- - - _...Y. �. . —.__ :�;_e
<br />,� , '�/!° ���V�V � . . ' ., � .
<br /> �( '
<br /> • ` pdncipal amount of ths indebiedness secured by th�s�eed ef Trust,not induding sums advanced ro protect the sesx�rity oi thts Desd of • �; —
<br /> Y '. Trust,exceed tt�or(ginal priadpal amount staied hereln,or g 5Q 000.00 ,whichever is greater. �; ��:
<br /> 16.Mlocaitanaous Provtatana. - �
<br /> (a)Borrawer No!Reteased.Extension of the Bme for payment or mn6iRcation ot senortization of tha sun�s`ecured by this . . -
<br /> , Desd oi Trust granted by Lender to any successor in intsrest of BoROwer shall nat operate to retease,in any mannsr,tha Itab�7t- . .r�,¢,-_
<br /> � ty of tho orig3nal Borrower and Borrower's succescars in interest. Le�der shall not be required to commence proceedings . , -_
<br /> against sucn sua:essor or refuse to ext�nd Ume tor paym2nt or atherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this ,�
<br /> ' Deed of Trust by reason of any domands made by the original Bnrrotiver and Borrowers successors in inisrest. � .
<br /> (b)Lendar'a Poware.Without affecUng the liabili4y of any other person liabte br the payment of any obiigation herein men- , � , , �.
<br /> . � tloned,and withaut aftectlng the lien or charge of thts Deed of Truat upon any portlon oi tha Propady not then or theretafore , , _
<br /> � reteased as security tor the fuli amount ot all unpatd obfi�ations,Lertder may,from tlms to Gme ar.d vrithout noUce(i)release •
<br /> - any person so liattle,(ii)extsnd the maWriry or aitar any of the terms of any such obligaUons,(iii)grant other irtdutgances,(iv} . _
<br /> - • re;ease or revonvey,or cause to be reteased or reconveyed at eny tlme at Lende�s opaon any parcei, por4ion or all of tha _
<br /> Prope�ty,(v)take or release any other or addittonal security for any obligaUon herein menboned,or(vi)make compositions or _
<br /> -`.. other arrangaments with debfors in reiation thereta. _ . .-----�.—- ; _
<br /> � (c)Forbearanee By Lender Not a Watv�r.My forbaarance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or oth- a
<br /> en,vise afforded by applicable law,shall rtat be a wa'raer of or preGude the exercise of any such right or remeay.The procure- _
<br /> ment of irtsurance or the paym�nt of faxes or other liens or cAarges by Lender shall not be a waiver or Lenders�ght tn aocetsr- }: .. :, : . —
<br /> : . ate t�e ma�of tPre indsbtedne�secured by thfs Oeed af Trust =,:;..:.�.;�;. :
<br /> ;��;_ (d)Sueceasors and Assigns Bound;Join4 and Ssveral Uabilt4y;Captioas•The covenants and agreemanis herain cao- . :; ,.�;, .,_._
<br /> tained sh�tl bind,and the�+ghLs hereunder shall inure to,the respactive successors and assigns of Lendar and Trustnr.AI1 -�� `• -
<br /> covenants and agresments ot Tnistar shall be Joint and several.The captions and headings of the paragraphs oi thIs Deed ot '•�����' _'�::
<br /> Trust are for oonvenience onty and ate not to be used to interpret or deftne the provisions trareof. ��°� •�, . •,
<br /> (e)Request for Notice.s•The parties herebY re9ccest that a copy of any noGce of defauit hereunder and a copy oi any notice , „ . �� ��.�-.;
<br />' '� " of safe hereunder be mailed to each party to this Deed of Trust at the address set f o rt h a b ove in t he m a nner prescribed b y ,, _ �y`�^
<br /> r: appllqble law.Except for any other notice tequi r e d un d e r a p p l i c a b t e�a w t o b e given in anotfier manner,any notice provided for .• � �
<br /> in this Deed of Trust sha►i ba given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to the other parties,at the addrass set , .,���::r;�"
<br />. . forth ahove.Any noUce providad for in this Oeed of Trust shall be effective upar►mailing in the manner destgnatesf herein.if ��
<br /> ,..$,. � -. a
<br /> � Trusror is moee than one person,notice sent to the address set forth above shall be noSce to ail such pe�sons. .,�,,�_-.,
<br /> • (fl InspactIoa.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspecUons of the P�roperty.provided =-_
<br /> �ro
<br /> that Lereder sfiail give Tnutor notice prior to arry such inspectlon specifying reasonable puse therefor retated to Lendars inter- �"s:_7c�,°-^� -. �A
<br /> est in ths Property. 4, �
<br /> , (g)Re�onveyance.Upon payment of atl sums secured by this Deed of Tnist.Lender shall request Trustee tn reoonvey the __ �#,�
<br /> Property and shall surrender this Desd of Trust and all notes evidendng indebtedness secured by this Deed of Tnist to ��^^;° �-�
<br /> . r.: _. �;�
<br /> Trustee_Trustee shall reconvey tha Property.without warranty and without chasge to the person or persons Iega1(y entiUed � ��`rerr-;��.,�`_f.
<br /> thereto.Tnistor shall pay ail costs of recordaUon,if any. _.
<br /> ' (h) Personai ProyO�ty;Security/lgreomenL As addiUonal security for the payment oi the IVote, T�usGor hereby grants ���•� - ,;:•,,,�-� _ .
<br /> Lender under the t Ve bras k a Un ffoan Commercial Code a security interest in all fixtures,equtpment and other persona!property '
<br /> � used in connecdon with the real estate or impmvements located thereon,and not otherwise dedared or deemed to be a pa�t ot � '�� .
<br /> • the real estate secured hereby.This(nstrument shall 6e oonstrued as a Security Agresment under said Code,and the Lender '��� t t'V,
<br /> � shali have all ihe rights and remedies of a secured parly under satd Code in addition to the rtghts and remedies aeatsd under �_;� ' .`;,�c .;'.:..-
<br /> � �'''�� and aecurded tha Lender pursuant W this Deed of Trus�prov(ded that Lenders dghts and remedies under this paraS►aPh shal� �� ;_F.�
<br /> ,:r,`�;• be cumnia6ve with,and in no way a Cmitatlon on.LendeYs rights a��reme�ies under any other secudty agreement slgn2�by - ����� Y �'� ;E '
<br />� Borrower or Tnistor. , �~
<br /> i Liens and Encumbrancas.Trustor h e re by w 2�r a n t s a n d re p s o s e n t s t hat there is no defauit under the provlsions of any ���= �
<br /> "°��',; ^ .
<br /> mo gage,deed of truat,lease or purchase contract dascribing ali or any part oi the P�operty,or other contract,inst�ument or - . " �jE � �
<br />�� ,:`; agreement constituting a Ilen or encumbrance against all or any paR of the Property(collecBva(y,'Liens�,extsttng as of ihe �x:" - ��
<br /> c v , z.-..
<br /> date of this Daed oi Trust,and that any and all existing Uens remais�unmad'rffed except as disctosed to Lende�in Trustors writ �'
<br /> ten disclosure of liens and encumbrances provided for hereln. Trustor shaU timety perform all of Trustars obligations. . ,,,�, :14'`�r`
<br /> � � covenanb,representaUons and v�ar►ant3es under any and all exlsdng and future Uens,shatl prompUy forward to Lender oopies -`�' �;;;.,
<br /> ' oi ail noUces of defauit sent in connectton witfi any and alt existtng or tuture Liens,and shail not without Lenders prior wrfuen ,;;,... __ . ._.
<br /> � consent in any manner modlfyr the provisions ot or ailow any future advances under any existing or future Iisns. � ��'�'-_ .__..
<br /> - '� � Q)Appilcatlon of Payment�.Untess otherwise required by taw,suma pald to Lender hereunder,(nctuding wffhout IimitaUon � 'p``�_—.
<br /> r�-. . .��a�
<br /> payments of principal and Interest, insurance proceeds,condemnation proceeds and renb and profits,shall be applied by �;�.--� a�,�-�_:�:_
<br /> . Lender to the amounts due and ow�ng from Trustor and Borro�rar in such order as Lender in its sole discretton deems desir- --�°�:
<br /> Y�S4�
<br /> • ebl0. �r* •�•r'•
<br /> • (k)8�v�rabQt4y.If any provision of this Oeed of Trust conflicts with apppcable law or is declared(nvafld o�otherwise�men- ��` _ _
<br /> forceabfe,sucd►car►fl�ct or invatidity shait not aftect fha other provisions of this Deed of Tnist or ffie Note whi[�can ba given �x.. '�:
<br /> �� effed wrthout the oonflicting provision,and ro this erid the provisions of this Deed ot Trust and the Note are declared to be sew • � ti ;�'
<br /> erable. �',_W...�.�_::���-�---
<br /> .. . (I)Tertns.rne cem►g-Tti�c o r a n o'B o r ro w e r s h a l l i n c l u d e b o t h s i n g u l ar and plural,and wh2n the Tnutor and Borrower are
<br />� the same person(s),those terms as used in this Deed of Trust shall be interchangeabte. :'._��;,,:;�„z;,___
<br /> � (m)Oovaming Law.This Deed of Tnrst shall be govemed by the laws of the State of Nebraska. -- `�- • �.._
<br /> r�.. , ..
<br />... � .7.a,�w�rn��,�.�a��-,--,.
<br /> *�j�'i
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<br /> " � .��.. ._r�^.
<br /> ' y�'#`r`1.r.r,_ '. - _
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<br /> - _.�. %L'' .
<br /> � , ..i`: -h .
<br /> " "TM=`'k�t.��s'"' -� ,
<br /> Trustor has executad this Deed of Trust as of the date written above. � � ���'�:, ��
<br /> . �� � �/��� � .. ��-`Y„-
<br /> eroy G. Cote, a married perst6�°t Trustor . :
<br /> . • . .
<br /> Trustne Trustflr • � �.—
<br /> �. • .
<br /> • . � � T f - -- .-: - _
<br /> .; d . , l �`
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<br /> _.. �' . -- ---� -- ., �,
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<br />