.. i
<br /> � � ��
<br /> �
<br /> ''Y� D��� ���O�D �oo ��a
<br />—` 56aiP—KI.OPP c�BARTL�2'T CO.,Yrtinli�ag,Lithopr¢phing anid L"oe�nty Supylies:Oriialia. � _ -` - � _--- - ' -- � -
<br /> T+'RO.M Z herebz� certify that this instrument was eratered orc Numerical �
<br /> Albert D. Bur�er �; Wlf2 Indexand led or record this________�St___________da o $e tezo.ber____._
<br /> � f - ✓ f---------�'----
<br /> -- -------- ----- ---- - --- --ro - --- --- -
<br /> Warranty �. D., 19- 1�---, a,t--- �.:�,5 - -----o'clock---A-�---�•
<br /> Deed. ����2� �u� i
<br /> ------------------ - -- - -- --------------------- ----- --- --
<br /> ThOma.S Van�3uskirK Re�i.ster f Pe,e,ds,
<br />, B�------- ------------ - - - ----------------------
<br />, ----------- ---------- ------- -- --- - - -- ---- - Deputy.
<br /> ��o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�:
<br /> ����--We� Albert D.Burger and Claribel B. Bur�er,---Hus'pand---and i�ife--- ------------------- ---- ------- --- -
<br /> --------------------- ------------------------ ------------------ --------- - ---- -- ----------------------------------- - -- --- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- -------
<br /> Ha.1Z urad Stat<� o ----------_._._---------N2b2"�3,Sk3-- -- - - - --------------(�rantor--�------ in eonsideratiorz
<br /> I of the Count�J �f------ ------ -- -- f ,
<br /> of the sum of_-----E_l_6V_�Z1__HI�T���'-�-53---�_'_7�ft�--�d__1�Q�14Q��������=rF��_���������������������������'�'��_��_��DOLL�RS,
<br /> in harid. paid, do_______._.________dz-ereby GR�✓1''T, B�RG.RIJI�, SELL, �✓l�'D CO.NVEY'urato________ThOTTlcl.B_ V321_BUgklrk
<br /> Ha11 Nebraska
<br /> of the Count�J�f- ------ -- -- - - - - -.__ _ ---arzd Stat.e of------- ----- - - -- ---- - ----_-- ----- ------,Gran,tee,--------, the followin�
<br /> ---- - -- ---
<br /> described premises, situated irc the t,'ounty of__.:_ _____ _ Ha,ll : a,rid ,�State of Nebra�ka, to wit:
<br /> _.._,�3e,�.innin�..at_,a__j�oint___Ninety__ (_q0_),_�"e_et__West___of. .the North Ea,st._ ,Corner___of___Lot___One.__�.]...�. ,of___Block. ...
<br /> ._ _Seven (� ) of the Village of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska. , running thence South 4ne Hun-
<br /> dre� Forty Two (142 ) Feet on a_ line parallel with tYie East line of said Zot Or�e (1_), thence______.
<br /> - -- - --.. ----- ----- ------- - ---- - -- ------ ._. ._ - - -- - - -- ---- ------------------------ --------- --z----------
<br />' __._v�est__.Sixty__,_(60).._Fee�.__on the___South_..Zine___pf._..said__Lot_,_ _thence Nort�i.__One_..Ht.indred___Forty...Two___.(_14�_.)_..
<br /> Feet to the North Line of _said Lot, trience_ East Sixty_ (60 ) Feet to the �lace_of_.beg3nning,. __.,.
<br /> ----... ----- -- -- - -�------ ------ - - -
<br /> .
<br /> .._tne___same__b_eing._.a..�.art----of_..Lot---Two..._(_2.�...of'._Block__Seven_..-(-7-)--of---the--Village---of---Doni�phan.-,----�I_�,17�----------------
<br /> _..County_�_ .Nebraska.
<br /> _.. ---�---- - ------ - _ .-�- -- -- - -- - - -- - __ . . . . . . . - - -----------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurteraarzces therer�nto belor��in�, arcd all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozver,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_$___ ��2, of, in, or to the same, or any partthereof.
<br /> �CD ���1Q AIY� t0 �O�D the above-descri,bed premises, with the appurtenanees, rtinto the said�rantee_._____and to______h�8____________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .lJnd__�e____.___herebz�covenant___.___with the said Grarztee______that___________p?e_________________ hold__________said premises bz��SOOd and
<br /> perfect title; thdt._______�e________________hc�e___sood ri�ht and Zawful authoritr� to sell and corzvey the same; that they are free arcd clear of all lierzs
<br /> and incumbranees whatsoever______________.__________________.______.______________
<br />' ----------------------------------------------- - - - - ---- ------- -- --- - --- ---- - - -- --- ---- ----- -- -- - - ----- -- ------- --------------------------------------------- -- ---- --
<br />� --- - -- ---- - ----- --- -- - - - -- --- -- -------- - - - -- - ----- -- --
<br /> ---- - - - --- -------------------- ---- ---------- --------------------------------
<br /> Jlnd_____.______:____We_._____-___.______ ____ ________________. _ covenant__,____to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever------- _ ---- - ---- - --- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
<br /> ---- ----•-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
<br /> Dated the----------2Sth---- -- --------- --da�J �/�- --- -- - ALiFi18t ----- - -.fl. D.,19---�--r3�-. -
<br /> u�zT.�ESS ---------------,Al�ert--D.---Burger----- --------- - -----
<br /> 1. 50 ) '
<br /> H. A. Redma,n -- ( T.R. ) -----------------Claribel__B.BurgeT-----------
<br /> ----- --- ---- -- ---�------------------------------------------------ -
<br /> - - ( S�amps )
<br /> C . ��. R�dman
<br /> (cancelled) - ----------------------------------------------------- ------
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.gSK«4,
<br /> Ha11 ss.
<br /> -------------------------------------------•-----Couraty, Ura this-�------------�$�h-- ----------d�J o�---------------ALigUSt----------------------�1. D., 19_1�___ , before me,
<br />', the urr,dersi�sned, a Notary Public.-_--_-__--___-_-_--_-.___--_-with,in arzd for said County, personally came---_.------_--_---__-_------__-_.._-__--__--_-___--_----__-_
<br /> Albzrt_D. Buxger _an�.._Claribel__B. __Burger,__HUSband and Wife .
<br /> to me persortally known to be the iderLtical persora_S______._zvhose nameg__�E___________________________uf�'ixed, to the above �
<br /> �S '��� instrumen,t as�rantor.__S., and.________they___ severallz�aekrzowled�ed the same to be_.____.thE1r_voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex>>resser�.
<br /> INW'ITNESSW'HEREDF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�"ixed my of�Leial seal at__________________________
<br /> Doni�?han_,____in__said COUrity_,________on the date Zast above written.
<br /> Chas. �. Redman
<br /> - -------------------------------------------
<br /> December—lg-1917. JV'otar�Public.
<br /> .My commission expires-----�--- - - -- --- -- - -------------------- -- ---- -----�-------
<br />