_-.--_-_----_--_-----_--- -_--_---__--__-_--_-___-
<br /> ---------------- -- --- --- -- -SlI.Si�21__Bil�_tS111---t-��.S�S�YJ-�------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ----
<br /> --- ---- -- ------ ---------------------------- - - -- - ------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical person____________whose name_______l,s__._______ _af}"ixed to the aboae
<br /> (SEAL� instrumer�t as�Srantor._______, and__________________.____�Yl�_____severally acknowled�ed the same to be_______.23,25.____voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose thereir� expressed.
<br /> I✓1�'W'ITJV'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afJixed my ofj"'ieial seal at_______________________
<br /> 1�GI1,�._�?tla,7�._;�.31_,S_r3,�_�1__COUTItya____.______orc the date last above written.
<br /> ----�has�._�.R-e-dman-------------------------
<br /> .Notary Public.
<br /> ✓Ylr� eommission expires------I��C_�ITLI?C'Y'_-1�th=-1-�1-�-�------------------------------------1�---------..
<br />