� � ��
<br /> � , DC�C�D C��C�OC�� �oo ���
<br />_ .__ _ _ _ _ �_ .__ _ .�M___ ��:_____�___._ _ . _ .
<br /> ___ T�=`_ .
<br /> ^�f fo6�iU---KLD�P�13AR2^C�L*"1"2'OD.,l'rinting,Lithoqrapl�inp ared Counly,SuPplxes:Omraha. �"`� `M-M— --�4�` ��-
<br /> FROJII I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on ✓V'umerical
<br /> i�ert E. �°J�,t SCTl &_�+y 1_f�___________ Irzdex arzd filed for record this________1________________day of____�___________��t�
<br /> .9. D., 1915------, at- 11 - - _ __-- - -------o'elock,A_---_.M.
<br /> ----- - -- - - -- -- -_._ �Warranty
<br /> TU Deed. �'/�
<br /> �/���'-2'��---------����,y -------- - --
<br /> Re�ister Deeds,
<br /> william �R. r.�ct�night
<br /> B�- - -- --- ----- ------------ -----
<br /> -------- ---- - ------ ------------------------' - - - - ----- Deputy.
<br /> ��o� �YY �e� �p �C�je�e �xe�et�t�:
<br /> ���t----- ti�'�� �ert �.__.4�1ats_o_n__�,n!3 I.r�a__B_,__._���,t_s_on,- his__W1fe�- --------------- -
<br /> --------- ----------------------------------------- -- -- -
<br /> of the Count� of-------------H�11--------------a,ri-� ,S'tczte of-----------------------------.N2bY'�.Skd, -----------Grantor---S------, in consideratiorz
<br /> of the sum of-------------On�---Dol1.�r--(an�___otner---�oo� -cons_i�erations-)-------------------------- ---------------- -----•z���,
<br /> in hand paid, do- -- - -- --h,ereby GRdf✓y'T, B.�1RG.gI�1�', SEI,L, .�'NP C,O�V'VEY'unto---- - --------------- ---------------------------- - ----------------- ------------------
<br /> ----------------- --------- - ---- --�'filli_an�-F�_----��cl�ni�nt--------------------- -
<br /> ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
<br /> I� of the CouretJ of_-----------------1�cd11--------------and State of_----------.--- _----I�T2b��,S�c:�--------------------------_----------------,Gran.,tee------._, th.e followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in tlie Count�of___. __ _________________ H�.11______________________.____________arzd State of JV'ebrs�cka, to wit:
<br /> _______________I,ot_._Fi�re___�5.)___in__B1ock _Sixteen (16__)__of__University P1ace, an A�dition to t�ie _City of
<br /> - ---------G�_an3 -Islan�� N��r.�.�k_a, - a�--s�.r.v_�y.���...,._.Fl�,t_t_e�_._an�...recor_de_�.---�� � - ----- �-��------�--------------------------------------�---_.....-- ----------
<br /> ----------- ----------- - -- - - - -- - --- --- --- - --------------- ---------------------�-----�-------------....._.----- --- ---- ---- - -----------...----------------�---- --------------�--------------------------------------------
<br /> ------ --- - -- - ---- - ---- --- ----- - -- -- - ----- ----------- --- --- ----------------- -------------------......-----------------•---._....------ ------ ------------------ -------- ----------------------------------------
<br />�', -�----- - -- ----- -- -- ------- -------- -------------------------- -......._...-------------...------------- -------� ----�--- - -------------------------�--------------------------
<br /> ------- �_�._�__ ------- ----------- -- -- - ------ -- -- ----- -------- -- --- -------- ----- ------------------ ----------�--------��---...---------------...---------- --------------�--�-�-----............---------------------------------
<br /> - ------ - - - - -- --- - . ..-- �- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenareces thereunto belon�ii2�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�___,���, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �D ���lE AI�� t0 �O�b the abo��e-described prem,ises,with t,he appurtenan,ces, unto the said�rantee________and to_______h1,5____.._____ heirs
<br />', and assi�nsforever. �4nd_____iY�_____._herebycovenant______with the said Grantee_______that:_________�e______________.._ hold____________said premises by�ood and
<br /> peTfect title;that___________ti1�e__________have__�ood ri�ht and lazvfzcl authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free arcd clear of all Ziens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever.___ _: __ _ . _
<br /> _ __ _. _ _ - --- - --- - ------- - --------- ---------- --------------- ---------
<br /> - -- - - - - --- --- -- ----- --- - ------ - ------ ----- --------- --------- -- --- - ------- ---- ---------------- --------- --- ------- ------------ ---------------
<br /> ti�e _ covenarct_______to warrant and de end the said remises a ainst the law ul claims o all erson.s
<br /> .�nd---= -- ----- -- - - -- - ----- - -- - f A � f f �
<br />' whomsoever________ ___exc�r�t t;�.xes_ f'or__t_�i�___�ear__ly1_5__a�d triere�,fter.
<br /> ----------------------- --- ------ ---- ------ -- -- ---- - - - -- -- - --- - -------- -- --- ---------------------------------- ------------ -- -----------------------
<br /> 2 _th____________ Se �tember 1
<br /> Dated the------------------9 --da�J �/�--- -- -- - -----�- ------- - -- -- -- -✓�. D.,19-----�-----•
<br /> W7TNESS ------------------------13�r�--�- �l�'�SIITl ------ -- ---
<br /> JoY�r� Allan -----------------------l�a---H.--_W_a��on----- ---------- --------
<br /> ST.l1 TE OF NEBR.1 SK�,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ---------------------------��11-----------County, Ura this------- -���Yl----------da�J o}----------------S��.lt_�ZC11�_�r------------------Jl. D., 19---1-� - , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Nota�y Public--------------------------------within and for said County, Personally eame------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --------- -- -I3_�r_t- L-•-- -�Ta��an__�,n d---z-��--�-_---���t�Q��----hi s__�,nri f e>-------------------------- -
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorL_._�._____whose name__S__�.Z'�________________________afj'ixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL � irzstrument as�rantor___S__, and_____��1e�_____________________severally ackrzowled�ed the same to be__________�}�.g��voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed.
<br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihczvehereunto subseribed my name and af�"ixed my of�"'icial seal at_______��,���__
<br /> __I_sla,n�_,_,__in___sai�___County_, _____ _ _on the date last aboae written.
<br /> --- ----------,T Qhn_All�n.------------------
<br /> Notarr�Public.
<br /> ✓lly eommission expires__�_�._ .-�-}--l.�l�'- ----- --- - - ------------------------- - -- -�------------•
<br /> _ _ _._
<br />