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D�C�D ���O�D ��o �Oo <br />-' uG��O-KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographting and County s'upPlies:dmaka. _ `` -__ <br /> __ __ . �_. . .__�--_ �_.�__:.�_.W__..- --.. . =� <br />-, . _, __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, _ ,_.- - ;_�. _.,_- <br />_ _.,----=_.._�__. _.._- _._-- ._:__--__ -- <br /> .:. _�._-�--_..�.r____.�..:a <br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered orz Numerical <br /> --------__P_h1_ll�ja�?._KY'�,T1Z---& W�f e ----- - ---------_ Index arzd filed for record this--------2�'------------day of.-----------ALi�USt----- <br /> �wa��ty �. z�., 191,�-----, �t- ii:3o -- -- - -------o��ao�k_ a. --,M, <br /> To � Deed. \���%��-l_,(/�� � <br /> ---- ----- --_- --- -- -�- � <br /> -----�------ -f------------ --- <br /> - <br /> Re is�o Deeds, <br /> ----- -- - - ----- ----Hex�ry_--�� -Kranz-- --- - ----- c� <br /> B�- ---- --- -- --- --- ------ _ ------------ - -------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�.oi� ��� �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> ����___ We, Phillipp .Kranz and Katharina Kranz� his_ wife, ___ ____ ____ __ <br /> _ - - - - _.__ - - ------- -------- ------- --- --- ---_ --- <br /> pf the County of_____________H_8.11_________________c�,�r,c� St�r.te of___._.___.__________.__.__.��b�'�3}C�.____ ..__Grantor_S_____, inconsideration <br /> o the sum o _For�y-f ive hundred Ofl�100 - ---- ----- ---- --- - ---- --- - -- - -------- ------ --- - --- ------- ---DOLL.�RS, <br /> f f------- - <br /> I, in hand paid, do--------------------h,ereb� GRd4.h''T, B.h'RG�FIIN, SF,I,.L, �.N'D C,O�N'VEY'i�nto-----------He71�---C. K�'a11Z------------------ ---- <br /> ----------------------------- - - - -- ---- - -- ----- -- ---- - -- ------------------- ------ <br /> - --------------------------------- - <br /> - ------------------------------------------------ ------- -- <br /> . <br /> Hal1 Nebraska. <br />' of the Count�J��- ---- -- - - - - -- ----and State of-- - -- --- - -- ._.-- - -- ----------- ---------- -- -- --- - .---,Grantee------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated ira the C,ounty of_____ __.___ _.____ _________H__a.11____________________________and State of Nebr�gka, to wit: <br /> 1 <br /> .....____.. T��__NOrt_h_ha1_#'___(N-z__)___o.f.__Sect.ion__Sixteen___(_16_).._and,__the___�outh-east__.Quarter..,of___the...No_rth-east __.__ • <br /> ....__..__.Qu�.xt.e�^....(_SE�.__of__NE_4__)___of,_.Sect ion_.S.e�ent_een___(_17_)_,___all__,.in_.Townshi�p_�welve____(.12_)__Northx_.,oP._.._._.._,___ <br /> _ Ran�e Eleven_ (11 ) _West of the 6th P.M. <br /> - �-----�---- - � - - -- ----- - --- -- - ----- . ._...---...-- --. ..------- - ---�-- -------- ------------ ------ -------------- <br /> ._..__.____(.Sai_d___land__in_.Sec.__.,16___havin�_.been conveyed to said Phillipp Kranz by the style _of <br /> .__._______!!Phili�ax� Kranz�� _and___sai_�1__land___in_,.Sec_.__,_17__by___the___style__of__Philix� Kranz!!__�_ _ <br /> -- � - -- - ------------- ---------- --- - - --- - -- - - ------- ------ - --------�--------------------�---- ------------�----- --------------------- -------------------�------------ ------------------------��-----------� <br /> -- ------- ------ - - ----- - - - - ------ - -- --- - - - - - . . ..__------------------------------- ----------�----------------------------------- <br /> To�ether zvith all the tenements, her�editamerzts, and appurteraances thereunto belon�in�s, and aZl th.e Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Ir�terest,Dou�er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demarad whatsoever of the said Grarztor__S__, , of, ir�, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �0 �A�1E AlY� t0 �OY� the above-described prem,ises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee__.___artd to____YLj,S________.__ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �lnd____We____herebr�covenant______with the said Grantee________that_________I��__________._______ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that______________,_?IY_�________ha_V_�__sood ri�ht arzd Zawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens • <br /> and incumbrarcees whatsoever---------------------------.------------------------------------ <br /> ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- <br /> - - _ : _ ----- - ------ ------ -- . --- --------------- --- -- --- -- -- ------- ----------- ----- --------- ---------- -- ------------------- -------- <br /> �4nd____________________we__.___________________________._ _ eovenant_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-------- -- - -- - - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- <br /> ----------------------- -- -- - - - ----- -- --- ---- -- - - --- --- -- ------ ------- - --- --- --- -- ----------------------------------------- ------------------------ --- <br /> Dated the---------------2��h ----:------.da�J �/�--- --- Au� 1 <br /> s t - -- - _�1. D.,19----�-'---• <br /> u�'zT�ESS to si�nature -------- ---__I�hil��.�'� -�-��-------------------- <br /> �,nd mark. �-�-5� � her <br /> ______________________Katharina__ _ <br /> ------------L-._�.All-an ----- -- - - --- ( I.R. ) m�rg ----- --------- <br /> ) Sta,mgs ( --------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------- <br /> ----------- ------- - - - -- --Z�hn__A11an.- - ---- -- ( cancelled� <br /> ST«4TE OF NEBR.ISK�1, <br /> ss. . <br /> Ha.11 �� ` 24tY1 -----------�ay of-----------------------Au-----St--------------.,/1. D., 19--1--- ._ , before me, <br /> --------------------------------------------------Count On this-------------- --------- � - - � <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notc��y Publie._____________________._____________withirc uncl for said Couraty, personally eame_______ <br /> ____Phil13FF _Kranz and___Katharina_Kranz_,___his_ wife, <br /> , • <br /> to me personallz�known to be the iderztical persons________whose name_S_.aY'e. ________________________af)ixed to the above <br /> , {SEAL) instrument as�rantor._.__s, and.__________t heY_______ __ __severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be____t heir____.aoluntary <br /> aet ar�d deed for the purpose thereira expf°essed. � <br /> IJV'W'IT.NESSW'FIEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name arad af}"ixed my of�`Lcial seal �t__._______Cxra,TL�'1___ <br /> I81�rid_,___f 21__Sdid___COLU1t�_�________________orz the date last above written. • <br /> ------��hri__Aa.1�,11------------------- <br /> Notarz�Public. : <br /> .Mr� commi,ssion expires-------J�Tl. 5�- �91$_ ----_-- ------------------------ -------�J"----------• <br /> ;: <br /> 1, <br />. ,. u <br />