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-� , <br /> I � �� €�il..lya <br /> � .R �� <br /> DC�C�C� ���O�D �Jo� �On � �. <br />� � �_ :__ _ __ _ _ _ �_. . _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _: -___ ___ _._-_ _T —__ -_ <br /> G �J�-$LOP�'&$AP�1"Z.F'P'1'C6.,1'riniting,Lithoprhph2ng a��ad G'ounty�Supplxes;Ou�aT�a _ <br /> _...,_ . .a.,`. __,� ... , - - �� . . . - - - �— � - �� - �- � � - -� - - — - -- �— -- <br /> ' ' ..... . ,_ . .._� - _ __. . _ . _. ._.... _ �. -.:. __...._. _ ._. . . . ... ,_. . .. _ _._ '.__ _' _'___'__.' -- <br /> _....� ...._ �._ _ _ .._ .� <br /> __ _ _ _ . _ __ . _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ __ _ T <br /> � . <br /> � FR�'M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on ✓Y'umerical <br />� -------1`�!fa.r�T--�'-'----J2V�'ett--&---}1LiSb.__._.___.._ _._--_.. Index an,d filed for record this--------2----------------day of----------------OCt-.-------- <br /> � <br /> .<l. D., 191�------, at--- - - -- �.=3�_-- - -- ------o'clock,_ A� --�YL � <br /> --------- --------- --------- -- - -- -- - �Warranty <br /> -- --- -- - - . UJ <br /> l�p Deed � ; <br />, � I <br /> ------------- -= ---- - - - - -------�------ - -- - - - 1 <br /> Re i•ster Dee,ds, <br /> ---------- - -- -�-q�---�ob_er�__Jewett----------------------- <br /> B�----------- ---------------- - - --- ----- - ---------------- ------ - <br /> ------------ -- -- ----- - -- - ---- ----- --- - - - - - De�nuty. � <br /> �:�oY� �YY �er� �p ��j��� ��e���rt�: ' <br /> ; ����_____ _we_, T��tary _�._. Je�e�t ___and_.John__R, Jewett , _�nri_fe and husband <br /> ---- ---- ----------------------------- <br /> I <br /> dll 1V�brci,Skc3, ____________C,�rantor_ , in con�ide�rztibrc ' <br /> of the CountJ �f-- -- - H� -cznd ,S'tccte of- - -- ---- -- ----- -- - - - , <br /> -- ---- - ------- ------ i <br /> of the sum of___________ _On2___c'�11d__110�__1_OU___ _______I)C)�L.i�S, ' <br /> - <br /> -- - - - - --- ------- - - -- - -- ------ --- -- -- ------------ ---- <br /> . - --- - � <br /> an� other suff'icient and valuable consideration � <br /> in hand paid, do______.____._ _____hereb� GR�1.N'T, B.FIRG.FII.N, SE.T,.L, �ND C,O.NVEY'ur�to______________,TOh7l._ROb_2Y't__JeW2t_t_____________._____ ________________ i <br /> ! <br /> ----------------- --- - ----__- -- ----- --- - ---- -- - ---- - -------------- ------------ ---- - -- -- - - ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----- -- -- ------------------ � <br /> f - <br /> ii - <br />' of the County of------------ I��,11- - - - ----and State of----- - -- - - ---_ N@bI'a.Sk�, ---- - - - -- -- ----,Gra�atee------_, tlte j�el�v�irt� � <br /> described premises, situated in the County of_____________ _ .____ _.Ha.11___________________._______._____and State of�1''ebre�ka, to vvit: ; <br /> ; ._..__Z,o�__ three (3 ) in block five (5 ) in trie First Addition to the Village of 49ood River, � <br /> - ---- ---------------------------------------- - - ------- --- -- -- - - ---- ------ - -- - - -- --- ---�� - ----�-----------------------------------------�-----------------------------�--- -...---- ---- -- - - -- - ' <br /> � <br /> � Nebrasl:a. i <br /> � � <br /> --------�---- --._......... ---------------�----- -- ------ ---- ----- ---- _ -- ------- ---�--- -------------- ----�---------- ------�--�-�-�------•---� <br /> --- -- -- - ------ --- --------- -- -----._----------------------�-- --� <br /> I <br /> .._...._............ . .-- - ---- -...- - ------- -- .....---------- - --- --� ----- ----------------- --------- --------- ---------�- -- ---------- -- � --- --�----------- ---- - --.------------- .._...----- ---------------------- <br /> � <br /> - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - -- - -- --- --- - - - -- -- - - --- -- - - -------�------ ----�----------------- ----- --------------------------------------- � <br /> To�ether with all the tercements, hereditaments, and appurtenances ther�eunto belon�irt�, arcd all ti�e Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Dema32d whatsoe»er of the said Crantor__—__,ry»�itb.�.�.c�f.�a�m, of,in, or to the same, or ana�part theret�f. <br /> �0 �A�IE �lY� t0 �OY� the abor�e-de,scribed premises, with the,appurtenances, rcrcto the said�rantee______,and to__.__._h1S _ h.eirs � <br /> � <br /> ¢nd assi�ns forever. �nd___�!T e_________hereby covenant________with the sai,d (�ra.ntee_______that____�'_e..______________________ hold__________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that.___________b'Y_8__________ha_V_E__�ood ri�ht and lazvfztil auth,oritr� to seld and convey the same; that they are free and ��eafi of ald di�n�s � <br /> � <br />' and ineumbranees whatsoever---------------__...- --- --- -------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ----- ; <br /> - -- - -- - _. - - ------ � <br /> ----------- - - -- - - - - - --- ------------------ --- ------- --- - ----------------------------- - - <br /> .Rnd,.________._. _.___._______RY�______.____ _____________ _ covenant.______to zvarrant and defend th,e said prem,ise,s a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-------- -_ .----- __-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- - ------------- ----------- ------------------------ --- <br /> --------------------- -- - - ------ - ------------ _------ - --------- - - - -- - - ---- ---- ----------------------------- ------------ - - - -- -------- -------------- I <br /> Dated the----- --------1_2th-'--- ----- --da�J �f- �Fr'11 -- -- - --- -- ---__�. D.,19-15-----• , <br /> WITNESS ----------l�Y- ��--�_eW_�t� -- ----- - -- ----------------- <br /> --- ------------W�- Z�---sr r a�ue--------------------------- ---------.z�hn--a.--�_e�+re t t.----------- --- - -- ---------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------ ----- - ---------- ----- � <br /> -------- --- -- - -------- - -- - - ---- --- -- - ---- --- - j <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SK�, I <br /> ss. � <br /> Hall---------------County, Ort this-----------�-�th -----------da�J ��----------------------------------�s'�Y_--------------✓1. D., 19__��__ , before me, <br /> -------------------------- - <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public.----___----___---_-_-_-___-_---within a�zd for saad County,Aersonally came---__--__--_--_----__-_--_-_----_.-----_-__-_----_--_-._----- <br /> _____________________.__T,��.r�_�___Jorin._R_.____Jewett_z__ ��iife �.nd husband � <br /> to me personally knowrc to be the identieal person._8______whose name_�___ar�________________________.afJixed to the above <br /> � . � <br /> ( SLAL � arestrument as�rantorS______, and________________��l.�y._________severaldy acknowled�'ed the same to be._______�nei rvoluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subacribed my name and affZxed my ofJ"zeial seal at______y�p_p_d_________ j <br /> ��.j.V�r_,_�I��?_�aSlt41,_,__1T1__Sald_ .COU21t�yz the date last aboae written. � <br /> - ----------------------------�---�•----�-Fr�u�------------------- <br /> JV'otar�Public. <br /> .Mz� commission expires____P��T�rC�l_ 2�'_, 151$. _ _____19_____________ <br /> ---- ---- --- --- - ----- -- -- ------------------ - � <br /> , <br />�II <br /> ! <br /> k <br />� ,. -- <br />