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- <br /> � �� <br /> D�C�D ���O�D �oo ��� <br /> � o6�;U--KI,OPP cPc BAR'TL�TT CO.,Printing,Lithngraphdng arat�C'ovnly.'SUpplies;On�a7aa. . _ . __ _: . _ - ° _= <br />._ __, _ � __ . _ _., - <br />_ . _ � _, _ _ _ ,__. ._..___. - __._-- _ :—_____. ____._�___ —:_—.�..____._.___-.—•.+�___�_,�_�.-�_ .�a� <br /> FR�� I hereby certify tyzat this instru-ment was entered orz ,N'umericab <br /> Wilbur A. Prdtt _�c_Wl�'e _____ Index and filed for record this_________l5__________day of_____.S.@P�_._______.____._ <br /> -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- . <br /> Warranty �. D., 19-��3'----, a,t-- - 10 -- - _ _ - - - -------o'cloek-- A.__.M. <br /> TO � Deed. /� <br /> --- ---- - <br /> _��s��!�P ---�`�:�,� ,; <br /> ------------ --- <br /> --- <br /> Re�ist of Deeds, <br /> ---- -- -------H owar�-H. -Garr�t t-- - - - - <br /> B�-------- - - ---- ----- - - --- ------------ -- <br /> _ Deputy. <br /> �.�.oi� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br />', ����---- - We,- -Wilhur-A,- Pratt and Pdary E.__Pratt �--hi-s- wife-, ------------ -- <br /> -- ------- - - ---------- - -�-- -- ------ ----- -- - <br /> --------- 9-f_-Pa�aw, -in----- -------- <br /> s�P the CountJ of-------IE2-B--- __------------------a�t�i :�'tczte o/'------I111TLQ-18-,---------------- - --Grantor--�-----, in consideration <br /> one hundred twel�e 00/100— — — — — — — — — — — — — DOLL.�4RS <br /> of the sum of_---------- - ---- - --------- - ---- -- ----------� -l------- - ---------------- ------ ---- -- - - --------- ----- ------------------------------ -------• , <br /> ' ' B RC��I�I� SELL .FIND C,ONVF,Y'itinto------------------------------- <br /> ar� hand aid do- -- - lt,ereb GR�INT � ---------------------- -- ----------- ------ ----------------- <br /> p , � , , , <br /> HOward H. Garrett <br /> of the Courctz�of-------------H�.11-i---------------.-----and State of-------------------------N��2z'c3,Sk3---,----------------- _------------.----,Grantee------_, the followin�s <br /> described premises, situated irz the Courct� of_.___ __._.______�_d,ll._________________________________.____._._c�yzd State of JV'ebra�ka, to wit: <br /> ....------Z9t s---One.._��._�_�----Two--�2 )->- -Thr�e -�3 �� - Five �-5-�3 --Seven...-�-7--��>---Nine.---�_9_�...a��_..��eve�....�.11.a�--.�,x�. - � ---- ---�----- - <br /> --�.------Blo ck--Tr�:en.t�--�vua---(-�2--)--�-�---Uni-u-er.�ity.--P1a.c-ez-,--an._Ad�.i.�ian---to.-tY�-e....C.i.t�---.o-f-..Gr--an.�---�-sl.and:,------�-.------�------ <br />� --- - Neb.rasKa�- as_-sur-Y-��r-e-d,- �latted..--a.nsi--r.��nr.de_d.. -- - -- - ---- ------- -- -- ---- --�----------------�---------- ---� --�-- �---- --- -- ----- <br /> -... -- ---. -- --- ---- - --- - ----- ----- -- ------- - -- -- ---- -----------------------------------------------------� --- � � --- �------�------------��----------- �------- ...-----------------------------...__...------------------ <br />',, --------- --- -------�- -- -- - -- - -- - ---- -- ---- - - ------- - -�---- -- ------------- ------------ -----�- ------- ------------------------- -...------ �--�---........_.....-�---------------�------- <br /> -------- _ ------- -- -- ----- - ----- ----- _ - -- - ----- - .. .-- -- - - - <br /> --------- - - -- --- - ------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenemer2ts, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, I�i�%ht, Title,Ircterest,Do���er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoeve,r of the said GrantorS_____,��, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �CO �A�1C AIC� t0 �0�� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rarctee________and to_____��_$__________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .gnd__V4'_e_______hereby covenant______with the said Grantee_______that______________r_N__G'______________ hold__________said premises by�ood and <br />' perfect title; that_______W_�_______________ha_Y_e__�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit;y to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free and clear of all diens ' <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever---------------- - ------ - - ---- ---------------- ------------------ <br /> ----�---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------- --- - - ---------------- ------ - - -- - - -- - - - -- - -------- -- - --- --------- ---- ---------- - --------------- --------- ----- -------- <br />' --- ---- _ .__ _._----._-- - _ __ - ---- - --- ---- - - ---- -- --- ------- -- - -------------- ------ ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ <br /> .Flnd._________________VPe_____-__ __________________________ __ covenant_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whofnsoever-r-2X4��t B.S--�O__t3X��__.f0r --th8---�.�dl'---�-�-�-5-�---------------------------------------- ---------------- - ----------------------------- -------- -------------- <br /> ---------------------- - -- - --- - -- -- ---- - -- - - -- - --- - ---------- -- --- ----- -- ------- -- ------ --- -- ---- -- --- ------------ --- ------ -------------- <br /> Dated the------ -------��'tl ------ --------- ---da�J��- S_B�t_�ett2bQ� --- -------- ------�1. D.,19--�5�--• ' <br /> W'IT.N'ESS ---------------------W-1111U.r--A..---P-Y'cl,��--- ---------------- - <br /> � � • 5� ------------------- Iti!lr�,��--�+'�--P�ci�t 1'.--------- - -- ------- <br /> ------ --- -��a�-•--F�---�_r_�_��Qn-----�------ ----------- - ---- -- - ( I.R. ) - <br /> ( St s ) ---------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - ------------ -- - <br /> -- - - <br /> S cancel].ed? <br /> I 11 i no i s ------------------------ <br /> ST�TE OF��.���, <br /> �ss. <br /> ---------------Zee--------------------------count�, a On this------------ -�-tY1------------da�J ��------------------•---5_EL?.�_�Yt1x2Er-----------�. D., 19---1-3�_- , before me, <br /> the urLdersi�sned, a Notary PubZic______________________..________withirz and for said County, personaZly eam-e__._______________________.________._ <br /> --�xilh�zr_ A, _Pr_�tt�--and--�ar�y__..E�..__�ra�t�_r -��-�---1�t�.f�,---------------------------------�------------------------------- ----- <br /> to �ne personally�cnown to be the iderZtical person_____s____whose name_S___a.Y'e___._______,_________afj'ixed to the above <br /> � <br /> (SF�AL ) irestra�ment as�Srantors__._, and__________________t h�Y_______severally acknowled�ed the same to be_t heir__.___,voluntar� <br /> aet and deed for the purpose thereiyz ex�ressed. <br /> IJV'W'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Zhavehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my o�JEeial seal at_g�,y�a,q�_.___._ � <br /> _____111__�d_�.d__�OUTlty_�______________ _______________orz the date last above written. <br /> ---------------------------------------�has_---�-.-P-res�-on-- -- <br /> .N'otary Public. <br /> .Mz� commi,.ssion expires-----Se�'��--��`�415'- ----- -- -- ----------------- -------�------------• <br />