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<br /> � .� � DEED OF TRUST�PYITH PtJTURE ADVA{�1C�3 � �, :
<br /> • � - . . . •
<br /> -' 7HIS DEED OF TRUST,is made as af the 13th day ot March .�s 97 .by and amang ' ' � � � -____
<br /> { theTn�Lor, t p„rn� f('ntQ�a mar_�tl PPrcon �l� '' �=s'- ;`<'
<br /> ' \c� _ ' .,,,.•.' �.:�
<br /> •� 3944 Ham ton Road, Grand Island, NE 68803 � � ` '�""�- -�
<br /> whose mailing address is P ( erein'Trustor",whether one or more. •��, •
<br /> _� u�eTruscee Five Points Bank, a Nebraska Corporation � � . .=�...�T_
<br /> . .,, . +
<br />• whose ma�ling address is P 0 Box 1507 Grand Island, � `��}�'� Y
<br /> � N E 68802-150� (herein`Tnistee�,and �
<br /> ;.j . -.�.ec°,:.;
<br /> 1 the Beneflaary, Five Points Bank ` � ��'�
<br /> •} ,� '�•.
<br /> ,. _��--�::: �af�
<br /> �' whosemailingaddressis 2015 N Broadwell Ave., Grand Island, NE 68803 (herein•�ende�. —
<br /> �,# �_ �_�... - -
<br /> •; FOR VALUAHLE CONSIDERA'FION,indudirtg LendePs extension of cced'R identtfied hereln to Lern,� G_ Cet�± _ � ���-- "g'
<br /> }�:.R-„-
<br /> ..,,..
<br /> •.� (hereln'6orrower;whether one or more)and the trust herein created,the receipt � �'� • ' °= -
<br /> "� of whlch is hereby acknowledgad, Trustor hereby irrevopbiy gran�,transfers,conveys and assigns to Trustee. IN TRUST,WiTH °'�`` �
<br /> ,. POWER OF SALE,tor ffie beneffi and security of Lender,undar and subjed to the terms and conditlone hereinafter set forth,the real � - =�` ;: _
<br /> � property descr(tred as follows: ' ':'f
<br /> Lot One ti), 61ock 64, Wheeter and B�nnett Second Addi�on to the City of Grand � �'��'s.' ;
<br />. Island, Hall County, N�braska. �` ;���'�
<br /> AND Lot Two (2), Block 64, Wheeler� and Bennett Second Addition to the City of ��`"
<br /> .: �, .
<br /> �r�eUf��Rftf�A11 i3'u�ding$���rtaYr�ttten�btrx�useksa'streets,alleys,Passageways,easemerrts.dgh�.Frviteges and appurtenances �"'� '. -
<br /> ''�� lacated thereon es Lz anywlse pertaintng thereto.and the rents,fssues 2nd profits, reverstons and reman�ers thereof,and such per- . F
<br /> sflne5�:roperty th2i is atYached to the improvements so as W ar-sUtute a fncWre,induding,but not limited ro,headng�.^r�cooNng equio- _ �:�., :'_
<br /> ment;and tagether with the homestead or madtal interests,if a�y,which interests are hereby reteased and waived;2::c�which,inctud- , �t'�*
<br /> ing reptacemenis 2.��addiUons t�ereto,is hereby deciared to be a part of the real estate secured by the L`an ai t�ls�d ot 7nut and ''
<br /> ' `� all of the foregoing�irsg reterred to herein as tha'Propertyr'. '� ` ` ��'`—�—
<br /> � ' _
<br /> Thls Oeed af r�,vst shall secure(a)the payment of the pdnclpai sum and interest evtdenceti by a promissory note or credit agree- . `�a?�•�,-,�-
<br /> • ment Aated p��.�,� �a � .having a maturity date oi '•• -�" __
<br /> . �'��.���:;;�_
<br /> in the originai pdncipal amount ot� 40.036.00 . and any and all modiflcatlons.extensions and renewats - _ - -_ _
<br /> tnereot or thereto and any and all future advances end readvances to Barrower(or any oi them it more tl►an one)hereunder pursuant � -
<br /> ��
<br /> ,-��; to one or more premissory notes or credit agreements(herein cailed'Note7;(b)the payment of otheQ s:ams advanced by Lender to . . ,,��. __,_�
<br /> protect the seCUrili ot the Note;(c)the performance o4 all covenants and agreements oi Trustor set forct�+!`.3rein;and(d)a8 present and ..;,,,. :� :�"'%�:���,
<br /> future indebtedness and obllgaUons oi Borrower(or any of them ii more than one)to Lender whether direct,indirect,absoiute or oonUn- ' '" �"`'
<br /> gent and whether arising by ne�,guaranty,ovardraR or otherwise.The Note,this Deed ot Trust and any and all othef�ocuments that - ' l���;��
<br /> secure the Note ar oiherwise�cuted in connecdon therer�':h, IncNding without UmitaUon guarantees, security agreements and :��,,...'ty�,",,,;�_
<br /> • assignments of te�s and rents,shatl be referred to hereln as the'Loan Instruments'.
<br /> • Trustnr cce•cr.:ats and agTees with Lender as fotlows:
<br /> 1. Payrne:�cB indabtedness.NI indebte�ness secured hereby sh2::�paid when due. .'�'°':�„�,�'�1;,,g,:,::
<br /> 2_ Tttls.Tn:sior is fhe owner oithe Property,has the�ight and authority to convey C�.a Propedy,and warrants that tha Hen creat � " ' °. ,'• .
<br /> :�� ��.
<br /> ed P.e:Eby is a first and prior lien on the Property,except tor Ilens and encumbrances set torth by TrusWr in writing and Qelivared to t�� ��* ?.,
<br /> . Lender before execution of fhis Deed of Trust, and the executlon and delivery oi this Deed of Trust does oot v�otate any oonUact or • �'���
<br /> ;C;;� .. , '_.. .
<br /> othar obligaUon t�umich Trustor is subJect. . •- •, ,-
<br /> , 3.Tauea,Aasersmonte.To pay before depnquency all taxes,special assessments and ail otte2r charpes against the Pro�arty • . •���
<br /> now or hereafter levJed. • �''�" �`" '�
<br /> . 4.tnsurance.To keep the PropeRy insured against da.rage by ftre,hazards incluQefl within the tertn'extended coverage', and � ��� ��`'�'���` �
<br /> � suck:c:her halards as Lender may require,in amounts anC w.".h companies acceptab�e*.o Lender, naming LenBer as an addiUonal '. _ •
<br /> named insured,with loss payable to the Lendar. In casa of loss under such policies,the Lender is authorized to aC;�s�collect and : � : ��
<br />� compromisa,a�l d`ms thereunder and shali have Iho opUon of applying 2:1 or part of the insurance proceeds(i)to any indebtedness �
<br /> secured hereby a-�9 in such order as Lendet may determine,(ii)to the Trus^c�co be used for the repair or restoraUon of the Property or ' . .
<br /> (iii)for any other purpose or obJect saUsfactory to Lender viithout affecting the lien ai tt:is Deed of Trust tor the full amount secured ..;' � �-
<br /> hereby before such payment ever took place.Any applications of proceeds to indebtear.:,,;shall not extend or postpone the due date �: ' , ._
<br /> ;_,
<br /> of any payments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder ur hereunder. � � �
<br /> 5. Eaeraw. Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,In such manner as Lender may designate,sufficient • �
<br /> sums to enabto Lender to pay as they beoome due one or more oi the foliowing:(1)all taxes,assessments and other charges against �.� .�'
<br /> the Property,(ii)the premiums on the property insurance required hereunder,and (iii)the premiums on any mortgage insurance . •
<br /> required by Lender. � ' . �
<br /> 8. Maintenanes.Repalrs and Compflance with Laws.Trustor shap &eep Y�e Property in good condition and repair, shali . . ...��
<br /> prarrpUy repair,ar replaca any impro•remsnt which rstiay Ee darriaged or CaaLroye�;sha!!no!�r.�mit av�srrit any ursta or dsiariara- • •• -. � _
<br /> tion of ti�e Property;shall not remove,demotish or substanUatty aiter any oi the improvemants on the�roperiy;shait not oommit,suifer • •
<br /> or permit any act to be done in or upon the Property in viotaUon of any law,ordinance,or regulaUon; and shall pay and prompUy dis- � •
<br /> charge at Trustor's cost and expense ail liens, encumbrances and charges levied,imposed or accessed against the Property or any . . � . . �
<br /> paR thereof. � ,
<br /> 7. Eminant Domain.Lender is hereby assigned alt compensation,awards, damages and other paymenLs or relief(hereinafter
<br /> � . .. ... ..__ .. . -
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<br /> 1 Aivo�inu+a6�raJCm.nvmTw�a+a5an�aA�mc�on.uma�w•••
<br /> i . _ ! � ' � � �
<br /> ...ry.:;........-�-.
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