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<br /> Ai�;J—KLOPP Bc Bt1R��1!'I'2'�CO..Yrinling.Lithnqraph%np anrl Counly Supplies;OrnaTaa. � -- _ � �� : - � — _
<br /> „- _ _ _ � ._ - _ -- --_ __---- -- ---_ ., � __ � _" __ ______-
<br /> _:-. -'_ `— ___—"______ �=-
<br /> __ _,_ .----- -_..___ _.._..-- -- -��.,—_._..
<br />� .�. _
<br /> FK�✓� I hereby certify that this i�zstrrcment was entered on �N'umerical
<br /> -------- Sl�S_a.2_1__ �Utt071_,W��OSV__,_-- ------_ :------.. _ Index and fi,led for record this---- -1�'- ------------day of_-----NOV_�b6Y'
<br /> �. D., 19----1-�--, at--- -3'3� -- --- ------d elock, P�---.M.
<br /> ---=-- ---- - - - Warranty
<br /> - - - - _ -- - --
<br /> 2,� Deed. �� . �
<br /> -- �.�! _ - - - ---�------
<br /> ---------- - -- - - - � � ------------------
<br /> ���
<br /> Al f C G J.Markham Re�ister f Dee.ds,
<br /> B�- ----- -- ---- - - ---------------- - ---
<br /> -- --- - -- --- Deputz�.
<br /> �r�o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�:
<br />'�, ����-----T � Susan__Button_-(�Vi�ow�-- - - --- - --
<br /> --- - ------------------ --- ------------- ---- -- - -- ------------------------------ ---- - _ _
<br />, ------------- ----------------- ------------ --------- - ----- - ._ .__- -
<br /> ------------------ --- - --------- --- -------- ----------�----------------------------
<br /> --------------------------------------------
<br /> I'', of the Courctz� of----------H311 -------------- ------crncl AS'tate of------- --------DT�br�,S_k3---------------- ------ - -----Grantor---------, in consideration
<br />�',, of the sum of__________:On�__Dollar__a,n� other _valuables DOLL�RS
<br /> - - - --- ---- --------- - -- - -- ----- --- --- ---- --
<br /> I�', in hand paid, do___________________h,ereby GR.l1NT, Bd4RG.,4IN, SELL, .�.ND coNVE�unto_________________________Al_ice___J.M�.rkham____________
<br /> ------- - ----------------------
<br /> -------------------- - ------ - - - --- -- ----------------------�---------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---- -- ----
<br /> II ' Iiall Nebraska
<br /> of the Courzty of---------- -- --- -- -- -----and,Stat.e of------ - - --- -- --- -- -- - ----- ------------------ -- -- - ----,Grantee--------, the foZlowin�
<br />�'', described �remises, situated irz the County o�._____. _________________. _ ___Fic3,11--_ ._____.____and State of JV'ebr��ka, to wit:
<br /> I�', .___.�'h�;.__ce��,�r_..One__Third___.�1��_�___of___Zoi,___Six__j6_�_,__Block__Six___,(6,_�.�,__Ori_�inal__Town„__of'__Da.niphan_xNebraska.
<br /> --� ------....- - ---- - ......... -� - - - ------- --- ------__ ----- ---- -�- - - - _--- ------------ ---------- -- --- �- - - - --- � ---- ---------------------------�---------�-�------�----------..__.....---
<br /> ------------------ ------ ----- - --- ---- - -- - --- -- --- ---------� ----------------�--------------------------------- --- ---- -- ---- ----�----��-- ---...--------......._........_........_------------------------------------------� -
<br /> ---------�----------_ _- ------ ---- - --- ----- - -- - -- --- ------....- - - ------ ----�------------ ----- ----------...-----�-----------_-� - -..__..._...------- - -----.......................................----- --------... -.
<br /> _------- - ---- - --- --- -- -- -- - --- - - - - - -- --- - - - ------- --- --------------- --------- - -�------ ------- --- ------ ------ -------------- ------------- - ----------- -------� -----------------------------------
<br /> --- -- - - - - - -- - - --- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- - --. _. .... -------------------�-----------
<br /> To�ether w.ith all the tercements, hereditaments, and appurterzarcces thereunto belon�if2�, and all the Estate,Ri,�ht, Title,Interest,D�rver�,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of tlze said Grazztor_______ ' of,in, or to the same, or any part theTeof.
<br /> �0 ���1C �lY� t0 �0�� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rarztee._____.and to______h�'_r______..___ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .�4nd_______I_______herebz�coUenant._____with the sai,d Grar�tee.______that_______________________�_.____.__ hold__________._said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that______________I______________ha.V�_�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free arzd elear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------ - ----- -------------------- --------------------------------
<br /> ----------------------------------------------- -- -- ---- -------- ---- ----- - ----- - --- - ------- - -- -- - ---- - ------------------------------------------------- --------- ------
<br /> �4nd______________.._.___I_ .___-___________ _. -_ __----_____ covenant_.______to warrarct and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever---------- -- --- - -- _ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- -
<br /> ---------------------- -- --- - - ------ -------- - --- - - - - ---------- --- ---- ---- ---------------- - ----------------------------------------- -- - ------- -- ------- ---
<br />�i Dated the---- �_Lh------- - --------daJ �1�----.JLi��._-- -- ------ -- -- - -.g. D.,19._.1��_.
<br /> W7TNESS ----------------------S113-�1--�311�t 071------------------------- -
<br /> . 1.50,_.�
<br /> ---- -- -- �,_�_,M��rkham------------------------------- --- - - --- ( I.R. ) ----------- ------------- -----------------------------------------
<br /> ( Stamp� )
<br /> ---------- -------------------------------- ---- -------- _
<br /> --------�rs-,--�u�.u__�_,Jqnes -- --- - ----- -- _ - (cancelled)
<br /> - ST.1 TE OF NEBR✓�SK�,
<br /> ✓
<br /> ss.
<br /> ----- ----Hall-------------county, On this------------��Y�---------------da✓ of---•------------JU1y'-----------------------------.R. D., 19_�5_ .. , before me,
<br /> the unclersi�ned, a'Notary Public__________.________._ ___withi-fz arzd for said Countz�, personallr� came_________._.________________________________________ _ .
<br /> Susan Button (Wi�o�r)
<br /> - - ---------- ----- ----- - ---------- ----- -- ----------------------- - --------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_____._____whose name_________�.S________________________afJ"ixed to the above
<br /> (��I,� irestrument as�rantor________, ar�d.___________S�1B__________________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be_____���._______voluntar�
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I�Y'W7T.NESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereurtto subscribed my rzame and af)ixed my ofj"'icial seal at_._.____.________._____
<br /> _�QYL�_�ha,71,in___sai c1_county__,__________on the date last above written.
<br /> --------- --------��1�.,5_._?,�I�A_4'.5�3�1.---------------------------
<br /> Notarz�Public.
<br /> ,Mz� commi.ssion expires__,DeC2II1_b__�T'_-1g�h-l-gl-7.----------------------- �-----------•
<br />