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<br /> :,��. DC��C� C���OC�D �oo �On
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<br /> ����U-KLOPP&$A1�TLL�'TT CO..Prinlinp,I,iGhopr¢phitxg an�l County Supplies:bmrzha. ' � � ' � - � � _� �
<br />___� ._.__ _ _ ___ .._ . __>_ __a. ,. ._��_
<br />_ . _ __ _____. R....�u.�___.,,_---__ _,_ _�_—��--+t_____ ..�__.�� _
<br /> FK��'1 I herebz� certifz� that this instrun2ent was entered on �l�'umerical '
<br /> ---------- --�.-C.F1�h�Y'--$c--W��� - - - - - -- ----- Index arcd filed for record this----------2-�}-----------da�J�f•---------------SE�1�..-----
<br /> �1. I�., 19---1--��---, at-- - -- 11:_l� - - ------dclock---A.--,NL
<br /> ------ - ---- ------ --- _ - --- -- - -- __- Wa��ty ,
<br /> TO Deed. . ��
<br /> �/���-�'�� ���-------------------------------------
<br /> Re�i er of Deeds,
<br /> --------- -- - ---------- -�_v__an-A,--I+'i s her--- - - ------
<br />'� B�- �---- --- --- -- -- - --- ---._. ---------------- --------
<br /> •--�-----' - ----------- - - ---
<br /> ---- Deputy.
<br /> _- __ _ _ __- -------- ------ --------- ----
<br /> I -- — -- — -- ------ --- -- -- —
<br /> �.�oi� ��� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�:
<br />� ����_.We_,____G.C_.Fisner _a,nd rRar E.Fisher (Husband and wiPe ) :
<br /> y - - - - --- ----------
<br />, -- - - ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- --- ------- - ------ --------- -- - -
<br /> o the Count o --_---------_--YorK.. --__---- - NebrasKa s
<br /> f . �J f --«-�rc� Stcft� of- - - -- ------------------ - - --- -- ---------- -- - ------- --- ------(�rantor----------, in consideration
<br /> o� the sum of______._____One Dollar _and_ other consideration- - - - - - - - - - - - - -��L.�s -
<br /> - - - -- -- - --- -- - ------- --- - -
<br /> -- -- -- ------------- ------- -------- -------
<br /> in hand paid, do_______..___Taereby GR�gJV'T, B�RG�StIN', SELL, .�.Nn co.NV��unto_____ _._Ivan___A..__Fisher________
<br /> of the County of_-------------H�,11__.-----------------and bYtate of_-------__._-----------_N2brc3,Ska, --------------.----,Grart,tee.-----, the followin�
<br /> -- -- ------ -----------
<br /> described premises, situated in, the County of__._ _ _________________. Ha.l1__.__.___.__.___________________arad State of Nebre�ka, to uri.t:
<br />'' ----------------La�._..Nn..._._f.i_v.-e----�-�-�-._in__B1Q�k--No-•---Eleven----(_ll-�---Qf--�onnie--S�rae---A.�d.i�,�.on.__�.o.._.Gr.�nnd---I_sl.an��-------------..----
<br />�� -----.........N-eb-r-aska� ..as_.��1at-t-�d�--s.urue�re�---�;ti�...x.�c_�xd�d------- - ------- -
<br /> - --- �� --- --- -�---------------------------�-----------------� ----�---�-----�-------
<br /> ----- --------------------- - -- - -- - - - -- - ------ ----- ----- ------------ ............------ -------------------------- ----....-------- ------------- --------------------��----------- -----------------------------�--------------
<br /> ---- ---..... -- - ---- --- ---�----- - - --- - -- -- - -- ---- --..._. - - --------- --�-- ----- ------- -------- ----------------------•-�----------.._. --- --------------------------._-------.._------------------------------
<br /> - ------ - ---------- --� - -�- �-� ---- - -- - - - - -- - -- -- ------- - ---- --------------------------------._.....__.�_..-- --------------------....-------- --- ----................------.....---------------------------------------
<br /> -------- - - -- ------ - -- ------ . .-- ---------------------------------------------------------._...-----------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditcc�nents, and appurtenar�ces the��eunto belorz�in�, and all the Estate,Ri,�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��er,
<br /> E'urtesr�,Claim and Demarzd whatsoever of the said Graritor_______���, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �D ���1E AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described prem,ises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______and to____._____�j;�____.__ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .,4nd__.___W_E__.____hereby coveT2ant_______with the said Grantee________that_________YYe_______________.__ hold.__________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that.___________1�t8_____________.haV�__�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbTanees whatsoeve��g��;��___��,e_U�lpd.i-d---�Q�'�-i-Ori--4f---�VY_0___C_�r'�d1T].__.II1C�I'�F,�cZ��S___1.11._��.V�____Of___�.h�__E_Q1L$�.8,b_16
<br /> B�i1.��.n�__�n�__�LQ�n___A��Q_�_��.�ior�__of___Gran.�___I_s_1__an�_,____Nebr_ask�._,___whicYi__the__sai�__I_y_an__A.Fisher ._assumes______
<br /> a.n.�--�.�r_e�a t-o- F�Y• - --- ------- ------ - --� - ----- - ---- --- ------- ------- -- ----- --- -------------�---- --- - -----------------
<br /> - -------------------------
<br /> I� .gnd______________._______________ _ _ ____________ covertant_.____to warrant and de end the said remises a ainst the law ul elaims o all ersons
<br /> i�'8 - - f P � f f P
<br /> whomsoever-------BXCeFt �.� cL�bQV_�- - --------�------------------------------------------------------------------------...---- ---------------------- ---------------------------- - -- -------------------- - --
<br /> ------------------------ ------- ------ -- - -- ----- -- - - - - ----- - --- --- --- -------- -- ---- -- ----------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------- -
<br /> Dated the------------- --1'-�-tYl- -------- ----da�J ��- ---Se�t_eIClb@T-- -- - -- ------.g. D.,19-�5-�--•
<br /> W'ITNESS
<br /> -----------------------------f'r-.---b'-�---F-1£�2�'
<br /> ( �1.00 )
<br /> ---- ----- -- -�-�--M�----�Yiil�s-------------- --------- - -- - - ( I .R. ) -----------------------------��--------M�r�--E�._Fish�r------�--- - -
<br /> I ( Stamps )
<br /> � c anc el 1 e� -------------=------------------------------------------------------------ ----
<br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR✓1SK�,
<br /> �ss. 13th se tember 3 `
<br /> ------- . _ ----�_YQx_}�-----------------County, On this----- - ----- --- ----------------d��J �f---------------p--------------------------------------.dl. D., 19------�.. , befoTe me,
<br /> the ur�dersi�ned, a✓l�'otary Publie___.__.______________________________within and for said County, personally came______..___________________________________________________.________
<br /> G_,_�._._Fis_��r--�sl--T�a�y_---E_,_��.Slaex'---��1a,a1��r�.�,.__ax1_�__�if_�-�- - ----------------------------------- -- - -----
<br /> -- - --- -------- - - -- ------------------------- -- - -------------- ---- ------- - ------------- ---------------- ---- ------------------------------- -
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persons_.______._whose name__�__c�x'�_______________________afj"ixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL� instrument as�rantor__g_.., and___________t}�g�z_________________severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be____�}7�?Z�_____voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose ther•eii2 expressed.
<br /> I✓l�'W7TNESSW'HEREOF,Ih�vehereunto subscribed my name and afJ"ixed my ofj'icial seal at___________________.____
<br /> �9rk_�__111__83��.___COU21ty,_.__ ______________or� the dc�te Zast above written.
<br /> --------------------------------------�iar--r-.��---�rt.---�h�.l�lg -
<br /> Notary Yublic.
<br /> .NIy eommissiori expires----N-QV• -9-��-�-5-•--- --- --------- ------------------------------�-----------•
<br />