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� <br /> � � <br /> �� �,�._� <br /> ����� D D C�C�C�OG�D �0 ��� <br /> D�C�D o <br />- _ . ",r;L`:,�O--KI,OPP c�BARYZETT CO.,Prin.ling,Lilhopr¢phinga�a�ZCnunty Yuppliesl nmaho.. _ _ _ .. . . __ . . _.___.:.._,.�._.,_:_,_�_� ._:__.�_. _��. __ __. <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrum,ent was entered or� ,N'umericc�l <br /> ______________0_11V�r_JaSileS__COrbett_�__S 1T1�16 Inde.x arad filed for �•ecord this_:_____1.�____________day of_____________OC_t.__.________ <br /> . Wa.rranty �. D., 19- 1�----, at--- 11*��-- ------o'clock __A�..M. <br /> TO Deed. <br /> �� _ �r <br /> ---------- ------���� �. <br /> ___ _ ________________________.__._.____ __ <br /> Re�ister o eeds, <br /> Elmer E. Vollmar <br /> - ��-------- --- - -- - ------ - -- ---- - <br /> --- ---------Deputy,--- <br /> ��o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�ct�: <br />�, ���t_____.Oliver_J.Corbett ____-a sin�le__man- _ <br /> --------------------------- ------- -- - ----------- - ----- --. - <br /> - ---- ---- - - ----- ------------ -------- - - <br />'�I ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> I o the Count o -------------H�.11 . _crrrcl �Sta-te o ------------- -----------C�raritor----------, in consideration <br /> f � f f ---�T eh�as ka� -- - -- - --- -- - -- - <br /> of the sum of.____.__________One Dollar an�._oth__er valuable_.consi_�3eration_______________ __ _ __ �,�,�,� <br /> in hand paid, do--e�---------hereby GR.FIJV'T, B�RG,FIIN, SELL, .��D co.NVE�ztinto----Eimer.-E-,---V911mar--------------------------------- ----------------- <br />'',', --------------------- --- --- - - - --------- -- -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ <br /> I of the Countz�of---------------Ha,ll----------.___._ ----and State of_---------------------NebY'd,Ska, -----------------,Gra.n,tee-------, the following <br /> -- -- -- ---------------------- ---- - <br />' described, premises, situated ira the County of_____________________ .__,Hc11.1_____ ___________an,d State of Nebre�ka, to wi.t: <br /> ,.....Lot_ No.__.Five__(,5)_ in }31ock Nfl. Nineteen (19) of Wall�ch!.s _A��ition_,to___the.__City___of__Grand_,._ _ ___ _ <br /> -� ----I_�.�.�d� --���xds��.., �.5--5-1i�Ye��Si_,....��.�.at_t_ed--an�--reco�'c�ec�-•.............._..... - --- - - ..__............------.._..------------------------ -- - --------- ------ <br />', ----(_�ub-�e-��.3----1�Qwevex-�---t-Q---Qx�.�----�'.�r�t...mar-t-g�ge---�.-�---the---or_i��;ina.�..._8u,�t...�f.__T�c2.__Thousand---�-�2-�5?0-0--)-__D�llar_�, <br /> -------.�a��ble---to---t he---O.c c_i.�.ent_��.._.�u.i�.�i.�.�--�n.�...Loan_.As�a.��.�._t_�._�ra..__o.f...Qmaha>---I��b.ras.ka,,-..v��_.(�ran-__. <br /> ----�-tee...her_e_in---as�_umes--and._.agr_ees- to--Fay.-�-1-...---------...--- ------------- -------------� <br /> ------..._-�.. ............ -----------------......_..------�------------------------...------------- <br /> ..-------- - -- ---- ---------- -.......- --- - - --- - - - - .._....--- --- ----- ----- --- -------------------.._._._......____.---- -�--�--- --..-------------�------------- --------------��-�------- -------------�---------�---------------- <br /> -- - ...---- ...----- - -- -- - ----- - - ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�sether with all the teneynents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and I�emand whatsoever of the said Grccrator._______ ' , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D ���1E AIY� t0 �0�� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee___.____and to________h-t s__.______ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. d4nd____I________.__herebz�covenar�t_______with the said Grantee______that__________________I______._____.._ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that..__.__._L__________________hcdt_�___�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell arzd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever__�.�1G�t���_�1� --��.X2S -�-Q--a.2'i�l---�'Q-�--�h2---yea,T'__1_Q�4---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br />' ---------------------------------------------- ---- - ------ -------- ------- ---- - - - - ---- - - -- -- -- ---- ----- ------ --- - ------------- -------------- ---- --------- ---- -- ---- <br /> -- - --- - -- --- - -- --- - .._ -- - --- ------ --- --- - - - - -- - - ---- ------------ --- - --- ---------------------------- - -- ----------- --------------------------------- <br />� Jlnd__._____,________ ___.._.________�__ _________________.___..___ r, warrant arzd defend the said premises a�uinst the lawful claim,s of all persons <br /> whomsoever--- ---- - -- ---- - - - - ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ---------- ----------------------- --- ------------------------------------------------- --- <br /> Dated the------------------12 th--------- --daJ �I�- - - -- Q_G_tQb(�z' ---- - -- _--.g. D.,19---�--��'-• <br /> W7TNESS ----------------------- f3-�-f�F£�'--�T�--$-E}Y'b���------ ------- - <br /> _ C._ T. Flower ( I.R� � <br /> ------------------------------------------------------ -- <br /> ----- - --- --- - -- --------- - - <br /> ( St' ) - ------------------------------ - <br /> --- ----------- ----------------- <br /> ( cancelled) <br /> ST.lTE Ol NEBR,gSK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> Ha,ll �J, day ��-----------------------------------------------�-----------.1. D., 19_l�_ _ , before me, <br /> ---------------------------------------count ) On this------------- <br /> ----------------------- O�t ob er <br /> the ur�dersi�ned, a dl�'ota�y PubZic-----_---___-._--__------_-__--_--withirn arad for� said County,persortally came---_------__--__._--_--_----._-___-_--_-_-_---------_-_-----._ <br /> -------------01 iv er__J_._._C orb et t-----a---s i ngl e__man--------------------------- <br /> to �ne personally known to be the identieal person_____.____whose name_________.___________________�_8______affixed to the above <br /> (SEAIr� instrument as�rantor_______, and._______��_______________________severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be.__________�:�i�,�_voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. ' <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my �zame arad afj"ixed mz� ofj"icial seal at________�r�,�}�_____ <br /> ISla,rid N�bY'.____1ri S�,f d COU2'it�'� the date Zast above writterL. <br /> ---------------a.--------- - ----------------- ----------- <br /> -------------------------- --��--�-�---F3<3V��'�'------------------------ <br /> ��'otary Public. <br /> .My commission expires__AUgt1St__27th---],-91�--- - ---------.19------------• <br /> - ----- --------------------- <br />