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<br /> D��� ���JO�D �O❑ ��n
<br />: __ _ .:. __ ..� .s _ _
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<br /> 56�i0-KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Litlaographting anil County Supplies;Ornalea. —
<br /> F'R�✓� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerieal
<br /> ��nj_am�n_.F._S�_��_�_�S'--$c--�'.1-f-�--_______. Index arad filed for record this-----2.6----------------day of--------------0��.-----------
<br /> �?. D., 19�.�---- , at--- �-- ._ - _ __ - --- -------o'cloek;--A.--.M.
<br /> --- --- ------ -- -- - --- - . . - - ------ - �Warranty - �
<br />' TO Deed.
<br /> ���r� �c-c,e-�-y ,
<br /> ------ ----- = -��-�- ------------------------
<br /> The Re�ister De.eds,
<br /> ti--Vi11a,,�e--�f_ -Iloniphan--- - - - --- ------- --
<br /> ��---- - -------- ----- - - - -- -- - ----------------- ------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �:�oi� �YY �e� �p ��je�e �re�en�t�:
<br /> ����---- we,- B�n,�a��n.-�. Sct�c���r a�.�--�lara �1�.-- Sc����-r-�- �-is---w��-€-e,---- -------------------------------------- ---
<br /> ' ____.__Grantor__8______ in consideration
<br /> o}the count� �f---- -Hall_, - - - -«y�,a �st�x.t-F t�f_---- - --- ----------------- --N�_ ras_ka,---------- ----- �
<br /> o the sum o One Dollar- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------""- ---_------------'--'---------------_-_--------���
<br /> f f------------ -- ---- -- --------- - ---- -- ----- - - ---------- -----------
<br /> in hand paid, do----------- ------.hereby GR✓1NT, B�RG�II.N, SELL, ✓1ND COJV'VEY'unto-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
<br /> ----------------------------- - - -- --------Th�--V_illage--af--DQni�.ha.n_-i�------- ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- -----------------------------------
<br /> �the Count�J�f--------- �ic'1�11 -- - -- -- _----and State of----- - ---- - -- Nf�bT'd,5-14r3 -------------- .- ----- -----,Grantee_------, the followin�
<br /> deseribed premises, situated irz the Courzty vf_______.________________H�.11__________.____________.__________an,d State of.N'ebrQ�ka, to wi.t:
<br /> ..�.Q.�....�eve.�t.ee�---�1-7-)----o�--Scu��ier'.s..Ad�i�i_o�.._ta_._t�.e._.y il l�ge.--o�'...Dox�ig�.an,...Nebr.as.ka,--._as....s.ur.v�.y.��-,-----.-
<br /> ._�.1_�.�t�� --�,n�...x�cox�_�_�., ----- - - - - --------....... - ---- ---- ---- ------- - --------- ---- - -- - ...- -._.................._�--�-----------�-------------------------...-----------�--..... ---------
<br /> --Thi�_..1-o-t---�-o---b_s__us_�.d__.f Qr----S-tx-s-�-�----F-urF_o_�_�.�.,....t.�....f.�r.m---p art-,-o�---.5o_uth...�tr��.�.__in__sai.d..A��i_t_ian---an�l----..._...
<br /> --V i l la�e. --------- - - - -- -- - -- - -- ----- -----------------------------
<br /> ------------------ ----------- - --------............_._.----- ----�--�---...----------- ----- ----------�--------------------------------------------
<br /> --------- - - - - -- -- - - -- ----- ----- - -- ---- --- ---..... ---------- ----- ---------------------------�- ------ ------�-------��-------- - ..._.. - ------ - -------- -------..--�-- -----------�-------------------...
<br /> - ----- - -- --� ----- � ----- - -- - -- --- --- - ---- --- --------- ----------------�--------,..------------ -- ------......... --- ---- ------------��--�--------------- - --- --- - ----- -------�--------- ---------------- -----------------------
<br /> -- - -... ---- ----------- --- - - - - - � - - -------�-------------------------------
<br /> To�sether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Ircterest,Doz��er°,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer>er of the said Grantor_�_._,����of,in, or to the same, or artz�part theTeof.
<br /> �D �A�1Q �IY� t0 �O�b the above-described pre.mises, with the appurtenai2ces, unto the said�rantee________and to._�;�q___g�}G�Py$50�9
<br />�, and assi�ns forever. .�4nd____.__We_____Tierebr�covenarzt_____._with the said Grantee.______.that___________________��_________ hold__________said premises by�ood and
<br />', perfeet title; that_________________{Ic�_8__________ha__u��ood ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell and eonver� the same; that they are free arcd elear of all liens
<br />'' and ineumbrances whatsoever_----------------------------------------------------- -------------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
<br /> III ---------------------------------------------- ------ -- --------------- ----- -------- --- - - - - - - --- -------- --
<br /> ------ - --------------------------------- - ------------- -- ---- ---
<br />' --- -- ._ - -- -- -- - - -- ------ - - - -- _ ---- - -------------- ------ - -- ------------ -------------- ----- -------
<br /> i .Flnd___________ ___.________?N�___-__________ __________._____. _ covenant._._____to warTant and defend the said premises a�sainst the lawful claims of all person-s
<br />' whomsoever---------- -- --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- - -----�----------------- ----
<br /> Dated the------------���h-- -------------da�J �f-- ------ -
<br /> �ti21�-�-------- - ---�1. D.,19�.�.----•
<br /> W7TNESS -------------------- -$er1.�a.��I1__�'_._._,SCLid�e�'_---------
<br /> ---- - --------Chas-�---Young-------------- ------------ _- - --
<br /> -----------------------Flar_�-A-----5_cudd�r_-------- - - --
<br /> ------------- - ---Har_r�'--�`1_ig��r� -- - ---- ------ -- - ---
<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.ISK',�1,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> --------xall-------------------count�, On this----- ---------15 t--------------daJ ��----------------------JLil�,----------------------✓1. D., 19-15--- , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public__ with,i��rzd for said Countz�,personally came________________________________________________._.___.________ _ `
<br /> ---------�en,�_amin---F.--Scu�der---an�__Flora_A. _ Sc�z�cler-,----�i_s_..wife-}---------------------------- -
<br /> ---- -------._. ---------- ---- ----------------------- ----- ------------ ----------- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persora_S___..___whose name__.�__a,I'�________________________af�'8xed to the above
<br /> (S�;AI,� instrument as�rantor_Fi____, and________________they ____.__,severallz�acknowled�ec�the same t,o be_.�hej.P.._____voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IJV'W'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereurzto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my ofJicial seal at______________.______._
<br /> � Do211phd.n_,,__1n__sai�___C�t121ty__,___________orc the date last above written.
<br /> ------------------- --------------A•--I�.---Burg.er___---------------- '
<br /> ✓Y'otarz�Public.
<br /> JIIy commission expires------QCt_._ --1Q�---1,-��-3.---------------------- -----1�------------•
<br />