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� � '� � <br /> k�� D�C�D C���O�� �oo �dn <br /> _ . _ _ _ _____ � _ __ <br /> 5G�iU--K70PP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,I,it/iographiYag and Coainly�upplies;Omceha. � �� � <br />_ - > _, _ ____ __ - _-. __ <br /> FR�� I hereby eertifz� that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> ------ _ _------A11t021--01t 71_0__f f__�c__w 1 f 2._-----------__ In,dex arzd filed for•record this---------2---------------daz�of-----------_----D-C'�_------- <br /> .51. D., 19--�--�-----, at- �0:�5_ - - - __ -----o'clock--�.-.M. <br /> �- --- - - - -__- - Waxranty <br />' ------- -- --- - -- . <br /> TO Deed <br /> ---- - ------- -- �,��--- <br /> - - --------------- ---- <br /> C 1 er�ent A. St 0 ri8 Re�ister of D d.s, <br /> I�I ----- - - - -- ---- -------- ---- ---- - - - -- -- - -- <br /> ��- ----- - - -- -- -- --- -- --- ----------------- --- -- <br />, ---------------- - --- ------ --- - --- -- -- - -- -- Deputr,�. <br /> ��.ok� �Y� �er� �p �C�je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> � <br /> ����-- -- --��e� Anton-�7.lthof�__and -JoYianna.__�Jltra.�ff.--(-h�t�b_�x�.�----an.d--��if'�-)----- - - ---------------- ----------------- -- - ------ <br /> -c��rc� :St«te �� - ------ -- ---------Neb T'�_S_ka ------- --- ------- - ---------------Grantor--�-------, in eonsideratiori <br /> of the Count�J ��---- ri311 ---- - f <br /> Ei�'rit�eri �iunc�re�l No 100— — — — — — — —(�1�00_.00 ) __ _ <br /> of the sum of_------ - � - - ----------- - - - --- --------DOLL�Rb', <br /> - - - - --- - ---- -------- ------ ----- -- - - <br /> in hand paid, do-----YV_�-------h,ereby GR✓�NT, B.9RG�1I.h�, SFLL, �J�°D COaN'VEY'unto---------------------��.eI��27.�---A-•---`,.z"��ri�---------------- ------------------ <br /> of the Count�J o�----------Hdll - --- - _- --and State of---- - -- --- -- ---- TZG�xc�.Skd------- - - -- - - --_�---,Gran,tee,--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated irz the County of___ _________��1-1________..________________________.__________arzd State of NebraBka, to ruit: <br />�� ---•---........__._.Lo_t....Eo�a.r.----�--���-�----1n--1�-1o�k--On�_ (�)� ---ot -Gi�3�ons---A�.�.i._t.a..Q.n..-t-Q----t-he---V��.1�,��.._of....I��ni�h�.n>-- I�_eY�r_�.sxa. <br />�� ... - -- -- --� - ._......._.. - - ---- -- ------ --- --- ----- -.--- -._..__ ------ - -- -- ------------------ --- --� --. . .................------� -------------------------------�---------- <br /> ------- --- --- - --------- <br /> ..-- - ---- - --- -- -- - - - - ---- ----------- ----- ---- ------------------�----- ------------ --- -- -- ------ ---- -- ------------------------------------------...._� ------�--------------- ..__....------------- <br /> ------ ----- ------ -- - - ---- - - -- -- - ------- ------------------��--�--- �-- ----------------- -------- -- ----- ------ - -..------�-----....----------------- ------------.....--------------------------------------------- <br /> ..-- ------ ------ ----- ----- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- ----- --- -.__.._ - -- -----�----------------- -----�---------- -----------------�-�- -- ------ - - ------------------------------------------ <br /> ..-- ------ -- � - � -- ----------- -- --------- ---- ---- --- ...----- --- ------- ----------------------------------------------------------............_ --- ------------ -------------�- ----_....------� --------------------------�--------------------------- <br /> - ------ - - ----- - -- ------ __.-- ---- -- - -- - -- --- - --- ---- - - . � ------------------ - ----------�---.._.......-- �------------ -------- - -----------� ---��------- ------- -...__.--------------....-------- <br />, . -... ----- --- ---- - -- ----- --------- - ----- ------------------------ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hered�taments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��er, <br />', Curtesy,Claim and Demand zvhatsoever of the said Grczntor_______,���s, of,in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> I� �0 �A�IE AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with,the appurtenances, unto th,e said�rar�tee_______and to_____r11_S____________ heirs <br />' and assi�ns forever. .�4nd__�e_______hereby covenant.______with the said Grantee________that______________yyE?_______________ hold__________._said premises by�ood and <br /> I� perfect title; that_______��e_._________________ha_V e_�ood ri�ht und lazvful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free arcd clear of adl liens <br /> I and incumbranees whatsoever-------------------- ---- -------------------------- -- -------------- - --- ---------------------�------------------- <br /> --------------------------- -------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------- --------- - --------------- ---- - - -- - ------ ---- -- - --- -- ---- -- -------- ------------------------------- --- ------------- ---- ---- --- <br /> y1e <br /> .�4nd_._______________ ____________._______.______ ______.____._ _ covenant____:___to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s <br />'' whomsoever---- - --- -- -- - -- ---- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ---- -•-------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------ ---- <br /> Dated the-------9tY1---------- S@ �t 2IC1b2r --- - - _--_.g. D.,19--�5'--• <br /> ----- ------ ---da�J �f -- -- - � -- <br /> W7TNESS -----------------------ATLt�ri--�1�Y10_f.f-- - --- - -- - ---- - <br /> H. A. Re�man � �2 .00 ) ------------------ ----�T_ahanna,__�_1thOff--------- -- --- <br /> ----- --- ----- ----- ------------------------------------------------- - - ( I.?�. ) <br /> � St�m��s ) --------------------------- -------------- ---------- <br /> ----------- ---- --- -- <br /> -------- ---- --- -� �- r��.--R e�man--- - - --. -----_ ----- c�,nc e l l e d <br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBRd1SK.�1, <br /> Hall Ss� 9th Se�tember 15 <br /> --------------------------------------------------County, Or� this----------------------------------daJ �f------------------------ - ---------------------------�1. D., 19_------ - , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a.Notary Public--__-__----_-----_--_-____-_-_-withirz arzd for said County,personally came---------_-_----_--__-__-_-__.-_._----___-_---.--..--__-___--_ <br /> Anton Olthof'�' and .Tonann�, Oltho�'f (Husband &� �ife } <br /> - ---------- ------- -- --- - ------------------ -- - - - -- - -- ---- -- ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- <br /> ( SEAL � to me persofzally known to be the identieal person___�._____whose nam�re_.______.__________________afj'ixed to the above <br /> instrument as�rantor__�.__., and._________________���_____________severallz�aekr2owled�ed the same to be____�hB�S----_voluntaTy <br /> aet arzd deed for the purpose therein ex��ressed. <br /> I✓l�'W7TNESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my of)icial seal at__._.______________________ <br /> �Q�i�_han_,___in___said___count�r,________on the date last above written. <br /> ----- -- -- ----------Chas-�--��,---R�dm�n---------------- <br /> .Notary Public. <br /> .My commi.ssion expires__�.?eC22�b_�r_-1$tY1-1�1-�-,--_-__------_---_--- �------------• <br />